
Friday, June 18, 2010

[INFO] DSP Notice [10.06.18]

Credit: + (English Translation) Ode Blog

Hello this is DSP.

SS501's promotional activities for 'LOVE YA' has had ended its
run last week on the 13th June. Due to this short promotional period,
we know that fans would surely be feeling very overwhelmed with sadness.
SS501 had debuted on June 8, 2005 through KMTV's Music Bank,
and so soon, it's already been 5 years that's flowed by~

SS501's contract validation period, as all of you should know,
has had ended on June 7, 2010.

While preparing for this time's album and carrying out activities
with every member, we had already carried out discussions with one
another. In consideration of their expiry of contract, we had decided
for their 'Love Ya' promotional period to last for only about 2~3 weeks.

May it be SS501 or may it be us, none of us is certain or clear
about the future moves, and because of that,
we're not able to talk about it officially as of yet,
but once we have decided, we will let all TripleS know.

This time's DESTINATION album's song inclusive 'Let me be the one'
will be made into a music video as a form of their comeback period
'making', and it will be ready around mid of next week where you could
view it.
For more concrete information, we will post about it again~

To the many TripleS who are feeling very upset about this short
promotional period, we hope that TripleS could feel slightly
less upset after the Let Me Be The One music video is released
as you watch and play it.

Though it's only been 2 weeks of promotional period, but to our
TripleS who's given them the biggest accolation -- Number 1!!
Thank you for your love and concern towards this DESTINATION album.
In future too, please show your unyielding love no matter what~

Thank you.

[Dsp media]


  1. Anonymous6:55 PM

    I lol-ed when dsp said "less upset", it's as if they are afraid of the wrath of Triple S ^^
    but I really appreciate ss501, they're willing to work to satisfy their fans although the contract is still unclear. Not many artists are willing to do that!!
    But the bribe works! Now, looking forward to let me be the one mv!! ^^

  2. Love ya 555017:01 PM

    OH!!crying...what did they mean? very disappointed

  3. Anonymous7:03 PM

    OMO i was hoping for a Let Me Be the One MV :> I'm very happy :)

    Honestly I really like DSP Entertainment and that the boys are under them. They don't tire out their artists much and help them achieve their dreams.

    People may say that they don't promote their artists well, I think their just doing fine because I think this way the fans really like them not just because of their looks or whatsoever but of their music and personality :)

    DSP Fighting!
    SS501 Fighting!
    Triple S Fighting!

    Once a Triple S Always a Triple S:)

  4. Am I the only one saddened by DSP's notice? I feel so worried reading it. My mind keeps thinking that if they want to recontract SS501, wldn't they have done so by now? Why do I get such a heavy feeling in my heart...?

    I love love love LOVE YA and now the promo is over? It's only been 2 weeks! OMO!

    Please! I want our boys to stay together always!

  5. Anonymous7:37 PM

    I agree with eee, DSP is torturing us. I read this news over and over to figure out what exactly is going on. But isn't SS501 the most successful in DSP? They should recontract soon. Anyway, I'm frightened with the last words "no matter what". What does it mean?
    Let's pray for the best thing to come, all of us!

  6. Anonymous7:59 PM

    I'm afraid. I have been re-reading the message to understand and finding underlying messages. What if the boys don't re-contract? Why if DSP don't want them anymore? What will happen? Why do i feel so heavy and loss. I am already tearing. I hope that the boys will celebrate their 6th, 7th or even 50th anniversary with us.
    Let's pray shall we?

  7. Lynne9:44 PM

    Hi All! Please remember what Hyun Joong said during the recent fan meet: to trust SS501. They will not disband. Should both parties cannot come to an agreement then I am sure the boys will sign with another company that they trust will look after their interest. Believe in them. I do.A phrase to ponder over:

    "Should you encounter a problem along your way, change your direction but not your Destination!"

  8. agree with eee @ 7.26
    if they plan to re-contract then what's taking them so long?? the terms and conditions of the contract? sheesh
    as much as i'm happy that there will be an MV for LMBTO (my fav song ever!), i'm much more scared about the future D:

  9. oh and @Lynne,
    ur quote just made my day lol. i trust SS501 as well but i don't want them to get worried about their future (or jungmin to get his chest/head pains or anything)

  10. Hi Salty Seaweed! From Boys to Men they will make the right decisions. They love Triple S too much to hurt us all. The key word is: trust. As fans we have too believe in them. They asked us to and so we shall. We shall walk beside them in their journey. It's pointless worrying!

  11. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Letæ's ur trust in SS501! as baby said: we will stay be together after 10..20..30..yrs and more!!!! SS501 also said that they will relase the 2nd album in the future!!! TripleS dont worry to much or analys the message^^ just be happy and trust SS501!

  12. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Did Baby signed the contract with DSP? I read somewhere a while ago that Baby couldn't have the fan-meet in the Philippines because the company didn't allow him too. But Leader is in the Philippines now doing activities. Is he able to that because he didn't renew his contract with DSP?

  13. Anonymous10:31 PM

    I think as of now Leader hasn't renewed the contract, whether they are still negotiating I don't know.. but I am very very worried....

  14. DSP's managers, dancers, stylists, assistances, all the likes are with Leader in Manila. They wouldn't be able to go with leader if DSP is not involved with the charity concert.
    Don't speculate too much into this until further notice.

  15. agree with Lynne and anonymous @10.21!
    let's not over-analyse anything and take whatever that comes positively.
    for now, i'm just excited about the Let Me Be the One MV! maybe that's why jungmin was seen filming? hehe

  16. Anonymous10:48 PM

    for sure all parties would like to finalyzed the contract ASAP - the unexpected illness of the DSP president may have complicated the contract issues

  17. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Hi Leizle, There is a news about SS501 attendance at Golden Melody Award. There goes something like Leader won't attend, Baby and Min will be there, Kyu and Saeng are considering. Some of my friends told me they read it at soompi, but I can't log in there. I'm wondering about it. By any chance if you can check, please show us the news, thank you very much.

