
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

06.14.10 Messages of SS501 @ the Special Fan Meeting

Thank to Anonymous for the tip on the sidebar and the Yen for posting this on her blog. Likewise, thanks to Celina for the English translation on

06.14.10 Messages of SS501 @ the Special Fan Meeting

Credits to + (Chinese translation) + (English translation) Celina

[Video messages]

The no. of fans seems to have decreased. It just seems that it has decreased?
Even though we feel sad, but we can only say thanks.
We're sorry that we can only say "Thank You"
Thank you to all of the fans for cherishing us and taking care of us. Thank you. We're sorry that we can only use these words to express our feelings.

To the fans, we feel sorry about this album
It's not about the songs.
Firstly, we didn't keep to our promise
I'm sure you fans also know this, we have not had a 2nd album
We did have a 1st album, but we are missing on the 2nd. I really feel very sorry about this.
And I wanted to thank the fans especially.

It's enough to just always think of us SS501
Although we are not perfect, but the 5 of us always work very hard
You are giving your support to 5 such men.
Even though fans think that you have receive much love from us,
but I always feel that we have gotten much more from the fans.
Our relationship is like lovers,
seems liked 2 one-sided love
or should I say, hurting one another?

5 years is considered neither a long or short period of time
We will have a even longer time ahead of us, creating and experiencing memories with the fans.
Even though there are alot of fans cheering us on now and you might stay with us forever,
but will still eventually get married and no. of fans will decrease
but for those who are supporting and cheering for us.
I will continue singing..

Compared to Love Like This, the promotional period this time is even shorter.
I am very sorry.
We want to produce some totally new music, music that will make us very confident...
how should I say?
Funny, why is it that I feel like tearing suddenly (wipes tears)

[Messages @ Gurella Concert]

HyunJoong to Jungmin:
We have known each other for 7 years.
1/3 of our life? about there. It's neither long or short time.
Thanks for always being so serious
thanks for always being our fan, for being the strong pillar for the 4 of us.
To the fans,No matter what we SS501 do, please believe in us.
With your belief in us, and with Jungmin supporting us..
Please support us always.
Moral support.

Kyujong to HyunJoong
Like what HyunJoong said, we have spent a long time together
Perhaps, even longer than the times we've spent with our parents
From our teenage years to the early 20s..HyunJoong has given us alot of strength.
You have been always been supporting us, but you do not show it in front of us.
Now that we have grown older, please do not shoulder all responsibility alone. Our hearts ached for you.
Previously, you've met with a little accident
But, as expected, you've recovered fast and are alright now.
I hope you'll be more careful
In the future, be it drama, movie or album, hope everyone will support us.
And, I always say this: "Thank You and sorry"
I will continue to work hard until I do not feel regretful/sorry (tears)

It's getting too long, HyungJun's turn (cried in the end)

Listening to the Kind Kyujong's words, my heart ached.
We didnt came here to talk about the end of the 5 years right?
Today, I want to tell all you of here,
We might have solo activities, but didn't we just release an album? We will continue to work hard
Love Ya has received tremendous response, hasn't it?
SS501 will be here. Hope everyone will stay with us too.
Kyujong has alot of tears.
Everyone might think I'm the cry baby, but actually, Kyujong thinks alot
He will think about it at home, and even cries.
Seeing him cry, my heart aches.
Kyujong is a friend that I'm very thankful to. He treats me like a brother
I hope everything will go well for us.
and...(crys even harder)
I am really very sorry for today
sorry that the tears keeps falling
Sorry for always crying
I really love our members
my same-age member Jungmin, Kyujong, Youngsaeng hyung, HyunJoong Hyung. Thank you
Today's it 5 years, 10 years or till the day we die,
it will become our best memories. We will work even harder.
Do take care of our Kyujong
I will have alot of hardship if not for him,
a very good friend, like a brother, handsome kyujong
Everyone, please take care of too.
Everyone, please treasure him. Thank you

YoungSaeng: (shyly)
Saying this one by one makes me feel pretty shy.
Listening to all these makes me recall,
we are always together as 5.
As time passes, We might not cherish the feeling of being as 5 as much.
Previously when I went to Japan alone
Apart from during concert, that was the first time I stood on the stage alone.
At that time, I seriously realised that,
Being in a group, you are never alone. It's really a good thing
This can be counted as a late discovery for me.
Words to the members, of course I wanna thank them
This is for sure, do not have to say it specifically.
Thank you,
Actually, I dont know what to say...
All of you are crying suddenly now.
I was prepared to smile all the way today, so I'm controlling the tears
(Fans: Just cry, Just cry it out)
Now that you are asking me to cry, I can't do it..
What should I say to the fans....

on behalf of the members, what I want to say is
Today is not supposed to be a sad day
It's a brand new day. I hope everyone can smile.
It's a brand new start
Regarding the negative rumours, even though you might be worried, but from now on,
please do not worry.
I want to say, Please believe in us SS501

Jungmin to YoungSaeng:
What should I say?
Firstly, to Young Saeng Hyung (Crying)
Yup..firstly, I always... My strong personality.. (cries harder)
So I've can't~
I shall say these privately..It'll be better
All in all, Hope everyone will continue to support us.
Yup..(cries even harder) Following..
The next time we have a performance, please do come to see.

