
Monday, March 29, 2010

[Vid] DVD Persona In Seoul Making [Leader and Young Saeng cut]

Check this out! It's cute! It's Leader and Young Saeng cut in the making of MV for their Persona concert. Waahhh I want to see the rest of the boys too!

Leader is looking soooo cool doing retakes when going down the stairs. And as usual when he did the NG on the sleeves of the jacket, his smile is again just lovely!

As for Young Saeng, I cannot help myself from smiling all through out his scene. He's sooo cute! I think I'm going to join the ladies who want to pinch his cheeks. And I want to touch his clef chin too! I wish to really see Young Saeng act in a drama. I hope he'll give in to the clamour of his fans. ^^

Thanks to Sudal for the tip and to SSlovechau for uploading on YT.


  1. Anonymous11:19 PM

    i just died!! hehe..young saeng is just way too cute in here!

  2. Lynne4:57 AM

    Way too short clip on Hyun Joong ...
    Are there anymore clips of him on this?

  3. Anonymous6:21 AM

    I really enjoy watching Hyun Joong's videos before he made BOF. He was so carefree ,noisy ,a total dork ,funny and spontaneous . Now he is quiet , calculating ,always doing environmental sensing and as somebody commented businesslike .Of course,he has matured and learned many things along the way . Nevertheless ,it is totally refreshing to watch his younger version .

  4. love young saeng....
    his scene with that girl...he so shy..hahahah

  5. Anonymous8:54 AM

    It doesn't really matter whether he's the Shy Prince, Otter Prince or Bad Boy Prince, looovvveee those cheeks...pinch pinch pinch!!!

  6. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Well Anonymous at 6:21 I don't believe Hyun Joong has changed that drastically. He has matured but that is to be expected. I have watched several shows he has been on recently and he is still very witty and funny. He has always ran hot and cold on his talkative side. Sometimes he talks non stop and other times he barely speaks a word. I know Kyu Jong did say Hyun Joong wasn't himself when he first came back from filming BOF but that he was back now. I think some people are just over reacting about him changing. He is just growing up and maturing as any 25 year old would do.

  7. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Awwhhhhh........Young Saeng-ah

  8. Anonymous12:53 AM

    Agree to anonymous at 10:23. Hyun Joong hasn't chnaged but matured more. He's still so witty and carefree. He's never calculating, esp towards fans. He loves his fans from the bottom of his heart.
