
Monday, April 19, 2010

Young Saeng New Album Image?

Heaps of thanks to Sinnyi for sending me these new images of Young Saeng. She got these photos on

Can't wait to see more of Young Saeng and the rest of SS501. Btw, I tried to enlarge the first photo to see the photos on the wall but it's blurry.


  1. Fellyz12:57 PM

    wow!! so handsome, even looking from behind.. I'm so happy can see Young Saeng latest image. thanks for sharing ^^

  2. Anonymous1:25 PM

    whoa!! so handsome! totally a different feel from the rebirth album..but i love both..still can't see the bad boy image on this..way too cute! haha..

  3. handsome but still cute....
    whoa really slim down a lot..kkkk

    cant wait to see more ys's image n of course the others..hehehe

  4. Anonymous6:45 PM

    youngsaeng such a cutie but i still like him with short hair...i find it more manly and hot hot hot. youngsaeng is cute but ooozing with sexiness.

  5. Anonymous7:35 PM

    OH! he is really handsome with this.
    look forward to first of may!

  6. some of TS said that this photo is for JM's shop promotion not for new album..

    new album should sexy i right..kkkkk
    this image more to flower boy not badboy....saengie ah..i love u sooooooooo much!!!!

  7. when the lens touches his world.. it's really peaceful...i'm feeling tranquility in the next album! im excited now! ^^

  8. hi sweetiecutieys! really? hmm... now makes me wonder if i should put a question mark on the title.


  9. im not sure coz my friends said it just for jm's shop promotion...

    and we alr knew right,that their image is sexyyyyyy image *imaging*
    should ask shinyi where she got that pic and what exactly they wrote for that pic....

    but still ys really cute here...really flower boy...kkk

  10. o... so it's another sexy image then? i am hoping for a more feel-good and casual image for the next album.. Just SS501 .: . :.

    hihi..i guess im the only one hoping for this image.. i prefer this pic of YS as the feel-good type rather than the flower boy type ^^ o ye i'd still support our SuperStars all the way!

  11. Anonymous10:20 PM

    i love YS but I'm not digging his hair in this :(

  12. Anonymous11:53 AM

    I love all the way he appearence. For me ys is ys. what ever he wear, his style and what ever he do, I'm still loving him. Forever.......

  13. me too...i like all his style^^

    i love everything about him^^

  14. Omo! Loving the hair!!

    But when Baby said sexy, I was actually thinking... You know... Naked abs and just got out of bed hair sexy...

  15. OMG!!! he look super duper cute in this picture... but I doubt this is going to be his hair fot their new image.. BTW liezle, I love your BLOG!! do i spell ur name correctly?
