
Sunday, April 11, 2010

I watched SuJu concert for free! ^_^

Finally, a big scale KPop concert happened here in our country last night. Super Junior SuperShow 2 was held at the Araneta Coliseum. As I've said before, this will be my gauge if KPop really has a market in our country.

When I learned that Super Junior will be having a concert here, I know already that I'll be watching but I didn't set my mind in getting the most expensive ticket like what I did whenever I watch SS501 concerts.

Three days before the concert I still do not have a ticket though I keep checking whether there's still tickets available. Then I got a call from my sister telling me that she has complimentary tickets for me 'for some Korean band performing at the Araneta' [she's not a KPop fanatic like me so she doesn't know who SuJu is].

Yes! Yahoo! I've free tickets. I'm spared in shelling out money for this concert. But as a thank you for my sister, I gave her an overnight accommodation to a hotel in bay area. ^^ [Shh... so that I can have more in the future] ^^

I'm not a big fan of SuJu but I know their music, I've watched their tv shows, I know what's going on in their group and I've seen few of them when I was in Seoul since my friends and I went to Sukira to see them. Some of my friends are big SuJu fans so whenever we have get together I'm updated with all the news about them.

Saturday came, the day of the concert. I went to Araneta early [4pm] as I really hate looking for parking space. I meet my friends who are also watching in Starbucks. We had snacks first then at exactly 6pm we went inside the coliseum.

This is how it looks like inside when we went in at 6PM. Thanks to blueberryjoon for sharing with me this photos.

I noticed that as earyl as 6PM the gallelry is already full. It's actually already SRO. In UpperBox B, there is a big block of seats that are vacant. UpperBox A is almost full and the SVIP as you can see is jampacked. Araneta Coliseum for a center stage concert has about 12,000 t0 15,000 seating capacity.

A little pass seven, as the show is about to start I saw that there is still a big chunk of block in UpperBox B [middle] still unoccupied and some other parts of UpperBox B.

Then the show started, sea of blue lights flooded the coliseum [photos courtesy of blueberryjoon]. Screams are deafening. Fans got excited. Super Junior on stage performing their first number. Everyone gone wild.

This is part of their 1st set. Photos courtesy of blueberryjoon.

I won't be giving details of the songs since I am really poor in song titles but will just give you some of the highlights of the shows.

As this is my first time watching SuJu, I can't help but compare the shows to that I've seen in SS501 concerts. So pardon me if there are bits and pieces of comparison.

There are only 10 members of SuJu who came, Lee Teuk, Hee Chul, Ye Sung, ShinDong, Sung Min, Eun Hyuk, Dong Hae, Siwon, Ryu Wook and Kyu Hyun plus Henry and Zhou Mi [?].

When they came out the first person I went to look for is Hee Chul of course. I actually didn't recognize him at first because half of his face is being covered by his hair. Then of course SiWon then KyuHyun [i like him more after this concert. his fan service is the best i think. ^^ he even kissed the hand of one of the fans!].

Geez, having 5 members [SS501] on stage is already hard enough for me to focus on one, what more with ten. Honestly, it sooooo hard and not fun.

Anyway, the members went to greet the fans I believe after 20 minutes or so have past. Their greetings is accompanied by a VTR, with each of them giving a short spiel which is really cute and made all the fans crazy. Shindong is the funniest as he counted 1 to 10 in Tagalog and he even said the phrase 'Ano ba yan' [sort of 'What the...'] several times which is sooo funny.

Whenever there is a long talk coming from Lee Teuk, it will be accompanied by an English translation on the big screen.

After their intro, they again perform to the delight of the fans.

They've lots of interaction with fans too but I really can't see all what is happening as they are so many and scattered all over. But fans near the steps on UpperBox A and at the end near the stage are so lucky as members always play with them.

From what I've noticed those in UpperBox A are luckier than those in SVIP because the members get to interact and perform facing us more.

After I think an hour of group performances, each of the members then had their solo performances. Of course you know already that I was looking forward to KyuHyun, HeeChul and Dong Hae's solo. ^^

Sub groups of course made their performances Super Junior K-R-Y [love this group their vioce is superb] , Super Junior M.

