
Sunday, April 04, 2010

Can you find them?

Made the image bigger compared to the original one. ^^

Anyway, this is a group picture of production staff, crew, dancers, security, DSP, Mays and SS501. Can you see each member of SS501? I'm missing one... can't seem to find him. ^^

Thanks to purewater for sharing this on PrettyBoy.

You guess first before clicking the image, k? So that it'll be fun. ^^


  1. i saw JungMin first.. then Leader in blue, KyuJong in yellow.. then I saw Baby just next to JungMin.. hahaha..
    i hardly find YoungSaeng.. but in the end i notice youngsaeng is just behind leader.. hahah

  2. i found jung min first (how could u miss him, his right in the middle with that red checkered shirt of his) and then baby (obviously he would be beside jung min lol) and then leader and then kyu jong...are you looing for youngshimi??? i cant find him too!!

  3. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Hello Liezle^^

    Is that Baby beside Jungmin? Cos he looked soooo much like KiBum here!
    If thats Baby, then i THINK i got all the boys? hehe


  4. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Saw Jungmin then baby. After that i saw leader, then was hard to find young saeng, but later on i saw that he was at the back. You only see a little bit of his face..So cute like a little boy! hehehe

  5. Anonymous7:15 PM

    i first noticed leader, then kyujong...after tat jungmin then baby...took quite some time to find youngsaeng...

    anyway, anyone noticed tat leader's wearing slippers??? hahahahha!! he's really so random....

  6. Anonymous7:30 PM

    I first notice Kyu, then Leader, Jungmin then Baby. Have to make a double look for Youngsaeng. He is the one stooping at the top of Leader.

  7. As usual, the 1st one I try to find is Young Saeng . Such an addicted I am......
    I found him, he look so happy right?
    The man who wear blue hoodie above leader, and Young Saeng is standing next to him.
    Seem like Leader is so close with DSP chairman.
    Anyway, the manager that always takes care of Young Saeng is standing near him ^_^
    Omg, noona stilish is standing so far TT_TT Thanks for bringing the "hot attractive outlook" for our boys noona:XS

  8. yay i guessed them all rightxD
    they are too difficult to hide in crowds. even like that, they shine. hehe

  9. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Hi Liezle,

    do you know if JungMin has a twitter account?

  10. Hi Anonymous 9:18. They said that this is his twitter account > though we still have to really verify.


  11. Anonymous9:47 PM

    saw mal 1st, then kyu due to the brightness of the yellow.then of course can't miss oppa next to kyu. 4th was baby beside mal. was having a hard time looking for YS oppa, then got some hints from the pea princesses on his where abouts... just the head, he really is a bad boy hiding like that...kekekeke..


  12. :DD
    i think i found our young saengie!!!
    his not sitting tho..

  13. Anonymous10:38 PM

    ahhuh spotted you bad boy prince it doesn't matter where/how you hide you still shine

  14. Anonymous11:02 PM

    i first notice kyu jong, then leader, jungmin, baby then youngsaeng...its not quite difficult coz they are different from others...they more shinig...

  15. I am reading everyone's comment and yeah I believe that it's not really hard to spot members of SS501 because they standout amongst the others.


    P.S. Thanks guys for leaving your footsteps. ^^

  16. Ahh I found them !!!

    Thanks for sharing

    Our boys are so shining !!!

    and leader with sleepers shines more !!

  17. Anonymous6:51 AM

    i saw baby first then kyu jong,jung min and leader, i had a hard time finding my bad boy prince!

  18. lol found Leader 1st, then sweet Kyu, Jung Min and Baby rite next to him! I guess it's taken when the boys were in ShangHai rite? 'cuz I think Leader wore the same jacket to play soccer ^^
    Gossssshhh take me 4ever 2 find Young Saeng!!! I was lyk "HERE HE IS!!!"
    He's so so bright in this picture ay ^^
    To bad our Bad Boy's face was covered a bit!!! But he's still DAMN cute!!
    LOL at the manager... how can he be so happy all the time ay??
    Yuri unnie was cut in half T___T!!!

    Thanx for sharing anyway!!!

  19. Anonymous12:09 PM

    yey! I think I found all of them... hahaha
