
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

[Trans] Fan account of meeting Hyun Joong in Madrid

Remember the luckiest girl in this vid? Translation of her fan account has been posted on Kim Hyun Joong Thread at Soompi. Heaps of thanks to HyunJoongie for doing it! Here it goes...

Testimony of the girl in the video with Kim Hyun Joong!
Posted by chivisale☆彡

Crédits: Spanish testimony @ + translation to English by HyunJoongie @

We have read past experiences of other girls who saw him, one who took a picture with him, another ones who received precious signatures from him, and now comes one of the most fortunate experiences, the one who took a video-picture with him, who she even was embraced by the shoulder and all. We all saw the video already, but now we will read her story:

Girls! Some hours have passed and I’m still hallucinating! I’ll tell you everything:
On Thursday I went to the Barajas airport to see him, with a lot of fans. It was a little disappointing he didn’t come but it was ok. It was the first time I did something like this and even if nothing happened, I had a good time.

But after reading the experiencies of Barcelona girls, it “sting me”. I felt so much envy! So I thought if he tried to come to Madrid I would try and see him. But we didn’t knew in what flight he came, neither what he did on Saturday until the time of the soccer match and on Sunday we also didn’t know anything… Was he back in Barcelona? Did he went to the Sitges? Was he still in Madrid? I already assumed I wasn’t going to see him. Finally, it would just take time to go to Korea some day. But on Monday… surprise! He was seen again in the center of Madrid! And what the fans told were so cool.. so I started to get hopes again *.* I followed the news of various blogs and forums and the last thing I knew before going to sleep was he was staying in Callao. Well, I thought about it, and tomorrow in lunch time I’ll go to the center to see if I get lucky.

Straight from work I went to the center and, when I got off the Opera subway and went out to the streets.. I felt down and thought I would never find him!! T.T Why is Madrid so big?! ¬¬ Finally, I went from the center to Callao, towards the door of his hotel. But there was nobody, not even one fan to ask any fresh news. Because I was embarrassed to stay there stood up, I went to the VIPS that’s on the side, to buy something to eat. I passed again in front of the hotel door and nothing. So I went straight to Starbucks, were there’s wifi xD Once there I got online and saw there was no news… that meant he could still be in Madrid or not… So nothing, went back to the Sol. As I didn’t knew what to do, I sat down on one of the fountains to eat, such a beggar xDDD and, as another girl said, with the “oppas search radar” on xDD

And suddenly I turn my head and I saw from far away that distinct hat!!! I knew it by heart!! So I saved the sandwich and started to follow them. Seriously, I couldn’t believe how lucky I was. I have to admit I’m not very wise about following people, im not very subtle xD Even so I think they didn’t realized it. They stood in a zebra crossing and I stood beside them, searching the camera inside the bag full of stuffs and, while crossing, they got straight into Top Shop. I stood in the door because I didn’t want to bother them inside the shop, he would be buying his stuff xD And as I was nervous and didn’t knew what todo, I wrote a sms to Naza, and she called me hallucinating. I was embarrassed to ask him a photo, I didn’t know even how to approach to him. But Naza told me to not be silly, I had to do it, and get into the shop.

After guarding the door for some time, they weren’t going out and fearing they might have escaped, I hung up Naza and entered the store. I asked the shopgirl if she didn’t saw two girls and one asian guy and she told me she didn’t knew, it didn’t sound like she did. I told her everything that was happening and she was very nice with me. She also told me to not be stupid and to go up the stairs to see if he was there. I went to the first and no trace of him, then to the second and there he was!! I crossed a cable and went running, it was a miracle that I didn’t fell down rolling (maybe he would notice me there xDDD). When I went downstairs I said to the shopgirl that he was there and we started talking. She told me her experience as a fan of Chenoa, a Spanish Singer (and while this, they must have been trying half of the store already, because they never seem to get down), I watched the stairs to know if they went down or not, she even called her work friends in the store of the other floors to see where was uri leader. I will make that women a group of fans in Facebook! xDD I called Naza again and both her and the shopgirl insisted me to go and ask him for an autograph or picture or something. I thought if I asked him an autograph and he gave it to me, he wouldn’t want to take a picture, so I choose to ask for a picture first and if that didn’t work, I would try with the autograph. They were still walking through the floors of upstairs and sometimes I would see them. I thought I saw the “gorilla of t-shirt #50”, but he didn’t enter with them to the store, so I wasn’t sure if it was him or not (that made me think I wouldn’t get anything!!). They looked downstairs (I was even scared to look!!) I started to think they realized I was there and wouldn’t go down until I went outside… but it isn’t as if they would stay there forever and I didn’t have any intentions to abandone this (aja aja fighting!!!! xDD), but I could wait for them outside. For a while, HJL stood almost infront of the stairs, looked down and in that moment I waved my hand. He stood there with a surprise face and later he disappeared from my sight. Now it was already clear I was there, if there was any doubt anyway xD

