
Tuesday, June 01, 2010

[FanCam] 2 more from HSScandal

I'm shoving here two videos from HSScandal that Sudal shared on the sidebar as the sidebar often moves fast. ^^

Following videos were lifted from hjcoco YT channel.


  1. Anonymous2:27 AM


    If you go to HSScandal, you will see this warning by the owner of the video, Ms Coco "Don't reuproad to YOUTUBE!!!!"

    And since she has kindly uploaded the videos in her own youtube account, you can use her links instead of unintentionally supporting rules breaker

    Links lifted from hjcoco youtube channel:

    btw, feel free to delete my comment after reading ^^

  2. Thanks Anonymous for the information about the notice from the owner of the video. I've edited my post and used the videos uploaded by hjcoco on her YT.

    Really appreciate your concern.


  3. Anonymous4:54 AM

    i've observed that the "manager" hyungs aren't visible in both fan signings- does it mean that there contract with DSP has expired as well?; not that am missing them- its just a noticeably relaxed atmosphere without them plus its HJLeader who's guiding his members (A)
