
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

[Article] Other SS501 Members Are Resting!

Believe me the boys are resting. Well, except for Maknae who's been DJ-ing. Thank you Marvie for shoving this news.

Don't stress yourself to much ladies, we'll get to hear news later whether you're in favor of it or not. Whatever they'll decide let's respect their decision. Whether you still want to support them them or not it's your decision. It's a free world.

I've come to love them since 2006 and it's so hard for me to hear or read the word disbanding. I thought I was prepared but I realized that I was not. I've known about Hyun Joong's KE deal weeks before and believe me i've cried bucket of tears ahead of you guys. Despite all the news that are coming out I still have my faith in them.


06/29 [news] DSP “4 members of SS501 are resting and deciding on their future”

Credits : Moneytoday + + (English Translation) xiaochu @


Male group SS501’s leader Kim Hyun Joong has signed an exclusive contract with Bae YongJoon’s Key East, while the remaining 4 members are enjoying a break and deciding on their future advancement.

SS501’s contract with DSP Media was due at the beginning of this month. DSP revealed through an official press release on 29-Jun “Leader Kim HyunJoong has decided to sign contract with Key East which holds Bae YongJoon and Lee NaYoung under its company. However, the other 4 members have not come to a decision yet.”

In addition, DSP Media said “Kim Hyung Joon has been doing DJ for SBS Power FM ‘Music High’ and seems like he has come to a decision. Heo YoungSaeng, Kim KyuJong, Park JungMin are having a break for the time being and will be making their decision.”

SS501’s disbanding is still not confirmed yet. However, as a representative of Korean idol group in Asia region through their Asia Tour held last year, their fans in Asia will feel even more regrettable for SS501.


  1. what is hyung joon's decision then? hmmm...

  2. Anonymous2:17 PM

    DSP just giving out nonesense statement. They been negotating all this time and then KHJ came out signing with another agency. Its DSP lost for dragging it out. Now it says they boys are resting. Promotion is been long done for week or so now and before promotion the boys didnt do anything other then Mal, Hyun Joon, and KHJ. What about YS and KKJ. One time YS was in Japan for Ost WISFC drama. But Kyu jong only when group activity. DSP is througing excuses everywhere. Come on give us more detail. We know the boys are not in Vacation.

  3. Anonymous2:23 PM

    I agree with Anony@2:17pm
    DSP should tell us something we don't know. This is torturing!

  4. Anonymous2:23 PM

    one comment in allkpop write this. so i just copy it for all of you. I don't know the truth. Here is the news.

    Jung Min said himself. Read it carefully.
    Mal and Baby had first signed with DSP.
    It was only at the 5th anniversary
    that the five learnt that DSP didn’t want to sign Kyu.
    There’s no way SS501 could continue.
    Hyun Joong requested that DSP sign with Kyu first before his signing the contract.
    DSP refused.
    Hyun Joong recommended that Kyu goes to YG.
    So turned out everyone had to sign with different companies
    and come next year,
    the various companies to collaborate for them to release an album.
    YS and Kyu are currently in Japan.
    YS is negotiating the OST of some drama,
    Kyu is in discussion with YG.
    Mal had said this (same thing) to TS on the plane three times
    that the five of them will release an album next year,
    The reason why Hyun Joong signs with another company…
    Coz DSP refused to sign with Kyu…
    so Hyun Joong’s helping Kyu to sign with YG,
    and Hyun Joong wanted DSP to sign with Kyu by threatening to sign with another agency.
    Mal and Baby had initially thought everyone would be renewing their contracts,
    so they had gone on ahead and signed first.
    Mal further said…. they would be separated for this year…
    but next year, they will continue to work together through different companies
    YS also said something like that….
    that the five of them will continue on like this year after year…
    the interpretation is that they would be working together again next year.
    Coz so long as they’re missing just one member, that signifies the splitting up of SS501…
    So Hyun Joong surfaced first to face everything.
    So everyone, please believe in them.

  5. Anonymous@2:23
    oooooo....pity kyu if in this case.. why DSP dont want kyu anymore yeah??
    i think he was the one who made ss501 become stronger isn't...
    huh... too many rumors...
    i don't know suppose to belive which one...

  6. Anonymous2:58 PM

    i really don't undestand dsp. If SS501 is their trademark, then its really stupid to make those announcements that they've been making for the past week. All those just serves to hurt ss501's name and popularity, something they themselves (DSP) have tried to built up. SS501's like one of their 'child'. Why do they want to hurt themselves?

