
Friday, April 09, 2010

StarNews : HJL overwhelming power even in Spain?

Here's the one of the articles I'm taking about HERE. Thanks to GAEMAL for shoving this piece of article with translation on Kim Hyun Joong thread @ soompi.

[news] Kim Hyun Joong a world star?
Fans at the airport screaming
Source: Starnews
Credits: Blueprincess824 @ Dailykpopnews

Prior to SS501 member Kim Hyun Joong's trip to Spain, he made an April fools joke on their official website that he is going to study abroad in Spain but only revealed he is going to have a photoshoot.

Kim Hyun Joong arrived in Spain and fans clamored to see him. There was even confusion cause fans went to Barcelona to see him arrived only to find out he arrived in Madrid not Barcelona. [liezle : We know that this info is wrong since he arrived in Barcelon NOT Madrid as earlier reported]

Still, the Boys Over Flower star was welcomed by a lot of local fans and cheered along to see their idol. Looks like Kim Hyun Joong is also becoming a world star. Fans said that they finally saw their idol even saying it was overwhelming to "Breathe the same air" as Kim Hyun Joong in the airport.

[lieze : I guess this part was not translated from the article so I'll just add]
Kim Hyun Joong will be staying in Spain for a few days and will return home after a week for the photoshoot in preparation for their new album.


  1. Anonymous3:35 PM

    I had earlier started to call KHJ a global star in another fan site and Starnews is now calling him world star. Same thing.

    2 yrs ago in an interview ,KHJ revealed that his dream travel is to go to Barcelona to see the Gaudi Cathedral-that dream is now a reality. God must love this young man for allowing him to fulfill his wishes.If course ,most of us know that he matched his blessings with his best efforts .

  2. Anonymous6:55 PM

    nice to know that leader now is a world star... he deserve it..

  3. Yes, he deserves it.
    Miss seeing him on screen. Hope he will have a new drama soon. Can't wait for any of his project/drama. Hope the photoshoot goes well. Hope he has some fun time there too. All the best to you leader!
    Thanks Liezle for the news.

  4. Anonymous7:47 PM

    So happy to know that leader was welcomed by many fans even in Spain. Go go leader to become a universe star! You indeed deserve all of fame and love.

    Because of you I came to realize that a boy can be more beautiful than a flower....

  5. Anonymous8:49 PM

    I love KHJ but They guy with the red tshirt( manager ¿?) behaved in a terrible manner with the fans who came to see in barcelona.

  6. Anonymous10:38 PM

    World star indeed! Way to go LeaderSsi!!..
