
Saturday, March 27, 2010

U-Kiss made me blush!

This is one of the reasons why I wasn't able to give early updates on Jung Min today. ^^

I thought that today will just be a day having breakfast with friends, playing under the sun, having sumptuous lunch and chatting non stop. But I was wrong. Yeah morning was spent breakfast with friends, fun in the sun but I had to cut it short for me because I've to be back to where I came from to meet with a friend. So, just before lunch time I headed back, traveled for 2 hours just to be in time for my date with chae_yene and U-Kiss.

Yup you read it right with U-Kiss. The boys are in town for a mall tour and tv guestings. They arrived yesterday.

Now you maybe asking if I'm a fan of U-Kiss. Yes, I like U-Kiss and I follow them but not a big big fan like a SS501 fan. I listen to K-pop so more or less I know their music.

Alright, so I met chae_yene after 2 hours of traveling. We met at GMA and went straight to the studio where U-Kiss is rehearsing.

When we entered the studio, there were not that many people. Actually, only few staffs, production crew, artists and some guests are allowed to enter the premise. I didn't see U-Kiss at first until someone told us that they're on stage just 5 feet away from us.

So, I see them. I scanned the area. I was surprised to see at first that there weren't much Koreans around. Not even too much securities [exaggerated security people] to check on them. There weren't even Korean staffs shooing people with camera or telling spectators to go out.

After scanning the area, I then took out my camera [I wish I brought a good one, darn!] I was on stage too with the boys [at the right side facing the audience on top of the steps]. I could see them so close and they were just walking in front of us going near to their managers and director of the show.

When we got in and saw them on stage the first person of course that I looked for is KiBum, Hyung Joon's dongsaeng. Saw him right away because he's wearing black wifebeater. Quite handsome in person and friendly too. Well, actually all of them are.

The next person I lay my eyes one is Eli. Geez, this young man is soooo handsome in person and has a real good body. Photos doesn't do justice on him. He's so nice too.

Then I checked on Alexander. He is another person who's feature is much better seen in person than on print and tv. He's cute.

I won't be describing the other guys anymore. But just to satisfy the curiosity of the others they're all nice and handsome in person. Though they're not tall as in tall. But i don't care for so long they're taller than me. ^^

For the whole hour that we were inside the studio my eyes were only on KiBum and Eli.

As I've said the rehearsals took about an hour. They were practicing 'Binguel Binguel'. The boys were the one coordinating with the dance director of the show how they want things are. [It's nice that 3 of their members know English]

Here are some of the photos I took. Miane... quality is not really that good.

From the looks of it there were no problem at the rehearsals. Everyone participated nicely and no staff from the guest were hard to talked to or not easy to please. Mr. Ronnie Heneras, the one who brought them here seems to be very satisfied and we were even able to talk to him. Hee, was even telling him who to bring next. ^^ Btw, he knows that KiBum is the brother of one of the SS501 members [that's what he said 'one of the SS501 members']. Mr. Henares is such a nice person, he even told us the we could have our photo taken with them [btw, his assistance is so nice too].

After the rehearsals the boys then went to their dressing room. We then went there too and saw them eating banana cue [deep friend banana coated with brown sugar] after their rehearsals. They like it! Some one was even singing using banana cue as a lyrics. So funny!

Then after taking their light snacks they had a short photoshoot...

... then our time to have our photo opt with them. ^^

Me with the U-Kiss members surrounding me. See my face so red. I just realized after seeing the photo that I was blushing like a teenager! Gawd! But hey look, who wouldn't! The guys swarmed on me!

I was actually supposed to have my photo taken with KiBum only then someone joined [I think it was Alexander first] then someone saw it and one by one they're all over me!

But I remember that Eli was the 3rd to go near me. He's supposed to stand on my right but decided to just sit. KiBum's arm is on my shoulder [and it's quite heavy ^_^] My hair got stuck under his wrist that is why eI was kinda tilting my head back... can't move it forward. ^^.

Tip : When taking a photo with your fave idols
don't lean as you'll look small, k?

After the shoot, I thanked everyone and even said to Eli that I was in Seoul last month. ^^ He said 'Yeah'? And smiled so handsomely. Then we said our byes and left the room as Mr. Henares would like everyone to clear the room. Thank you Mr. Henares!

Oh geez, never imagine that I could be this lucky with U-Kiss. Argh... could I also be this lucky with SS501? I doubt!

