
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hyun Joong @ Busan Fan Signing from Perfect

Again thanks to @hl2412 for tweeting these 3 precious photos of Leader taken by the shutterbug of KIMHYUNJOONG PERFECT at Busan fan singning that happened today at 2PM.

He's one of the few men I like with sexy neck.
Geez, I want to bite his neck. ^_^ ^_~


  1. Anonymous9:23 PM

    How gorgeous! Even without or very little makeup

  2. Lynne9:41 PM

    IAm wondering if KHJ's right hand still hurt? He still prefers to use his left hand ...

  3. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Right Liezle, his one of those that really has a sexy neck and not only that but the Adam's apple is super sexy and very manly too..woooot.....I'm ogling him if his an ice cream he'd melted already..ha..ha..ha..