[Saying the goodbyes]

We have spent 5 years with our pretties.
It's really considered not long nor short period of time.
I feel that this is a short time.
Till many years later, we'll feel that "5years is nothing'
Just like what you all said, until the day that we best in the world, we will continue to work hard
dont change your heart!
but you can have boyfriends!
even though I dont know how you all think of today, But I am very happy. Thank you everyone.
To all 5 of us, today is really a very meaningful and memorable day
it's better than any other performances, very happy. Let's stay happy
I've said to much, the rest cant say anything
HJB: no, we wont HJL: it's ok
I shall end here
I will leave messages often

There are many people who cannot attend today's event, we feel very bad about this
Everyone here represented them and gave us alot of strength
I hope this is also a great memory for everyone. Hope this will be a motivation for us to move forward together
SS501..actually for me, today my heart's been feeling heavy and bad.
I shall take it as an challenge that we have to take up
Although you all have given us much strength, please continue to do so, giving us much more strength.
Anyway, Please support us SS501!

Thank you everyone for supporting us.
Although we always say this, but I love you
(fans: one more time)
I'm not an easy man!
yup anyway, hope you all will continue to give SS501 more love
We will also work hard for you all.
Thank you

It's like a dream that we SS501 came so far
There are many things that we have to do in the future
2nd album...
We have already debut for 5 years, "a 1 album singer"? Can't accept this right?
We feel really bad about this too.
Not only fans, we have also been thinking about this.
even though we might need more time, but we will present you all with an even better 2nd album!
So please do wait for us.
We will work hard in order to still meet you all 10. 20 or even 30 years down the road.

Young Saeng:
Please in us. I love you all
(members: That's all? HUH? )
It's already very late today. The last train is departing soon.
I will not forget today.
Very thankful , but at the same time, feeling sorry.
I'm serious.
I've written countless times of "thank you" at the fansign sessions
Always thankful.
Thank you once again, and I love you all!

Hyun Joong:

Ok. Let's sing a song
SS501 Love Ya
Although the promotion period is short, but really very sorry for this.
We will really have a longer promotional period the next time..
Yup. really sorry.
HyungJun: Our first place song -- Love Ya


  1. Anonymous8:02 AM

    why am i in sooo much pain? im sure a lot of TS are also feeling the same.

  2. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Me too. These days seem so heavy. I do trust the boys but why do I have the feelings that the messages they gave to each other seem like they will be apart? Why do they ask the fans to support other single member not the whole group. Why do they have to say sorry a lot? I feel like crying every time that word comes from them. Just like Jung Min said, 2 one-sided loves.

  3. Me too, why do I felt so uneasy & made me cry also. Messages are sound like going to be apart. But, leader said "Regarding the negative rumours, even though you might be worried, but from now on,
    please do not worry.
    I want to say, Please believe in us SS501"
    Should I trust him??? I hope I do...

  4. Anonymous9:28 AM

    ok, here is my analysis (and at the same time I am trying to assure myself)each member is in a lot of stress and pressure from the late nights of practice, no sleep, short promotion period, high expectation from DSP and fans, dissapointment from the delays and broken promises of having a 2nd album, rumours, stiff competion from other idol groups - all combined together would make a sane normal person breakdown and cry.

    i seriously hope they are not disbanding... and i sense that they will indeed have more individual activities but even if they will have solo acts, each member will always be there for each other, hence, will still be identified as a group...

    this is just a thought (sorry for the long comment)

  5. Anonymous10:07 AM

    does this mean they're gonna be like shinwha who all have individual careers now but still get together from time to time to release new songs togetther?

  6. Anonymous10:20 AM

    wow i learnt sth from all of these and that would be having too strong an attachment to a particular thing is never good. when bad things happen, it hurts alot.
    and i hope nth bad will happen.

  7. After reading all thess massages really make my heart aches (i need to control my tears cos i'm reading this in the office). During their encore concert i sense something wrong and now ......

    Hyun Joong, i trust your words,
    not to worry, believe in SS501."

  8. Anonymous1:43 PM

    speechless! i don't what the meaning of their massages! but i don't want they are disband!
    please ss501..
    i believe you..