Henry and Zhou Mi also performed. I like Henry, he's really good. And fans went wild when he came out. Zhou Mi's voice is powerful. I really wish this two will be included formally as SuJu and not just only as a sub-group member. ^^

SuJu performed old and new songs, 2 members even sang Chinese songs. Of course, the most applauded one is 'Sorry, Sorry'. ^^

During encore, fans keep throwing them gifts which member are picking and keeping though there were times that i see some of them throwing the gifts back to the fans. On their last song, canon water guns were used to wet the fans.

When they made their final bow, Lee Teuk thank the fans once again and there translation of what he's saying is on the big screen. Then SiWon spoke in English to thank the fans and even plugged his drama.

I'm not sure if it's the language barrier but I wish that they talk more like what SS501 did in their concert in every set. Oh well, probably because their too many that is why their writer didn't thought of this.

The concert lasted for 3 hours [good thing bec they're a big group] and it's well worth it. Everyone really had a great time though the coliseum was not full [probably 90% full].

I went home with like there's something blocking my eardrums. The sound system was not that good. But yeah really, it was fun. If they come back I'll definitely be watching again.

I took photos but only few [as in few] and most of them didn't turn out well. So I'm using my friends photo to show you some of the things that happened at the concert. Thanks Uchi for sharing!

And here's a fancam from blueberryjoon which she asked me to edit for her.

I mentioned earlier that SuJu's concert will be my gauge if KPop really has a market in our country. Having seen the turn out of fans who came, I believe yes. With proper promotion, I guess, whoever will be next coming to our country for another big scale concert will be packed.

Btw, I was told by my friend that SuJu's sked supposed to include mall tour, tv guesting and fan signing but something happened that is why it didn't push through. Anyway, we are lucky though that the presscon push through [it almost didn't]. Watch out for articles and Myx for it.

Oh yeah, I heard that Big Bang and 2NE1 concerts are under negotiation. So if everything works out well, we might just be seeing them soon too. But we've to I think save first for U-Kiss which might just happen next month or early June.

P.S. I'll be sharing presscon photos once I've them. ^^


  1. nice! actually i was at araneta 2 hours prior the concert.. i was shocked to see many fans clamoring at the gates.. how i wish that SS501 would come! XD thanks for sharing!! XD

  2. great that its almost 90% jampacked!!
    cant wait for other kpop groups to come especially our boys!!

  3. I wish this could be a good sign. Persona in Manila????^_^

  4. Anonymous10:45 PM

    besides my dearest hyun joongie who will always be my no. 1,

    my other bias is siwon, he's a really nice, funny, gentlemanly person (just like leader, haha) ^^

    actually, siwon wasn't feeling well that day, that's why he couldn't participate in the last part of the concert, although he made an effort to come out at the ending to thank the fans. otherwise, his fan service is really the best in suju (no bias here!)

    it was a nice surprise to read abt suju's concert here as well, seeing my 2 favs on one page ^^

    thankQ for all the updates as always!! i'm always posting under anonymous, but i appreciate all that you do for the blog, many thanks and take care!! ^^

  5. glad to see you had heaps fun at the concert! my mother was actually at the airport leaving thailand at the same time SuJu was there. she's never been exposed to a mass crowd of fangirls before so when she heard all the screaming her initial thought was "what? is there a rollercoaster in the airport too?" hahaha. then the story she continued on to tell me was SO FUNNY. man the things us fangirls do// react to really are crazy sometimes, but nevertheless still loads of fun!

  6. Anonymous5:49 PM

    I attended too! I was not a big Suju fan prev but after their concert I was like left a deep mark in my heart!
    Well I attended SS501's concert in BKK too and to compare both..I dunno i m so split, I find that Suju's one so much more coordinated and well I think this will be the first time I m gona praise SM over DSP. the concert was superb!
    Triple Ses..pls dun bash

  7. Anonymous5:52 PM

    I attended the concert too and it turned out to be soo great! I wasnt a big fan of Suju previously but being able to attend it, I gave it a shot and started knowing each members before I went. And I think it was really superb! I went for SS501's Persona in BKK too and well I kinda think Suju's one realy tops it (pls dun bash me). And i think for the first time I m praising SM too over DSP for a fantastic collaboration. The concert was just WOW factor.

  8. we get it.. TO YOU, suju concert is greater.. ok.. u dont need to post it twice ;p

  9. Anonymous10:38 PM

    whats nice about kpop if youm dont understsand what theyre saying?