  18. Anonymous11:03 PM

    yes I quite agree with anon 10:48 i think both parties would like to finalize the re-contract and it's just that the DSP Pres. is sick right now and I think maybe some terms and changes in condition in the contract maybe the problem..I think SS501 mentioned some of them in their guesting and it's all up to the Pres. and SS501 members for it's implementation ..that's what I think is what taking them long to come to a decision

  19. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Yes, 1st anonymous at 11.03 pm is right. I also read it in comments in allkpop.
    I really wish they can attend it together...
    But! We have to believe only what ss501 say!!

  20. I wanna believe in them...really I do....but all the speculation about their contract lately distrubed my trust to them....I wanna believe they will last for 50th year anniversary but now is it possible??? Reading DSP notice make me wanna cry....I don't want ss501 disband...some DSP's words worried and confused me...till the end there are still faithful in my heart and I hope it would be....

  21. tawashe1:59 AM

    i seriously dont know what to make of DSP. there are so many things i hate about DSP, but then at the same time there have been many times i felt thankful and glad that SS501 were in DSP because DSP are very leniant when it comes to their artists unlike SM with their slave contract, and DSP artists usually are given their freedom (except may be not so much in leader’s case as DSP signed up leader for boy’s over flowers without letting him know and he found out that he was in the drama through a news article). i have always thought a 5 year contract is a good way to start things, but seriously man this is going a bit too far. now that the 5 years is over, how difficult is it to sign them again. SS501 is DSP’s biggest money maker. i understand that allthis problem has occurred because of CEO lee’s health, and it makes me love the SS501 boys more knowing that they are very respectful to their CEO and are willing to wait for him to recover in order to decide their future. but DSP should know that this is their FUTURE they are dealing with, and you cannot compromise with that. it is very wrong on DSP’s part to keep the 5 boys hanging and unsure about their future.

    DSP is a big established company, so im sure other than the CEO there are several important people running the company that can go ahead and arrange the contract in the absence of the CEO. if somehow another company wants to sign SS501 and the boys leave DSP i wont blame the boys, cuz DSP is literally playing with everyone’s patience; both SS501 and triple S.
    i mean come on, the boys have been doing activities and promoting ‘love ya’ and destination on their own, because technically since june 8 they are no longer under DSP. who else would be so kind to their fans to do promotions without any backup completely on their own with no certainty of their future.

    i know its hard not to worry with news like this, but fellow triple S we need to calm down. just take a deep breathe and hope for the best. yes, im worried too, but im not sooo worried because i know this problem will be solved. lets look at the bright side, at least there is no lawsuit involved. its just a matter of renewing the contract which i hope will happen soon. it is very very clear that the 5 boys want to be together and continue as SS501 for many more years. atleast the problem here is not tension among the boys, but DSP being slow. if i was like a multi-billioniare i would send the best doctors in the world to treat CEO lee so that he can sign our boys again. in the most recent fansinging where all the boys cried, it was so clear that they wanted to be together. it was like a group of best friends who want to be with each other forever but were being made to seperate. well, atleast im glad that the boys themselves want to be together.

    another reason why not to worry so much: we know that leader hyun joong is really honest and blunt. the word ‘lying’ and ‘flattering’ doesnt exist in his dictionary. that guy just cant lie even if his life depends on it. and for someone like him to say things like “our desire to come up with a 2nd full length album soon is keeping us driven” (in shimshimtapa last week), and “please dont believe the rumors, believe in the 5 of us” (newton fan signing) really means that they are DEFINITELY NOT DISBANDING. yes they are going through some problems cuz of this contract uncertainty and so may be inactive as a group for a few months but they are still together as a group. even baby also said that they will comeback with their full length album in the future.

  22. Anonymous2:18 AM

    what should i say? dissapointed? angry? or sad? Really speechless!! What's going on with dsp? They arent officially talk about the contract? Did they think we stupid? but i'm triple s! I must believe SS501 even when no one believe with them! Yes i trust them because that's the thing that make me different with other people!!
    SS501 i believe in you!!
    Znd i wany you to know that i love you deeply!!

  23. I'm a little sad, but happy too, because there will be let me be the one mv, i really wished it ^^
    but in other hand it's so dificult keep my trust in the fact that they will comeback... actually i can see they want to be together, but unhappily it don't depends only on their wish...
    I hope this situation be solved as soon as possible, because i can't wait anymore, it's so unfair with the guys and with the triple s that love them so much.

  24. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Remembered what the boys said not to believe in rumors but instead believe in them! The contract issue is out of our control so the best thing that TripleS can do is to continue and support them so that they can win more awards for this AWESOME albumn. Not only will this show the boys that TripleS still love and care for them, it will also show DSP and other entertainment companies that they are a force to be reckoned with.

    So what are we waiting for? Lets STREAM...STREAM...STREAM

  25. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Love SS501 but not DSP. The boys deserve better for their career esp the broken promise from DSP countless times regarding their 2nd album. We're able to forgive them all the time bcuz we know how hard the boys work. Will still love and support them no matter what happen.

  26. Anonymous1:11 PM

    dsp can give them the contract extension if they really aprreciate ss501s effort for there a big problem why they hang up with the boys....if a certain company dnt want to loose such good artist or talents they will continue giving or offering them the contract.... i trust ss501 they are my inspiration why i started to like kpop....ss501 will not disband easily they gone through hardships and trials why they are now popular...fabs will continue support them im sure with ss501 just believe in them we'll wait for them...
