
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

KeyEast reaching out to Kim Hyun Joong Fans

I have been tipped by Shirley of this earlier and just found out from bb that there is already a translation.

Thanks to newyorkcitygirl for reposting this over at

I'm shoving this here to let you guys know again how fast and how KeyEast reach out to their artists fans.

KeyEast Sent an email to PERFECT (FANCLUB)
Re-posted by

Hi, This is from KEYEAST.

Kim HyunJoong & KEYEAST belong to one family today.

The first thing to do is saying "Hello" to you guys who are always with HyunJoong.

It's the first greeting with delight to all of fans.
The fresh start of Kim HyunJoong&KEYEAST is for showing better performance.

KEYEAST has already recognized that Kim HyunJooung is a striving artist better than anyone else for providing great singing and acting to fans.

With putting our unsparing support into his efforts, it could be improved the unlimited possibility as a Singer & Acotor not remain current ability and be an worldwide entertainer to surpass Asia.

Also, we make a greater effort with lending an ear to your precious opinions so KEYEAST would be able to povide more good news.

We just want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your continuing support, and ask for your unwavering support to taking a starting step.

May health, happiness and good times greet you each day.

Thank you

Yours very truly, KEYEAST


  1. angelride12:51 AM

    Thanks again for the quick update. Seems like Hyun Joong is in good hands with Keyeast. Hope they'll take in the rest of the boys.

  2. Anonymous12:51 AM

    wow..Keyeast is really nice of them to recognize a fanclub of KHJ and to assure them that their also taken into consideration with regards to Leader's future..I think KHJ chosen a really good managemnt co. Goodluck KHJ, Perfect and Keyeast...go go fighting

  3. KeyEast is really fast and efficient. Only after hours after the news is released, a japanese web for hyunjoong is made and now, an official letter sent to PERFECT.

    So, this is kind of a good news right? Hyunjoong being in good hands means that his future will be bright.

    I hope the other 4 members' future will be as awesome as well.

    Believe in them! They'll not disappoint us!

  4. Anonymous1:07 AM

    Wow. KeyEast is seriously fast. Especially when compared to dsp!

    Oh well, i believe they will pull through this together, in the same agency or not. Its not the first time they've met with seperations, and they are now mature enough to understand and cope.

    Maybe this means less exposure and less shows featuring all five of them as a whole, given that it may only be limited to music-related activities. But as long as they are happy and have a great future, ss501 <3!

    Having each of them specializing in their respective fields can mean increase in fan base and experience. Its a change, but who knows, ss501 might comeback an even stronger group, just like how they did during end 2008-early 2009.

    KeyEast's efficiency has had me looking forward to more of hj's work in future! He's made a good choice, i'm sure the members think so too.

  5. Anonymous1:24 AM

    on one hand im glad that hyun joong found such a good agency to work for and that his future will (hopefully) be bright. on the other hand, my heart hurts for SS501 as a whole and rlly hope more gud will come out of this contract...

    not rlly sure what im feeling rite now but my support for them will always be endless and unwaivering so i guess rite now, all i can do is watch from the sidelines and hope for the best.

  6. Anonymous1:40 AM

    when I saw the news in the morning my heart dropped.
    what will happen to them? all the uncertanities.

    But step back and reflect.
    We know Leader's loyalty.
    Dsp did their part and raised them. But through the years we can see their work efficiency. It’s really not that gd.
    Thus perhaps joining a new agency is not a bad thing either. Leader wants to show his best to the fans and im sure he thought about it seriously.

    Im sure all of them have the heart to stay together as one and fulfill their promises to fans. We shouldb satisfy they always care for us!
    But they do work under bossess too and not that they call the shots so we need to understand their positions.

    So no matter what just continue to believe in them and not leave them.

    Love & Respect!
    We just hope and pray for the best!
    Love SS501 forever.

  7. Thanks liezle, for providing us with so many news. I have no idea how many times i clicked on the "Refresh" button today while i'm at your blog. Thanks alot. ^^

  8. I’ve only started to like SS501 as a group recently so I’m afraid I can’t fully realize the extent most people are feeling about HyunJoong leaving DSPEnt and the precarious situation the other’s are in, while they’re negotiating their contracts with said company. I’ve been following the news since yesterday, and granted, since I am a HyunJoong fan before I am an SS501 fan, I wasn’t too shocked (because I was praying that he goes to a better company, one that treats him well) but was affected by all the buzz from the major SS501 fans. I am left, right now, wanting to express my views on this.