I hung up on Naza and told her I would call later. Minutes after the shopgirl started to say “he’s going down, he’s going down!”. I was in a lateral, in the end of the stairs and I swear I was in shock when I saw him going down the stairs.. (without the gorila!! a.k.a Manager), looking at me and taking his hand to the stairs support, bowing his head to say hi (how can someone be so freakin’ charming?!?!?!). I don’t know if I said hello, If I smiled, if I waved my hand or what I did, I just remember showing him the camera and said “photo” and “please”. He did a gesture like saying “I’m sorry, but no”. And like that I surrendered. I knew it was hard to get a photo (and I totally forgot about the autograph xD). But when they went out the store, the shopgirl said “don’t be silly and go!!!!!!!” So I went behind them. When they got to the zebra crossing, they turned their head and watched me their stood up, with a mourning face and the camera in my hand and saying “please” a thousand times. I think they thought I wouldn’t let them alone until they did what I said (and they were right, truthfully xD) and there it was when HJL put a face of “yeeeaaaah, sureee! Why not??”xDD. I turned on the camera and didn’t realized the day of the airport I let it in video mode. I approached to them and gave the camera to one of the girls. HJL stood beside me and we posed for the picture… but the picture wasn’t working xDDDD (that’s where the video started recording). I tried to explain how the button was supposed to be clicked. We posed again.. and still nothing xDDDD (that’s where the video stops). I thought “Earth swallow me!!!” And I was as red as a tomato xDD. Just then I remembered it was in video mode and I grabbed the camera to change it but I made a mistake and started to play, to see the pictures already made (understand me, my hands were shaking!!! xDD). I said many times “sorry” to HJL and he smiled to me and posed for the third time with infinite patience! And when the girl was taking the picture, she saw the image of the screen (of the video that was recorded) and though it was all donde. She showed it to me and gave me the camera back. I told them thanks with a smile from ear to ear and said the happiest “bye” of my life xDDD
They left and after a few meters they turned to see if I was following them, but I decided to not look as a phsyco and be happy with that I already had: the photo-video and the precious memory of seeing him!!!

Really girls, he is so handsome! His skin, his smile, his voice… everything about him!!! He must have thought I was obnoxious, but I don’t care! I’m so happy!!! I’m just sorry to have blocked myself and couldn’t say anything to him (but I don’t think he would have understood me neither the girls who were with him xDD). I don’t know how long he will stay here but don’t give up!! You’ll see that walking through the streets looking for him, in my case has given a reward!!

PD: thanks to Naza and the shopgirl for encouraging me!!!!xD

Click HERE to watch the vid again.

Note from HyunJoongie : english translators note, if you find some weird names or words, are because of the Spanish way of talking and places found in Madrid, Spain.


  1. Happy to read her story!!!

    Thanks liezle for sharing! :)

  2. thanks liezle! wahhhh, that girl is so lucky!

  3. Jennifer5:48 PM

    Thanks for sharing. She's really lucky. :D

  4. Anonymous5:49 PM

    That's the way to go girl!As I always said fan accounts are so priceless they should be treasured by Hyun Joong .These are emotions exhilarated by sense of achievement they will never forget.This girl should go watch SS501 concert and experience a different atmosphere with the community of supportive fans

  5. Anonymous10:25 PM

    so lucky fan! thanks for sharing!!!

  6. Anonymous10:31 PM

    OMG!! so lucky and HJL is soo NICE!!!! I hope one day i'll be the one writing the fan account and share to the world how it was meeting him, instead of reading the fan account and thinking how LUCKY they are! ...hehe.....One day, One day i will definitely see SS501 members, especially kim hyun joong oppa, in person!!! that's my goal!!!! heheheh

  7. Anonymous11:43 PM

    She's so sweet and funny. She deserves to have such chance, since she's tried really hard.
    Leader is just simply the best.
    Thanks for sharing. I enjoy it a lot.

  8. Anonymous12:06 AM

    I love reading fan accounts like this. Leader is really cool and beautiful in person and I remembered how emotional and excited I was when I saw all 5 was so surreal! And this girl definitely should go to their concerts. Leader is so nice to take picture with her too :) Thanks for sharing this happy story...really enjoy it!!!
