
Monday, May 31, 2010

jung min's lapin

Ahh, did i miss much? Been so busy today at work and wasn't even able to watch the full MV several times. Yeah this is one of the things I hate most when i'm about to go on and play. ^_^

Anyway, been wanting to post this but couldn't earlier. I actually saw this tweeted by Jung Min when I was on my way back to work after a meeting outside.

Remember, that it was blogged on Royal Avenue Lapin Carrot that Jung Min went out at dawn to go to a pet shop? Alright, I you don't remember it being blog by me too, you may click HERE and HERE.

Today, Jung Min tweeted the picture of his new baby... a cute lapin [lapin is french word for rabbit].

Here's the photo of his lapin and what he wrote on his tweet

jungmin royalavenue
RT @royalavenue: 라핑이~~ 성별: 여 3개월 주인 알아봄. 밥달라고 졸졸졸

Jung Min actually tweeted twice because I think that he forgot to write the text on his first tweet which is this...

jungmin royalavenue 라핑이~~


  1. hyung jun has really cute choco . n jung min has really cute lapin ! they must love animals so much . haha

  2. really nice rabbit.