    I'm not worried for kyu and the rest though...they've been so close, and even prior to their debut, when they had probably known each other for a short period of time, they worked hard to keep kyu in the group. They themselves said that ss501 isnt ss501 without kyu. They were already so united then. that was 5~6 years ago. They've grown closer to each other since and understand each other more now. i trust that they will have a way to make things right. None will be left behind, dsp wont be able to stop them, just as they they were unable to, 5years ago.

    lets just trust them and give them our utmost support. Pray that everything will go right for them.

    It's weird, but i somehow feel that hjl's shift to KeyEast will be beneficial to ss501's future as a whole.

  7. Anonymous3:18 PM

    frankly speaking leader is my least concern right now.i don't care what might he's what he has done so he can't complain. he seems to have a steady and bright future.good luck to him.i am just terribly worry for jung min baby and kyu.yoeng seong can try and calm himself.but baby is sensitive his cry in Park Yong Ha made me feel like the saddest person in world.kyu probably is comforting everyone neglecting himself.and jung min acting all cool and fine to not show his discomfort.i hope they are not in too much stress and presser.

  8. Anonymous3:29 PM

    i think we all were unanimous that the news is not true.the triple s said its written by a leader fan so fan will stop blaming him.and she seem to succeed now everyone are blaming pore dsp.and even if some part of the news is correct most of it does not makes any sense how can leader's entering in new company help kyu and ss501 in anyway the news lacks many does not sounds real.and i highly doubt jung min is allowed to reveal such a private issue so freely in a tw fan site.and why just leader would step up for kyu ?what about other members?

  9. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Oh... is this why Hyung Jun kept on saying and emphasizing Kyu Jong's name during the fanmeet? [not sure]

    We wouldn't know... When would the EXACT news of everything that's been going on gunna come out?... I feel tensed for them...I am worried without any reason to worry... Well I just love SS501...

    and BTW... I thought they're going to release the MV of LET ME BE THE ONE?... When's it gunna come out?

    Ahhh... Since it won't be SS501 in one company anymore... well,.

    FIGHTING Kim Hyun Joong oppa, Heo Young Saeng oppa, Kim Kyu Jong oppa, Park Jung Min oppa, and Kim Hyung Jun oppa...

    wow, everything's so different.

  10. Anonymous5:01 PM

    things are falling into place. i'm beginning to understand their speeches made during the fanmeet better. They were trying to tell us a lot of things in the best way possible. They were dropping hints throughout. hjl said that he knew fans will worry when negative and abusive rumours appear in future (does the 'future' mean now?), but he wanted us to continue believing in ss501. he said it was a new beginning for them. i think he meant that there'll be a change in the way in which they are going to function as a group?

    absence makes the heart grow fonder. ys said that he realised of late the great importance of the other members to him. i think this event will just serve to make them stronger. they'll learn to appreciate each other more than ever and try even harder to stay as one forever.

    They cried because they loved each other too much, and are really thankful to the fans for all the support given.

    Hope that things will be alright for them. dsp should stop releasing redundant news that hurts them all too. they have a share in the group's reputation! either keep everything confidential till its all confirmed, or just make it clear what is happening. of course they wont do the latter if its true that they don't want to recontract kyu. it just puts the company in a bad light!

    SS501 fighting!

  11. Anonymous5:05 PM

    ok this is not really related. i'm not familiar with kara...when does their contract with dsp end? Haha seeing what's happening to their sunbaes, i think they should be prepared and start planning for their future...

  12. Anonymous5:56 PM

    RESTING? resting, my foot... this is one of DSP shitty news release from their end... they are trying to cover their ass because the Management knows that they will lose big time with what they face the questions (and wrath from the netizens) its their loss....the boys/men can re-group again even without DSPs approval since 3 are out

  13. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Since 2006 you like them? Wow really? I thought it was only since last year that you started blogging about them...

    Adding more years to make yourself more credible yes?

  14. Anonymous8:30 PM

    @Anonymous 6:12pm

    What do u know about Liezle? She only started blogging about them last year, that doesn't mean she can't have liked them for a longer period of time.. so all those who don't blog at all aren't really fans is that what you mean??

    Honestly, be a little more sensitive to others... if you don't trust her blog don't even bother coming here and then doubting her..

  15. Anonymous8:36 PM

    @Anonymous 6:12pm
    In such time like this, I still can't help but saying: You are so rude.

  16. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Stop fighting. Bleh dsp is basically saying nonsense again.
    But I have trust in 5 of them.
    Logically, we have to face it. I mean they just made a comeback, a VERY SHORT SHORT one though.
    It would be useless to appear to the surface again.
    But ss501 are very honest... And I admire it.
    Come on oppas, show me friendship can overcome many bad things even in this harsh industry!!
    P.S.: I have a feeling the final news will come up at almost the same time as let me be the one mv.

