
Thursday, April 01, 2010

[Pix] Hyung Joon with Choco ^ ^

Oh wow! Thanks Imane for posting this here. I've been seeing this collage photos of Maknae and Choco for several days now and I think I just know how this collage ended up in news portals. ^^

Remember how Leader's photo driving his Porsche Cayenne ended up on the news portals too? Well, it's the same thing with this photo. The writers got these photos from the posts of netizens and made it into a news! ^^ Now Choco is a star just like his master. ^^ Way to go Choco! May I have your paw stamp? ^^ [Geez, that would really be cute!]


  1. Anonymous2:26 AM

    So cute!! Choco is so big already!! :D

  2. yay! she's grown so big!!! i remember, she's too small and cute before... almost only fits Bebe's palm...

  3. woaa .
    choco is so cute like his/her master !
    his/her loves him/her alott !
    lucky choco !
