
Sunday, May 09, 2010

[Vid+Trans] SS501's Parent's Day Wishes for EoBeoYeeNal = Day for Mother+Father [10.05.08] Happy Mother's Day !

Credit : + + 3kimheopark@youtube

Hangeul to English Translation : ss501ode blog.

안녕하세요~ SS501입니다!!
Annyonghaseyo~ we're SS501!!

네~ 드디어 5월 8일 어버이날이 찾아왔습니다~
그럼, 감사의 메세지를 한 분, 한 분 전해 드릴까요?
Yeah~ Finally May 8th is here~
Then, shall we present our greetings one by one?

예~ 안녕하세요~ 규종입니다~
네~ 어머니, 아버지 저 규종인데요~
올해도 말 잘 듣고 더욱 더 건강하고
열심히 노력하는 그런 아들 될테니까요..
우리 어머니, 아버지두요 건강하시구
올해 좋은 일만 가득했으면 좋겠어요~ 고맙습니다~
Yeah~ annyonghaseyo~ (he made that heehee sound, owww)
I'm KyuJong~
Ne~ Mum, Dad, I'm KyuJong~
I listened well to your words and will become a more hardworking child
and healthier child..
Mother and Father be healthy too
If only pleasant matters will fill you in this year then that'd be wonderful~
Thank youuu~

네~ 형준입니다~
엄마, 아빠 정말 감사하구요..
항상 노력해서 최고가 되는 모습 보여 드릴때까지
항상 건강하시구 사랑합니다..
열심히 하겠습니다.. 사랑해요~
Ne~ I'm HyungJun~
Mum, Dad really thank you two..
Because I've been always working hard to show my best side
Until that day when I become the best
Please always be healthy
and I love you..
Will work hard.. Love you~

네~~ 저 현중인데..
엄마, 아빠의 그런.. 하나 하나 늘어가는 주름살만큼..
더 효도를 하도록 노력하겠습니다~
그리구 SS501의 부모님들..
정말 소중한 멤버들 만나게 해주셔서
정말 감사드립니다~
Ne~~ this is HyunJoong..
those..aging wrinkles that's appearing one by one on mum on dad..
As you grow older.. I will work hard to filial you two~
And also to SS501's parents..
For the reason why I met such precious members
Really thank you to you all~

엄마, 아빠~ 나 정미니~~
어... 엄마, 아빠 사랑하는만큼
마니 벌어다 줄께~~
mum dad~ am Jungmin nya~~
em... I will love you two more with my all~~
I love you~~~♥

어.. 엄마..
어.. 이제 좀 아프지 좀 말고~
또 우리 싸우지 말고..
친하게 지내자~~ㅎㅎ
emm.. Don't feel heartache anymore~
let's not fight again anymore..(background: laughs)
Let's live with closerness~~ hh

그럼, 엄마, 아빠 사랑해요~ 라고 한 번 하고 마무리 인사할까요?
하나, 둘, 셋~
(leader:) Then shall we say our final greetings "Mum, Dad ILU~"?

엄마, 아빠 사랑해요~~♡
Dad, Mum, I LOVE YOU~~♡


  1. wow,.. theyre such awesome chldren.. no ones perfect, no one is 100% filial, but at least they remember mothers day.. hehehe
    this is recent yeah?? hehe
    hyun joongie oppa is slowly becoming more and more alive (like how he used to be) which is awesomely awesome.. and jung min being the cute thing he is.. hehe
    its awesome how hyun joong was the one who told them to say i love you at the end, very unlike him

  2. SS501 are all filial sons to their parents. I love how Leader thanking SS501 parents for the reason he met such precious members. He really love his members. If this is recent then all those negative rumors about him leaving his members behind are put to a rest.

  3. Anonymous10:15 AM

    another charming side of SS boys...
    so sweet.......

    ^ Dewi Lee ^

  4. Anonymous1:36 PM

    shows that they are filial sons - their parents must be proud of them

  5. oohhh young saeng is sooo cute saying sorry to his mum on air (like a little boy giggling on the background). so sweet ss501...really!!! god!!! im just falling inlove with these boys more and more everyday.

  6. Anonymous8:21 PM

    leader proves why he's a leader.
    how sweet and thoughtful of him to express 'thanks' to the parents of all memebers..... he's so special in every aspect.

  7. Anonymous9:14 PM

    So sweet for them to leave a msg to their parents.. :) is this specially recorded for this year or is it from previous years?

  8. Anonymous10:40 PM

    five very sweet boys

    ys's message is too cute and you could tell the affection in mal's voice
