
Monday, April 26, 2010

about the album delay

It's already morning and in 2 hours i've to go to work. I need to sleep! But I can't yet because I'm still busy looking for news about SS501's Hallyu Fan Card Concert.

Anyway, just came from the blog of Lois and she posted there a summary of what happened at the concert. You may click HERE to read.

Ahh, been watching the vids and seems that it was really a nice concert. And I believe that there were many Korean TS who went to support the boys. Wow!

I'm sure you are already all aware of the album delay. Well according to SS501, the new album will be released within May but not 1st of May. They said that they have to prepare for something and asked fans to wait for it. We will, right? And we will be understanding about it, yah? There's no point in getting mad or pointing finger to others. ^_^ Anyway, I'm sure whatever they are doing will come as a big surprise for all of us. Also, there IS still a 501Day. It'll be on the day that the new album of SS501 will be released.

I just hope that they will do something for us on 5.01 day itself as they've already set the mind of the fans that something's going to happen on that day. I just hope the the marketing people or the managers of the boys thought about this. By doing so this will somehow compensate the fans who have been anticipating 5.01 day to come.

Geez, after watching all the vids I realized how I miss them so much and seeing them all together again tonight made me happy. Waah and i'm craving for more!

Alright, I guess I need to really drag myself to bed. Ciao! Later again...

P.S. I'm pretty sure there'll be lotsa lotsa drool-worthy photos for us later.


  1. Thanks for the information =)
    Hope the boys will prepare well and comeback handsomely =D
    Good night liezle :)

  2. Thanks liezle and Lois for the information.
    I kinda have a feeling that it may delay but I'll sure wait for it.

    I've been up also at 3 oh my.. i just couldn't sleep without knowing what they're talking about in the car from the clip. ^^

    and must say I really really really miss our boys !!


  3. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Don't worry. Ahhhhhhhhhhh.
    I think it's just a funy MV show for fan in the event. They was laughing when they talk about that.

  4. of course tripleS will understand the delay..
    i just hope we can do something to them like what they always do to us, tripleS..

  5. ..always....wait patiently for them..
    never i doubt their feelings for TS all around the world..
    just do your best guys..
    i know exactly that you guys have worked hard on 5.01 day
    rest well too...
    be healthy, blessed and happy together SS501 <3 u till the end~
    i will SS501 yongwonhnie~~
