
Thursday, April 01, 2010

[Eng Trans] Young Seang left a message on DSP webby!

OdeDS has the translation on her blog and I'm shoving it here! Thanks much Ode!

Guys, please say thanks to her, k? She's been really nice to share her translation as with the other ladies whose translation I'm shoving here.


[diary][msg] YoungSaeng : 【SORRY.............................】 (2010-04-01 1:14:23 AM)

source: (homepage)
translate: ode

We would be coming back with a good album..

May 1 is the day of 501day.. Album would be released then.. We promised it that way..

But it now turns out that we're unable to keep to that promise...

Sorry.. Really sorry...

The five of us will be as one forever.. Shout out loud like that..

Something can't be helped about..........................

ehyu....................... (expression; sigh/exasperation)

5 years have flowed by like this.. There were really many things which happened..

Many pleasant memories as well though..

In those days, we laughed, we cried, together

I really don't think I could ever forget that......

I love you... and I am sorry................




















































Today is April Fools' Day hmm? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk




Alright, Young Saeng got me there believing for a while... Happy April Fool's Day to you 'bad boy' Young Saeng!

So 501 Day is still up ^_^ Marked on the calendar! ^^

Btw, Young Saeng also left a TOK message and here it goes ...

만우절 놀이

Translation : April Fool's Day fun!!

ThanKYU to Shirley for the translation!


Here's original message in hangul...

[영생] 미안해요............................. 2010-04-01 오전 1:14:23 (+톡방 추가)

좋은 앨범 갖고 나오겠다고..

5월 1일날 501day라며.. 음반내겠다고.. 약속했는데..

못지키게 됐네요...

미안해요.. 정말 미안해요...

5명이 영원히 하나라고.. 그렇게 외쳤었는데..

어쩔수 없는 건가..........................


5년이라는 세월이 흐르고.. 정말 많은일들이 있었고..

좋은 추억도 많았었는데..

같이 웃고 울고 했던 시절들..

정말 잊지 못할거 같아......

사랑해요... 그리고 미안해요................




















































오늘이 만우절이라며? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ




  1. i alr read the translation from ODE blog...its really sad but yet funny..hahahahah
    ys really make me shocked without think that today is April fool..hahahaha

    i think ys only send message when something important happen on that day like valentine's day

  2. 19frantze1:37 AM

    waaahh..YoungSaeng oppa,really got me fooled...i was like *shocked*->*speechless*->*getting sad*->*trying to accept it* and wen i read the last part..relief relief nd relief...
    aaww...YS oppa being a "bad boy"???

    btw,thanks for the share!! ^-^

  3. he almost gave me a heart attack !!

    I jumped up from my bed when reading his message ...

    aaaahhhhh such a Bad Boy ^^


  4. Anonymous1:41 AM

    what the..!! ah young saeng-ah u bad boy!! honestly, my heart still beating really fast right now!! got me so nervous there!! young saeng, you are so unpredictable!! haha

  5. bad!! bad!! bad boy!!!
    he tricked us!!!
    and we almost believe!
    gud job saeingie!!!!

  6. Oppa, I'm prepared coz tody is Fool Day. I'm proud to say that I was not FOOLED at all ^_^
    You're so funny, huh. You had fun, rite? Love you so much !!
    Im waiting for 501 day. Still remeber 100228 night. Your voice TT_TT
    Btw, you are obsessed with I love you I'm sorry now??? Good luck oppa!!

    P.s: Thanks Liezle and ODS for news and translation

  7. Anonymous2:26 AM

    wah! i was fooled by badboy Young Saeng! but it was a relief when i read the last message!!
    anyway, miss you a lot!!

  8. Anonymous2:29 AM

    that got me!! hahaha

  9. tsk tsk tsk.. so he would really stick to that label eh? such a cute bad boy.... howel.. i guess he's happy being that... ^^

  10. miss saengie sooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Anonymous5:08 AM

    YS is a bad boy!! Joking like that haha
    But it's all good because he gave me a good shock and laugh thereafter. Also, he said he loves me!! (Us hehe)
    Love forever SS501 xxo

  12. Excuse me have a question
    What happened Between Jung min and Hyung jun ?
    why Jung min is annoyed of hyung jun?

    Please answer me

  13. Anonymous6:27 AM

    How cheeky!!!

    One would expect Mal to be mischievous like this and not Sangie cutie pie!

    He's really full of surprises these days makes him even more adorable!

  14. hahaha...even kyu jong was fooled young saeng...
    so funny..


  15. wahahhaha our bad boy prince now turns into naughty boy price already, LOL !!!

  16. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Young Saeng-ah, do you know how many people will get a heart attack becoz of you?!

  17. keke . i was like "huh?no album on may 1?" really shocked with the news ! saengie really turn into badboy . haha . naughty saengie ! almost gt heart attack just now . hehe

  18. Anonymous1:04 AM

    although almost had a heart attack fr him but it's very nice to see the naughty side of our quiet prince makes me want to pinch his cheeks again and again

  19. YS oppa is really naughty cute boy..........
    when i read about it
    my expression is like what??????why?????n my tears almost coming out and i almost close dis page but my sis read it until the end she told me dat this NAUGHTY BOY is doing his APRIL FOOL trick........
    so i like OMG YS Y R U SOOOOO NAUGHTY huh........
