
Monday, June 21, 2010

[Article] Llittle angels helped by Raphael

I'm sure you know who the Raphael I'm referring to my subject..

Ahh this is just so heart warming to read. Thanks to happiebb for sharing the English translation in LOVEKIMHYUNJOONG. Likewise, thanks to Magic0606.

One million pesos is a lot of money in this country. It will surely make the children as well as the people administering Abierta happy. It will not only help to fix the school but the amount I believe will also be used to buy books and other school supplies and facilities needed by the children.

Kim Hyun Joong, thank you very much for the help that you've extended to Abierta. Those little angels you've helped will forever be grateful to you and will certainly pray for the best of everything for you.

Btw, the article said that 'he visited the actual site of Abiertas House of Friendship earlier this year'. When was this? Did he really visit or he just saw the vid or something?


[20/06] Hyun Joong Donated to Abiertas House of Friendship
Credits to + (English translation) Happiebb @

Other than attending the fan meeting on 18th June and the charity concert on 19th June,
there was actually yet another important item on Kim Hyun Joong's schedule in Manila, Philippines trip from 17th to 20th June, that is to receive the appreciation plaque from Abiertas House of Friendship - the charity organization that is the beneficiary of the concert- and also to visit the children from this organization/school. The organization had prepared it in thanks of his personal contribution of 1,000,000 pesos (approx Chinese yuan 150,000 or USD 22,000).

Kim Hyun Joong has already visited the actual site of Abiertas House of Friendship earlier this year. After seeing the condition of the school and the state that the children were in, he immediately decided to make a personal contribution of 1,000,000 pesos and this amount was transferred sometime in mid May.

The organization had immediately utilized his donation towards building the property for their senior high/college students. In addition, the organization will also name the said property after Kim Hyun Joong.

Further, Kim Hyun Joong had also agreed to participate in the charity concert held on 19th June, in the hope that his influence could raise more awareness and garner more support and help for these less privileged groups in the society, the helpless mothers and children.

As for the actual situation at this school and also of the organization's deep love and appreciation towards Kim Hyun Joong, and also as to what activities Kim Hyun Joong had carried out in the school on that day of visit, I will be giving detailed description in my trip account later, so everyone, please do watch for it.

Some additional footnotes as follows:

The "Araneta Coliseum" that you see on the plaque is the name of the stadium where the charity concert was held. The original plan was to present this to Kim Hyun Joong at the stadium during the concert. But Kim Hyun Joong had declined the deed; he simply wanted to do something for them and didn't want anything else. So the organization just presented him with their token of appreciation in the tiny conference room on their premises~~~~~


  1. yea, i was just commenting HERE...

    you know, i hate to sound mercenary and cheap, he could have just made a token sum for a donation, something like US$5,000 or US$10,000...?

    i think 1,000,000 pesos (approx. US$22,000) is a significantly large amount.

    had he just been paying lip service or just trying to make a show of being charitable, he need not have forked out this amount. something smaller would have sufficed had he just wanted to win goodwin or coverage in the papers or something 'crude' like that.

    personally, i thought although it ain't overly alarmingly an amount, it's still a rather substantial sum, substantial enough to make me believe he truly wants to help.

    over at the forum, fans are saying they're so proud they've fallen for THIS star *bb beams*

  2. Anonymous12:14 AM

    I agree bb if lip service is just what he wants that money is quite big...but as Nelson Canlas said by just looking at his eyes you can see the sincerity in him..I think he really wants to help since that money was given in May and readily agree to the concert..really proud to be his fan and known him even if is just through his drama, shows, and music and I think he really is the real thing not fake and I think it would really be wonderful to get to know him personally like a friend (just like all his friend that has been loyal to him and him to them)...Goodluck Leader and I will support you all the way and ignore all those that cricize you..just do what you think is right (coz I know you will)...fighting!!

  3. Hyun Joong Ssi has a compassionate heart. Another Bae Yong Jun in the making. God bless their kind souls. It would be a nice project for members of TripleS Philippines to carry out Hyun Joong Ssi's passion in helping the unfortunate as in this case - Abiertas House of Friendship. On his next visit to the Philippines, he will be glad that his fans have become his partners in charity. Manse, Hyun Joong Ssi!

  4. Anonymous12:44 AM

    That is a very beautiful act. The best thing is that he doesn't want people to make a big deal on his good deed, he hepls with his true heart.
    I'm so proud to be his fan.

  5. Anonymous1:52 AM

    An open letter to Hyun Joong ,

    Thank you for making us believe there is more in this earth beyond glitters and fame .

    Through you people got connected and became friends even if they live across the seas and mountains.Inspired by your hard work people who love you have opened themselves to provide to the less fortunate .Now,you yourself has shown that sharing already made a big difference in the lives of many children . Thank you for your help -these children will forever remember your genuine generosity.

