
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

[Unsubbed] MBC Game 'Hyung Joon Becomes Pro-gamer' Ep 10

This is the last episode of MBC Game 'Hyung Joong Becomes a Progamer'. Kinda feeling sad about it. It's been three months that Maknae has been providing us good laugh via esports.

As the show comes to its end, I hope that Maknae's friendship with the progamers will still continue. I really like how it is in reel and hopefully in real too.

Geez, I'll definitely be missing seeing the tandem of Maknae and Shark. As well as seeing the other progamers supporting Maknae.

Here's episode 10 coutesy of poohlhl

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8


  1. Ahhhh, Maknae just made me cry again. Sigh...

    Geez, it's really hard to say goodbye to someone you've grown so fond with, right? But all things must come to an end.

    Anyway, I can feel and see that genuine friendship was established and that these guys despite their busy schedule will keep in touch with each other.

    Yay, I'm gonna miss this show...


  2. He's crying??!! Awww....

    this show really make me laugh & cry together as well! so sad it has ended... I've started to like Maknae more and more now ever since I watch this show. He's way tooo cute here!

    Same like you liezle, Im soo going to miss this show too!

  3. Anonymous1:48 AM

    i'm crying..
