
Monday, March 15, 2010

You'll definitely ♥ these pix...

Especially is you're one of those who ♥ Young Saeng. But then, even if you don't, you'll definitely ♥ with him when you see photos.

Much thanks to Sudal for sending them again. I really have to thank her again and again as she's a great source of Young Saeng photos and videos. Also, heaps of thanks to the shutterbug of BestYS. These set of photos are really in HQ. Just love love them all. Wonder if the one taking these is a professional photographer, she's so good and definitely her camera is one of those really nice ones.

Alright if the photos above are not enough for you to ♥ Young Saeng, I guess seeing him in action on stage would make you one. ^_^ Check these videos...

videos courtesy of SaengFam


  1. Anonymous7:53 AM

    thank you very much! miss him!!

  2. Miss Lizzie... kumawo! ^^

    missing my Butanding Prince.... hihihi... glad that he's going to have his own promotion for the OST song....

  3. Anonymous3:57 AM

    suuuppeerr dooppeer cccuuttee!
