
Friday, March 26, 2010

[vid & pix] Hyun Joong @ Seoul Fashion Week ~more added!

The much awaited appearance since it was announced last night of Leader in Seoul Fashion Week happened finally. At the strike of 12nn [Korean time] he appeared at the photo tableau to greet media before the fashion show started.

LHL has been giving us unselfishly links where we can get good photos. Thanks again dear. ^_^

I've decided to make another page since I know that more photos from different portals will still be coming in. And here are more...

And click HERE to watch Leader from SSTV via YT.

Btw, Hyun Joong and KiBum came as guest. Yoo Seung Hoo though walk at the runway.

P.S. Pardon me for re-posting this photo here. I just love how the pants is hugging Leader's legs and rear in this photo. ♥_♥

1 comment:

  1. and more.............
