
Saturday, May 01, 2010

501Day Pix on 5.01!

2At exactly 12MN in Korea 501Day photos were released by DSP.

These are photos for the album jacket. They're heavily made up. I wish to see photos of them without the mask on and I'm anticipating to see their full body shots.

Shall we interpret each photo?

P.S. I'm glad that DSP released this on 5.01. Remember I wrote in my post HERE when we've learned about the delay that I wish that DSP will somehow compensate the fans for the delay? I guess this is it. Thank you DSP!

See, it's still 501 Day on 5.01 afterall. ^___^


  1. 19frantze11:17 PM

    omg omg...nd OMG!!!!

  2. fellyz11:18 PM

    OMG!! how to say, this time their style are totally different from before, sexy + .. difficult to describe... unbelivable.. I really anticipate to see their new songs!!
    btw, good news which share by ode, SS501 will attend Taiwan 21st Golden Disk music awards, I'm too excited!!

  3. 19frantze11:27 PM

    kkk...after the shock...mianhae for my previous comment..i was just so speechless.. ^-^
    first of all thank for the share ateh,the new concept totally dfferent,such a big change..
    hmm...who's hands those on KJ oppa?oh..dnt touch
    nd JM oppa,we really cant see u at all....
    #501day DAEBAK!!

  4. Anonymous11:29 PM

    They comeback on time that they promised. Ha ha... So so so happy... I win.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Anonymous11:35 PM

    OMO Kyu Jong Oppa why is someone holding you? :(

    Jung Min Oppa as usual is the most conservative~

  6. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Hyung Joon Oppa seems to have a very good body :o

  7. @11:35, good observation. it seems like someone is holding kyu jong.


  8. Anonymous11:39 PM

    LOVE IT!!!
    do you guys know about the concept???
    can't wait to see the full body shots!! ^__^
    thank u liezle...
    from : wi in

  9. Anonymous11:51 PM

    i ADORE this concept!!!! can't stop spazzing over it, love it, love!!!!!! HJL looks AMAZING~!

  10. thanx a million liezle.. those photos were awesome..unique.. it;s proves our boys are getting through the next stage which is more to being a men.. can;t wait for their latest production (sure lots of changes and surprise they'll make)

  11. tetsu girl12:33 AM

    With all the idol groups out nowadays, it's getting harder and harder to come up with unique, attention-grabbing new concepts. But they totally hit it right on the money! This is guaranteed to please fans, grab the media's attention like wildfire, and make even the general public (non-fans) anticipate their comeback.

    After the initial shock/glee, I really like this concept, which I named "Toxic Love". It's alarming and alluring, not to mention seductive! =OOOO

    Ironically, I had a dream that their new concept would have them in sexy suits, making sexy poses with sexy women, kinda like Kyu Jong's photo, except the women would be wearing the masks (not so scary as these, but Persona masks), so that the women are anonymous, allowing fangirls to fantasize in their place (and also to protect the identities of the models who would become the fangirls' targets XD;). My dream kinda came true, but this is still beyond imagination! *_*

    I really can't wait for more teasers! What a great 501 Day gift and beginning for their comeback! :D

  12. tetsu girl, thanks for sharing the above. you seem to be really excited about the concept.

    i like your 'toxic love' kiinda fit the concept of the photos above.

    can't wait for the other photo to come out and of course their songs.

    thanks again.


  13. thanks so much for sharing this!

  14. tetsu girl1:31 AM

    Hi, Liezle! I'm kinda embarrassed to be getting a reply from you. *blush* I am "really excited" to say the least, but this is your blog, not mine, so please excuse the super long comment. ^^; I just had to put down my thoughts because I'd been going crazy ever since I saw the pics! I'll try to contain myself next time. XD;

  15. Hey tetsu girl, no need for an apology. I love what you shared. Don't be shy in writing down what you think. It'll be nice if others will know about it too. Who knows others are feeling the same why as you do it's just that they can't express it, right?

    Thanks again.


  16. Anonymous1:51 AM

    Wow!...this is definitely a different and interesting but cool "Fifth Element". I kinda wish the masks wouldn't hide their beautiful faces but the all black is cool though...

    Happy 501 Day to all the Green Peas around the World!!!

  17. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Our 5 Mysterious Gorgeous Men on 501 day. This looks like futuristic. The smirk on JM face makes me think he is the King, YS is his capture and Leader is his slave. Kyu the playboy prince and HJB the broken hearted.

    I don't want to sound morbid but the gas masks also makes me think about the current situation between North and South and they are the soldier of the future who will instill peace.

  18. tetsu girl3:17 AM

    Hey, Liezle! I appreciate your approval and encouragement in your visitors expressing their opinions. Thanks for being so nice! ^_^ And of course, thank you for maintaining this awesome blog!

  19. Anonymous3:41 AM

    OMG! i ddin't expect this concept at all!! I can't say that i love it, how i wish i could see their beautiful faces! I'm actually in a shock mood right now! It's kind of cool and unique, but i'm not really loving it! But this is just a teaser, so maybe the other pics won't be like this! Still LOVE SS501 though =D..Can't wait for their song songs and comeback!! Can't wait to see them on variety shows, and i hope their appearance on shows would last longer than last time!!!


