
Friday, June 25, 2010

[Fan Account] Leader @ Plantation Bay Day 3

sarangkhj thank you so much again for sharing this here in my blog. and thank you so much for letting Leader enjoy his stay at Plantation Bay by not being an overwhelming fan. really appreciate you sharing with us this fan account.

reading your account excites me much. and boy i'm impressed with your composure. if i think others fans would have been there they'll drive leader out of plantation bay.

geez, you've locked eyes with him many times! now I'm sure you know how it is locking eyes with him, right? the feeling is heavenly! oh dear I remember again the times i've locked eyes with him.

thank you again!


3rd day in Cebu : Plantation Bay
by sarangkhj @

Leader was initially booked at Imperial Palace resort but he did not push thru, maybe because it was crowded and more people will recognize him. He then checked in at Mactan Isla Resort and Spa in Lapu-lapu. He stayed at Isla resort because he is friends with the owner. There was no booking for him there. His friend probably offered and he obliged.

Initially he was set to stay at Isla resort for 3 days. However, he checked out on June 21 at 3 pm. He wanted to swim either Monday am or Sunday night and was not able to due to the pool being chlorinated. I heard another version of the reason why he could not swim but I will not get into that. But he was able to swim one time. He has a nice body according to people who saw him (we know that already). he he he

So, Leader moved to Plantation bay resort on June 21 at past 3 pm. That night his group went out for dinner.

June 22, 2010, an angel (he he he) booked a room for me and my family at Plantation Bay resort and spa. I was not sure if he was really there; I hoped and prayed he would be. I was there anyway for my family.

After settling into our room, we went around the resort. We went inside their gift shop and after awhile, two big guys came inside- his two bodyguards. OMG! I thought to myself, leader is really here. The 2 security guys just looked around.

We continued with our walk, my companions wanted to ride the cart as they were getting tired from walking. I flagged down a cart and there sitting was Laura, the Korean interpreter. I sat down beside her. This really confirms that leader was here. She got off at a building and I noted this building as this could be leader’s room and it was. The 2 security guys I saw in the gift shop were there and got on the go cart as well.

We then went to the restaurant to get drinks. Leader’s friends (my friends said they were his dancers and make up artist) were having lunch there. There were around 9 guys, including the bodyguards and 3 girls, including Laura with Leader in this trip.

We went to the pool to swim. At around 4 pm, leader’s companions went to the pool to swim. No sign of leader.

I invited two friends to come visit me at Plantation. They arrived at 5 pm. They went around the resort in the hopes of seeing leader. I stayed at the pool with my family.

At 5:30, the KHJ group stopped swimming and left. At around 6:30 pm my friends came back and reported that they did not see leader at all. I then decided to stroll around the resort with them. I showed them first the other fresh water pool. It was in an elevated place with just 4 steps. We looked around. As we walked down the steps out of the pool area and back to the main walkway, I heard voices. At the end of the step, I looked up and there walking towards us was leader with 3 other companions. Leader looked at us, paused and smiled. He really paused and he looked like he was waiting for a reaction from us. Our eyes met and I smiled. We continued walking like it was any other ordinary day. That was around 6:43 pm. When we were at a distance where he couldn’t see us, that was the time we freaked out. HA HA HA. Beforehand, I told my friends that we just have to be relaxed and not disturb him. I wanted him to have a relax time here and not be harassed.

That moment we met him was played out like in a slow motion movie. Our hearts really stopped. It was like everything was moving at a very slow pace.

That time he was walking was the time he just came from playing soccer with his friends at the tennis court. Talk about being a soccer freak, he he he. He was wearing a sleeveless gray shirt with some print or design and board shorts. He had his hair in the same way when he arrived, the small ponytail on top of his head. He was sweating but still looked good. He was talking and was having fun with his companions. His other companions walked out of the tennis court after awhile.

My friends and I continued our stroll. We were floating the whole time. I went back to the pool where my family was still swimming. My two friends decided to stroll some more in the hopes of seeing him again. I decided to swim then as I have already seen leader. At around 7:15 pm, my friends’ texted that they got information that leader and his party of dancers will have dinner at Galapagos beach (the beach area of the resort where there is a bar. Tables and chairs are set up for guests) where there will be a cultural show. They decided to stay there and wait for him. I opted to stay in the pool and continued swimming. At around 7:30 or so, I saw leader’s friends and one bodyguard enter Kilimanjaro restaurant beside the pool where I was. I thought, maybe they are not joining leader in the beach area. However, after 10 minutes or so, leader comes in with the rest of his party. They started ordering and chatting. I couldn’t believe my luck. He was on a table right beside the pool. I had a very nice view of him eating. He did look up from his eating once and saw me in the pool. No one else was swimming, except me and my family (I was with 3 family members). I got a video of him (discretely, without him noticing) while eating. The video is dark and not so clear but at least I got something.

