
Saturday, March 27, 2010

[vids] kyu jong and young saeng @ general idea photowall

I know many are waiting for this and it's finally here! Thanks to Gilch for sharing on this video by wangjamin.

The video takes time to load as it's uploaded in Daum, so just have a little patience. If there's a YT link, it'll be shared to you soon. [There is already one! ThanKYU Shirley!]

If you can't watch the vid above you may try this link HERE.

P.S. I just knew it Shirley to the rescue! ThanKYU Shirley for posting on your shirbogurl501 channel!

P.P.S From SSTV courtesy of 3kimheopark ^^


  1. shirbogurl2:03 AM

    hehe here's the yt link

  2. I knew it! You'll be my lifesaver ^^

    ThanKYU Shirley!

    Have a great weekend!


  3. shirbogurl2:11 AM

    sorry havent reply ur email yet...will do so after work today hehe u knew i will come to the rescue cuz theres kyu!! =)

  4. i know ^^and i've a feeling that you're already doing it that is why i'm staying up so late. i'm supposed to be sleeping now as i've to leave later at 5am for some get together with friends. ^^

    have a great day Shirley and talk to you later.


    P.S. I haven't seen much photos of Kyu Jong yet if HeStory has please shove them here, k? That is if you're not busy. ^^

  5. Oh yeah,Shirley. Jung Min too.

    Have you noticed there's only one photo of him that came out yesterday.


  6. shirbogurl2:24 AM

    oo u r sleeping so little again. should rest up before 501 day come!!
    HeStory pics usually wont be out this fast. need to wait for those hehe
    yeah lil pics of jm. i will try to find for u after i get off work~~

    have fun at ur get together w friends!!

  7. wooooooooooo.... kim bum again~~~~~
    hiak hiak hiak

  8. Anonymous12:03 PM

    thanks for sharing!

    whats with Kyu's hair? shoot the stylist! lol - make him looked the oldest among the boys now!

  9. Anonymous3:50 PM

    JungMin's news photo

  10. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Young Saeng ah, can we pinch your cute little cheek?