  6. Anonymous2:40 AM

    OMG!! is this true?!! I already know Kim hyun joong has a GOOD heart! but id didn't expect this!!! =D..WOW i'm so PROUD to be an TripleS. I dont agree in what bb said! I really think Kim hyun joong wants to help and nothing more!!!! For sure he saw how poor those people are , and how awful the school looked! so he wanted to help!!! and bb why are u like that? I'm guessing you're not a TripleS!!!! such a shame!! you should be shame on your self!!!

    Thre's no words to describe how proud i'm of Kim hyun joong, and for being a TripleS!! love him!! and the other members too!!!

  7. 'upstairs'.. i think you've misunderstood what i was trying to say there.

    i said... if he were wanting to just create airtime for himself, he would have, could have donated a smaller amount of money. but he didn't.

    to me, the act of him making a personal donation and partaking in the concert is grand enough. but the fact that he had even made such a significant personal donation made him even more 'real' and admirable.

    what i was trying to say is... i truly, genuinely, completely choose to believe that he has a good heart, and that he ain't just paying lip service or trying to bring attention to himself. coz if that's what he wanted, he need not have made this big a donation.

    so i thought the fact that he's made such a significant sum of contribution spoke volume about his good heart and his genuine wish to help the underprivileged ^^

    ps. (although it's probably my fault for not having been clearer,) i think you had been unnecessarily harsh with your words.

  8. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Angry anonymous to liezle,
    yr comment's box been misuse by those fan thought they are great TS,infact they are not qualify to be TS which don't know how to respect each other,rude to others. Please remove the comment shame out of your box to maintain the harmony with the rest.

  9. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Dear Liezle.
    Hello Liezle, I’m writing this message to ask your kind understanding.
    I’ve just translated it into Korean and posted it at investigation KHJ (
    Is it ok with you? If not, please let know it. I’ll promptly delete it.
    Above all, thank you (including happiebb and ziwanmuxu) so much for sharing such a heart-warming story. HJ has something special touches our hearts.
    I am looking forward to your reply.
    Thank you once again & have a lovely day.

  10. Anonymous5:10 AM

    following the above message,


    tang2 (from KHJ0606)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. hi hi angry anonymous,

    if you're referring to the little episode that i have with the anonymous (2:40am), i think it's probably just an unfortunate misunderstanding.

    i don't think neither of us meant any harm or malice. my comment was poorly worded and she'd misconstrued the meaning, end of story.

    think it's just a small misunderstanding and no one's hurt along the way ^^ (though i'll be careful to be clearer in future, and i hope she would be less anxious to jump to conclusions and not use overly strong words in future too ^^)

    truce ~

  13. btw i thought i should clarify that i'm the very person (BB = HAPPIEBB) who had done the english translation for this passage in the first place.

    if i didn't believe in him, why on earth would i spend time on the translation? ^^

  14. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Hi bb,yr hardwork are appreciated.Fans here are fm all over the world,they have to understand that the word they came out is read all over by the fans,give & take not harsh word.

  15. Anonymous7:09 AM

    2:40AM anonymous

    "why are u like that? I'm guessing you're not a TripleS!!!! such a shame!! you should be shame on your self!!!

    I borrowed your words now return to you.

    sorry liezle,
    I will disappear myself,bye bye

  16. Hello Anonymou 5:05! No problem go ahead you can translate and re-post. News like this should be shared to everyone.

    Thank you for visiting my blog.


  17. Dear everyone,

    I've noticed not only in this post but also in my other posts that TS have become sensitive lately.

    Please do not be bothered by all the rumors you've been hearing/reading. Can't you all understand that the members are calming us and yet some still jump to unwanted conclusions? Please do yourself a favor, stop being a worry wart.


  18. Anonymous12:05 PM

    oh, leader...u r really an angel..proud to be ur fans...
    im so happy that baby said they will be forever as happy.

    i hope happiness always be with us, double s and triple s.

  19. bb, thanks again for your hard work. when i read your post i'm reminded of yong joon and comment I was reminded of yong joon when he donated a big amount of money for the construction of a school [sorry forgot which country is that].

    About your comment i don't think there's anything wrong with it and on the first shot of reading it i perfectly understand what you mean.

    With this heart warming deed there's no way why we can't love this little young man, right?


  20. Annyeong Liezle,

    I think it was Sri Lanka. A school was partially destroyed by the Tsunami. Bae Yong Joon donated via World Vision and hence the money was channelled to rebuild the school.

  21. Anonymous7:15 AM

    The first time I've found a KHJ home was through another blogspot, where bb has made valuable contributions.

    I hope these misunderstandings will be ironed out soon. After all we follow the same star.

    I'm thankful as well that I've chanced upon another home, which is this one. Thanks, Liezle for making it so cozy to home to.

    It feels good to be around you, guys, who share the same thoughts and feelings no matter what part of the globe or what generation.

    I'm inspired by these thoughts.


  22. Anonymous8:55 PM


    so happy for khj donating that amount of money coming from his warm heart shame to others spending money for material things without heart to others so depressing. LOVE YOU KHJ YOU VISIT THE PHILIPPINES WITH A TRUE COMPASSION INSIDE YOUR HEART.