But hey, I'm so happy that the boys' managers are not strict and arrogant. I'm glad that they allowed us [actually only 3 of us] to have photos with the boys. If only all the kpop artists managers are like the managers of these boys it would be really really fun. But then again, I was also thinking, maybe because we're insiders and not fans as in fans that they allowed us to be near the boys.

Anyway, thanks to chae_yene for this opportunity and to the other 2 ladies. I owe you big time guys. ^^ Thanks again!

Here's to share with you the videos that I took, I compiled them. First time for me to make a video and I forgot to include a title before the collage of photos... miane.


  1. You were so lucky !!!

    Ahhh I loved your story !! It was like being there too.

    Technically, you were near baby jaja Her brother is really similar.

    And also I know leader is Alexander's friend!!

    so cool !!

    I got excited with this

    Thanks for sharing :D

  2. did you r contact in gma said anything about them bringing SS501? i really hope that if ever they will come abs-cbn would spnsor them..they would have better exposure with 2. i really hope for a reply. thanks.

  3. i really hope that mr heneras would plan for ss501 to bring here in the phil!!! gosh!!! that would be big!!!
    please please please sir! bring them here!!!!

  4. Liezle 언니 ^^ wowww you're so lucky
    thanks for sharing your story
    i like U-kiss too, but i'm not a big fan. Last month i started watching U-Kiss Vampire. It's fun, but cant be compared to our princes dorkinessㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  5. eee..... you're so lucky to have that pic Miss Lizzie.... i wish for that in the future.. but with our 5 SuperStars!!! ^^

    thanks for sharing!!!

  6. Anonymous3:45 AM

    OW, I envy u, Liezle ah!

  7. Anonymous8:26 AM

    kyaaaa How lucky are u Liezle......
    surrounded by U-Kiss..

  8. Anonymous1:19 PM

    ur so lucky!!! OMG!! XANDER IS SO CUTE!! thanx for sharing ur story!! keep supporting ukiss!!

  9. Wow~~ Liezle!!!
    You were so lucky!!
    Everybody in the photo looks so happy.
    I envy you.


  10. veith5:03 PM

    i was fortunate to see ukiss in one of their mall tours, i went there to take a look at KiBum...they are really good looking in peron.

    I have to agree with you liezle...eli is really really goodlooking in person. pictures doesn't do him justice.

  11. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Their manager is really nice:) I was actually standing beside him while they were taping their guesting in Master Showman ^^~
    photos here>

  12. I have to agree that photos dont do Eli justice! He lOoks so Gorgeous in person!
    It sounded so fun! The boys and their managers are so friendly~ I love that group photo~ U're so lucky!!! ^^

  13. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Wah You're so lucky...Dongho is so CUTE^^

    Thanks For Sharing^^

    I will link this website so many fans can read it...if its okay with you^^

  14. hi lizzie! lucky u! :)
    i think they came frm their myx taping coz they stl wore the same thing wen i saw them hahahaha.. thanks for sharing!!! i hope when they come back for a concert here, bebe will go with them to support his lil brother kibum hehehehe *cross fingers* hahahaha :D and this time we shud definitely tell him to bring the rest! :D

  15. jellie9:07 PM

    Hii ^_^ You're soo lucky :D

    But i honestly couldn't care less if GMA or ABS will bring them to phils. I'm all the way in Dubai T^T so I hope the Korean bands will come either in June-August or December ... that'll be a great christmas gift ^_^

    Thank you for sharin (:

  16. Anonymous9:21 PM

    kainggit ka nman po... nkasama at nkausap mu pa cla.. haayy... ur so lucky...

  17. Oh my... You are one lucky girl!! Wished they come to Singapore again....

  18. Anonymous3:03 PM

    wow!!! so it was you!!! ive seen this photo somewhere but with the girl's face covered, but now i know. haha lucky you! when i saw this pic for the 1st time i almost cried because of envy hahaha

  19. Anonymous3:04 PM

    wow!!! so it was you!!! ive seen this photo somewhere but with the girl's face covered, but now i know. haha lucky you! when i saw this pic for the 1st time i almost cried because of envy hahaha

  20. you're so lucky.. i hope SS501 too... >_< i miss them so much... anyways, photo with KPOP bands is one of my wish this year.. agh~ whatever it is... SNSD,Suju..U-Kiss.. 4minute... anyone of them...

