
Saturday, May 29, 2010

It's not a simple black tee afterall!

Thanks to bellerina for the tip and to PEACE again for the photo.

Check what Leader is wearing in the picture below. Now he looks HOT, right? I'm sure you notice the contour of his chest underneath the black tee. ^_^

You may enlarge to see what his wearing clearly.


  1. Anonymous6:18 PM

    very very hot~!! *woot!!* ^_~

  2. Anonymous6:43 PM

    how can someone be so handsome, sexy and hoooot in plain black tee...only Leader can pull it off..aiiiisssshhh......
    hyperventillating...sure it's getting hoooott somewhere...have to fan myself@#$%^&*..

  3. Anonymous6:49 PM

    hmm i cant see what he is wearing under. all i see is just a plain black tee which he pulled it off really well. :)

  4. Anonymous10:25 PM

    oh, so exciting! my tip got posted, thanks Liezle~!! ^-^ i'm a loyal reader but i often post under anonymous ^^ my name's bellerina.

    thanks for all the latest and updated news with the boys, and especially leader, reawi appreciate it!!! ^-^
    hwaiting!! o^-^o

  5. hi bellerina! thanks again for the tip. everytime is very much welcome and really appreciate all those visitors who are sharing as well.

    thanks for always visiting my log.


  6. Anonymous1:15 AM

    Wow Leader looks hot in those tee. It seems like he gain some weight since he can't do any workout for the moment bec of his injury.

  7. Anonymous12:42 PM

    He doesn't look as if he has gained weight! Still got the broad shoulders and amazingly toned chest hehehe. Sounds so perverted!

    But nah,. he's always looking smashing, especially in that black teeshirt. Not really a tee, but still!! Only he can make something somewhat plan look that amazing :DDD~