  17. Anonymous9:42 PM


    what the hell is wrong with you? you're such a rude and unappreciative individual!! shame on you!!!

  18. @Anonymous 6:12pm

    Please don't come to Liezle's blog and insult her. Even if she has only been blogging about SS501 for about a year, she has provided us tremendous amount of information. She has help us non Korean speakers to get to know SS501 better. She spend her own time to do this for us when she has no obligation to. If you don't like her blog, no one force you to come here. So if you have nothing nice to say please don't say anything.

    Thank you for all you have done for us and just ignore the trouble maker.

  19. Anonymous10:01 PM

    liezle blog is my source to know all about ss501. i never pass my day without visit this blog.
    it's such a vitamin for me, it's give energy to start my day.

    liezle, thx for all u did for fan like me, u serve us many infos and update about our beloved ss501. ignore people that bashing u.

  20. I'm really sad about someone's comments. I know how liezle has worked hard to deliver our boys' news to you girls. Can you do this for others like her?


  21. Tawashe10:53 PM


    first off, u were just rude.

    Secondly, this post was posted by Marvie and she could have been the one following SS501 from 2006.

  22. im starting to think that they kind of gave clues that something
    like this could of happen because in the movie night thing hyun joon
    kept saying please support kyu he's like a brother to me. yet i still dont know what to believe.

  23. Beatrice11:12 PM

    If it's not delaying and buying time, it's not DSP.
    This is also to prove that the renewal of contract for all five has never been put into place. Otherwise, why would thing is dragged on until now. I hope YS, Kyu and JM will find a good place.

  24. to the anonymous @ 6:12 - started blogging does not equate to just started knowing; heck, i've been keeping track of SS501 for 2 yrs., but it's only been the last 6 months that I opened up accounts to any site that could relate to SS501. Been thinking all those times to start blogging, too, but even now, I still don't have one. So, please, think before you type... You might have signed as anonymous, but you know you're the one who made that senseless and thoughtless remarks.

  25. aprilstar1:42 AM

    Wow ,so much energy being spent left and right .

    Concern for the group of everyone is very understandable. SS501 has been our friends, brothers,our children,even our grandchildren, neighbors.We were happy, sad ,even mad at them sometimes .Yes,we followed their growth and development with much interest and devotion. How incredible.

    In these tough times ,let us not add to their worries . Let us not be agitated .Better let us just be there for them .All of these happening lately are temporary -they will be stronger , maybe wiser and the best is they will appreciate each other more and us because we gave them our unconditional love and support.

  26. Anonymous5:55 AM

    I wonder why DSP does not like my sweet Kyu.... even before, during the early years, he was really given a hard time and was ready to quit but endured because of the other 4 members who made him strong and dedicated... and now, this devastating news of not renewing contract; where leader had to protect and stand up for the whole group; where leader had to take the blame/bashing of majority of the TripleS/Green peas--- i just wish and pray that wherever they are and whatever they are doing, they remain to be still loving, understanding brothers to each one and as a TripleS/Green Pea, i will follow and abide with what Leader said - believe in them, believe in S501 (A)

  27. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Something i do not understand...didn't most TS say that they were gonna trust and support SS501 in all the decisions made in future? So why all the speculations and disappointment now? The boys told us to trust only what they say. So i'll just be taking all the rumours with a pinch of salt till they members surface to express their take on the issue.

    Not blaming anyone, but it's just demoralising to see many people twitting and commenting in some blogs that they were disappointed in one member or the other, and in shock of their 'disbandment'. Let's not forgott our promise to trust only what they say and not the media, nor the so-called 'trusted personels' :)

    The boys haven't even said a single thing about disbandment, and the last time we heard from them, it was SS501 forever.

    Lets just pray for the best to happen to them, and stop doubting them, shall we? Its difficult not to doubt, but the least we can do is to always remind ourselves to trust only words coming from them. Negative and worrying comments will only serve to instil more unrest amongst TS and others alike :)we've got to stay strong...

  28. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I am a SS501 fan and I am a fan of each individual member. I don't call myself a TS because I have only been a fan for a little over a year and I don't feel I have been a fan long enough to call myself that. I listen to other groups too although SS501 is my favorite. One thing I have always commented on is how the TS and fans of SS501 are the best and kindest fans. They are very kind to the other fans groups and I have always seen that they support SS501 and each member unconditionally and with their whole hearts. I have to say I no longer see that and am extremely disappointed. I can not believe the ugly comments directed toward Hyun Joong and I just hope he will know that there are fans who still support him and hope that everything will work out. But even if it doesn't, and they have to pursue solo careers, I know I will still wish him and all the members the very best.