  20. OMG OMG they are super hot.. i melting... is that women hands on kyu? jealous!!!! liezle thanks for sharing!!!

  21. Liezle, thanks for the photos. Our boySS give surprise to us at D-Day. Yippie!

  22. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Is it me or Jung Min Oppa's hat thing looks like a bomb? D:

    Omo this concept is really interesting 8D

  23. this morning the first thing i did as soon as i woke up (as usual) was go to your blog to read about May 1. when i saw the new pics at first i was shocked and taken aback, and then really loved it. anyways, then i started randomly googling several k-pop websites, blogs, and forums to see if they'd posted these pics. somehow, clicking here and there, i got to this forum in where there were people talking about how SS501 despite being around for 5 years arent popular at all, and are always easily crushed by other groups, and one person even said that "they are in the 3rd tier". it all really dissapointed me. what people dont realize is that compared to other idol groups they are really really popular in other countries, esp Asian countries so yes they have lots of fans and they are earning money. but then i thought, they are a Korean group and Korea in their main market so I want them to be VERY active in the korean market too. the boys have always dreamt of winning the daesang award, and for main awards like that it is the response of the korean market that matters. it kills me to see all these "trying to be cute" groups win the highest awards when i feel like our boys are more deserving. i guess in the end it all boils down to the promotions. i hope this time the promotions will be full on, and that they promote several songs not just 1 or 2 tracks. being a big fan I listen to all their songs (well at least the Korean songs), and there are some lesser known songs (cuz they were never promoted and rarely performed) that i like much better than the promoted songs. I really hope DSP does everything they can this time and leaves no stone unturned. I feel(and im sure many fans feel the same too)that DSP hasnt done all that they can to promote our boys, and even though SS501 is the ONLY korean group i follow, it is very easy to notice that other entertainment companies are away ahead of the game than DSP, which is not fair to our talented boys. I pray that this album (hopefully it is an album and not a mini-album) will be the BIGGEST hit of the year and that they win several awards. I also hope that they stay active in Korea cuz in several k-pop websites, lot of native koreans claim to not hear much about SS501. Ahh!! so sorry if i sounded whiny, but reading all those things really put me down and i hope our boys can show those a**h***s that they are the best!!

  24. @ Miss Anonymous, 10.26am

    i can't agree with you more. it breaks my heart to see other newbie and less talented groups getting so much more recognition than SS501 and even though SS501 is undoubtedly one of the most popular groups (not just korean groups) in Asia, the korean market is still the most important when it comes to big awars. hopefully things will change with this album (:
    and even if it doesnt, we'll still love them as much, if not more. right? (:


  25. Really love their new image!! ^_^

  26. @miss anonymous

    well said.. i already know that issue but it's very hard to express it to every triple S.. i was crushed when i first knew about our boy's standing among k-pop world.. it's sad enough that they don't get the recognition they greatly deserve.. but then again.. they have us.. every Triple S around the globe who supports them.. and about the photos.. they nailed it BIGTIME!! and toxic love.. I LOVE IT!!

  27. @ saltly seeweed and ysang

    thanks for responding. Im glad there are several other Triple S that feel the way I do. Anyways, like everyone else I'm really looking forward to the album, and the MVs, and for some awesome choreography. Already loving the concept :). Little worried though about all the competitions with so many groups/ singers making comebacks right now, but i have confidence in our boys and im sure they'll stand tall amongst all their competitors. And regardless of what happens, like salty seaweed said, Triple S is always there for SS501.
    SS501 fighting!!!!

  28. Hi Miss Anonymous and thank you for sharing with us your thoughts.I hope you're feeling better now after telling us your feelings.

    I used to get hurt when reading not good stuff about my favorites but as time goes by, I got used to it. And now I never get affected by any of it.

    SS501 is already an icon in k-pop industry no matter what the others tell. They are popular whether in their homeland or in other parts of the world.

    Last year, they decided to capture the Asian market not because they are not popular in their country but because they feel that they're ready for it. And they succeeded. Had they only stayed in Korea last year I don't think they will be tagged now as Hallyu Stars.

    Many idols are jumping into the bandwagon of going international because of the tough competition in SK as well. But not armed with the right mechanics some fail.

    I won't say much about DSP since I really don't know what's going on inside DSP. But since the boys decided to stay with them, I guess they are satisfied with the way things are in DSP.

    With the new album coming up, I think that they will again do the same game plan that they have last year but with more chances of us seeing them in their homeland.

    With all TS uniting, I don't think it'll be hard for SS501 to achieve their dreams.


  29. Anonymous2:28 PM

    i'm gonna cry!!
    ss501 make my heart beat so fast!!
    they are so hot!

  30. Jennifer3:04 PM

    Wow amazing new concept!!! Can't wait for their album.

    But why is it there's someone holding onto Kyu? Ahhh....making me so jealous. Keke...