  9. Anonymous2:31 PM

    their messages are so heartfelt,they show their true understanding and love for each other. but i'm getting teary eyed and burdened with it. i believe they will still be together even in pursuit of individual dreams.
    love ss501

  10. instead of making all their fans happy , they made them more worried . i also feel like they're disbanding . i dont knw y . but i hope not . n dsp hasn't renew their cntract . so we can just hoping that they will still together forever . i still dont knw if i can trust leader's word . i hope i can . cause he always keep his promises . sorry for the long comment .

  11. Anonymous5:42 PM

    In as much as we want them to stay together, they also have to protect themselves. If DSP is not offering them a reasonable contract, and no other company will take them as a group, you cant blame the boys if they disband. Im sure its not something they would like to do, as you can tell their love for each other. You can tell they are disappointed with DSP, 1 album in 5 years??? we as fans should believe in them and support them.

  12. OMG!!! their message to the fans and to each other is so touching! i cried,again!!! I have been crying a lot lately, because of SS501! Everytime i hear them say ''sorry'' my heart aches!!!!! Even though the messages seems to have different hints, about the future. TripleS shouldn't be worry, Leader said we shouldn't be worry, and we have to trust in them! I trust, SS501. So from now on i will not think about the romours or find a reason for why they're crying so much lately!Let just trust them!..Anonymous 9:28 is right, maybe it's just all the romours,delay etc... if TripleS are hurt imagine how it is for them! Lets be strong for them! And after reading the messages they said, i also understand why they're crying! I think it's because of the fans! they love us, and they feel they have dissapointed us! I dont think there's more behind it! (hope so, with all my heart) And baby dont worry, TripleS is increasing not decresing!! we're just too far to come to seoul! but TripleS is all over the world!!! LOVE SS501!! TriplS lets be strong for them!!!! forget the romours and believe in SS501!!

  13. Anonymous6:49 PM

    I think we should let the boys know that they do have great support outside of Korea. Their popularity is increasing not decreasing. Its too bad that most of these music sites only cater to fans in Korea and the ones that are open to overseas fans are not user friendly. Many thanks to sites like this who helps overseas TS.

  14. Anonymous7:05 PM

    I will always support them. Be it 2 years, 3 years, even 5 years, I'll wait for the 2nd album.
    They may have solo activities and I truly support them. But I love it most when they gather.

  15. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Yea... I hope they'd also give us overseas supporters great opportunities to reach out to our boys... I also felt a heavy heart after listening to them, I feel down because they kept on crying and it's not tears of "joy?" Ahhhh I'm not sure.... but i will keep on trusting them SS501 hwaiting.. you'll be together right? you and us triple S will be with each other up to the 50th year right?... Ahhh i wept by just reading the translations... and i literally cried when i knew what they were saying while crying on the video... SS501 all of us are here for you... ALL of us are supporting you.... ahhhh.....=)

  16. Anonymous7:22 PM

    I have a wish! And if somebody here can grant my wish, please do it. If you are Korean, please do try to make the boys know that there are also a lot of foreign fans here supporting them, we are just not mature enough, or just still can't find chance yet to come to Seoul. So please, if you can let the boys know about it, please do it. Please let them know. We can't stand seeing them like this. It's so hurtful for them and us.

  17. Anonymous10:36 PM

    no mater what people say! even there are no one who believe them! but triple s need to be strong and believe them! because that's the only thing that make us different from other people!

  18. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Is there any vids (with subs, of course) about this anywhere? i'd like to see their interaction

    please can anyone share a video about this topic...thanks

  19. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Here is the link, they are at kelemama501:

  20. Triple S from all over the world, we should keep supporting them although the cannot come and meet all of us..we must show them that we still love them and want them to stay in the industry.

    no matter if it is solo or group activities [i prefer more group activities!], we must continue to support them!

    we love SS501 and it's undeniable. we should spread the love so that our boys will know that we REALLY, REALLY love them and our love is stronger every day.

    please, we Triple S should stay united!

  21. Anonymous7:03 AM

    I'm reading this, and seeing the vids for the 6th time now...The reason I haven't watched this as much as others is because it hurts me so much when I uncontrollable tears flow endlessly...
    I can feel their sincerity when they say their's not just for show, as if their image depends on it....No, these boys are saying it from their hearts...
    I've been sad lately, just because I miss them so much...all of them are too busy these days to keep in much contact...Kyu has a pic of SS501 as his twitter pic...yes, he's having a hard time with this separation as well.
    The articles from Leader made me sort of speechless..I'm not blaming him, he's trying to grow as a entertainer...I also know that he's a person who doesn't like to show his emotions except for when he is happy..because that's what he likes to do, smile and laugh. Are his words a little too much? Maybe, but I know that he's thinking of his members and yearns to be with them.
    No matter what, Triple S will support them until the end. We're better together..and so are they...
    There will be a time, and I hope that it's soon, when all five is on the same CD cover, stage, and TV screen. More importantly, they're in each others' lives more than this past year. I want to hear their distinct voices in one song so bad...don't worry...that day will come...