Near 8 pm. my friends came to the pool as they heard that he was in the pool restaurant. I asked them to get a video of him while eating. They were able to position themselves at the top of the steps of the slide outside the restaurant. Aside from my friends, staff from other departments went in groups of 3 and 4 to look at leader in the restaurant. Everybody kept their distance and just looked at him from outside the restaurant. They were so excited to see him but only observed from afar. Even the cooks and kitchen staff stared at leader from the kitchen, just observing him.

At 8 pm, the pool was closed for cleaning and we had to stop swimming. I decide to eat at the restaurant. As we entered the restaurant, leader and some oh his companions looked up. I caught his eye again. I just went to a table and sat down. I purposely sat with my back to him coz I know I will not be able to help myself from staring. After awhile, I did turn casually and looked at him. He also turned to look up and our eyes met again. My heart stopped again. I am getting heart burns from this, he he he. I just looked away, as if just like nothing. I don’t know how I managed to sit there and not rush to him and just hugged him. I glanced at him again at another time and just perfect timing, he would also look up and catch my eye.

They chatted while eating. I heard kimchi being delivered to their table. He has a loud voice and would stand out from the rest or maybe I have his voiced memorized and so I can pick out his voice from the rest. Anyway, I enjoyed my meal while listening to him talk to his companions. After he was done, he left ahead of the others. He stood up, one bodyguard went ahead, he followed and another bodyguard followed him. Laura also stood up to go after him but she came back to the table. I was able to video this but very short. The staff said kamsamhamnida to him and he slightly bowed in return.

After eating, I went back to the room. We got information that his group was going out and that they were at the lobby. Maybe they will hang out somewhere. At around 10 pm, my family and I went swimming again. When we passed by his room, we heard voices inside. So, I’m not sure if he really went out or stayed in. They were booked in Iguaso building with 3 or 4 rooms (not too sure) sharing an open sala. It had a big veranda and it was slightly covered with trees. Plantation bay has different names for each of their buildings and places. The reception lobby was called Alcatraz, the buildings are named from A to Z.

I went to sleep that night contented to be in the same place as leader.


  1. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Thank you for the report, it's very nice of fans for just observing him from afar. I'm sure he had a good time. I wonder if he had to pay for all the expenses, of course for his bodyguards, but what about his dancers...

  2. Anonymous12:50 AM

    another article about leader's manila visit

  3. Anonymous1:56 AM

    Thank you for sharing... i'm proud of Filipino fans because they know how to control themselves despite the excitement to see the Leader... And more they know their limitations.. meaning they are satisfied on looking at him from afar and gave the Leader chance to enjoy and have fun...

    i hope leader had a great time in Cebu...

  4. Anonymous3:26 AM

    I love it! Thanks for sharing. I envy you so much. You were well behave and so you were rewarded with numerous moments with him. Proud of you. Now triple s, next time we know what to do.

  5. Blanca3:49 AM

    Thank you very much for sharing. Sarang is really a graceful fan. She just nod her head and smile, and pass HJL peacefully, leaving him a very nice undisturbed space. I am sure she must be an angel in HJL's eyes.

    Very good fan account, thanks again for sharing!

  6. Anonymous3:55 AM

    thank you for sharing!!! i was amazed by how this fan control herself while leader was around!! love the fan account. hope in the future, TS should do like this when they're having a holiday,let them relax!!

  7. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful fan account! Love how the fan is so graceful and not scared him away. Seems like Leader enjoyed his vacation without being in the limelight for a few days.

  8. Anonymous8:37 AM

    thanks liezle for sharing SarangKHJ's encounters with Leader-sshi...

    hey, SarangKHJ, you go girl!!!! I am happy for you that you had special eyelock connection with leader (not once but several times!!) but came out as still very much poised and dignified, acting nonchalantly... like who are you but deep inside you were ready to jump on him and scream and do cartwheels, eh?! woot! woot! woot! that's what i call well-mannered and what people say grace under pressure... clap!clap! clap!

  9. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Does Sarangkhj know if Leader visited Cebu's guitar making factories -or if he brought one back to Korea with him?

  10. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Thank you so much for sharing this.
    Way to go girls, let him relax and we'll get more chances of seeing him again.
    Wish I'll be this lucky ^^

  11. sarangkhj you're one lucky person!!! damn it! IM SOOOO JEALOUS!!! thanks for sharing all these stuff with us. love u and likewise to liezle. xoxo

  12. I'm so ........ jealous, when he coming to Singapore, when can i have a chance like that.

  13. sarangkhj, i have read your stories for many times and i'm enjoyed reading it over and over again..i want to thank you for these great updates..
    it feels like i was there too staring at him.. how lucky you are, im jealous too hehe..=D hoping that i can have that chance too..hehe
    As you saw him up close, have ever you found out anything, why he looks mysterious in front of fans, compared to hyun joong we saw on We Got Married, who funny and out loud..