    KeyEAst seems to be a good company. And if the CEO himself is willing to meet up with HyunJoong–whether their past meetings were personal or business oriented, we can’t know–that says something about the care he has for this person. If he cares so much for his dongseng, then of course they’d try in their power to not disappoint the fans of HJ and SS501. And them sending out an email is an olive branch of peace. So instead of being confused with conflicting emotion, take it as a good thing. He’ll be in good hands.

    I am sure no one wants to hurt anyone.

    Remember that business is business. I hope fans realize that whenever they buy SS501 paraphernalia about 80% of the profit goes to the company and the 20% is shared amongst the members. If I remember in the days when I was a BackStreet Boy fan, I remember an interview Bryan said that “I’m not rich. For every album we sell, I get a few cents.” Now does that give you a perspective? They make their money from solo activities and endorsements.

    But back to the matter at hand: HyunJoong’s switch to another company shouldn’t affect SS501 if HE SAYS HE STILL WANTS TO BE IN THE GROUP. Imagine being with your brothers for 7 years, and you’ve got to make that hard decision to move out. Everyone’s on edge, sure, but people have to grow.

    I just hope KewEast handles his affairs well, and by the looks of this, right now. They’re doing a fine job.

  9. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Very nice and efficient of KeyEast!
    It proves to the fans that HJL is in good hands. I hope other four will find a better company for their future.

  10. litopotato2:47 AM

    liezle,can I repost this on my personal blog. I have to tell you, I am a Joongboer.

  11. Anonymous2:55 AM

    Thanks liezle!

    I hope the other four will be in good hands soon too. Maybe KeyEast thinks that they aren't good enough yet, though i, as a small ss501 fan who has never been a maknae-bias, personally think that he has great potential in being an outstanding all-round artiste too.

    Its unfortunate that they couldn't move into an agency together, but just like what they said at the fanmeeting, this isn't the end. It marks a new beginning for the group. so lets just wait for their respective announcements and learn to adapt to the change? They will not disappoint us. i trust that their brotherhood will somehow help them in staying together.

  12. Anonymous3:07 AM

    KeyEast's efficiency kinda gives me more assurance as an ss501 fan! they seem like a friendly agency that wants the best for their artiste.

    I don't know why, but they make me feel like the situation's not quite as bad as it seems! Not that they will buy over ss501. But somewhow my mood's brightened up at seeing how efficient they are.

    They make me feel like ss501's a high possibility even though they've got nothing to do with them.

  13. carletMa5:05 AM

    Wow, I am impressed. If this is a preview of how Keyeast manages its talents, then I am 501% sure that KHJ is in great hands. KHJ/KEYEAST fighting!

  14. Nice move KE! So nice of them to re-assure KHJ's fans. Looking forward to KHJ's projects with them. Hope the SS501 aspect would become clearer too in immediate future.

  15. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Hyunjoong always wanted DSP to treat fans nicely and it's his first priority. But what did DSP do to his fans? Only rudeness and inefficiency as everybody saw.

    Seems Keyeast will be a nice company to hyunjoong's expectation for his loving fans. Wish all the best for our star's future!

  16. Anonymous7:04 AM

    This is the first time that I've read a series of comments from top to bottom that are ALL very positive and understanding of what has happened of late. HJ will certainly be in good hands and he is very fortunate to have been signed up by an agency who seems to value both the artiste and fans. All the best leader. You have my support.

  17. Anonymous7:14 AM

    nice! a quick and courteous agency! maybe KeyEast should just sign all the members of SS501! they said KHJ has the great potential to be a world star. i think the whole group does, too. SS501 is already a huge Hallyu Star act. with KeyEast's international resources and proper management, they could be Asia's #1 group! (they might have to change their name though if DSP owns it. =/)

  18. Nikki9:22 AM

    KeyEast is really professional. Glad that they care of HJ's fans. Supporting KHJ for 100%!

  19. Anonymous9:25 AM

    To be honest, i've been avoiding reading news about Kim hyun joong changing to a new agency,and the unsure future of SS501, because it makes me so SAD! I can't explain how hurt I am. I'm not mad at Kim hyun joong. I understand why he wants to change company, of course i don't know the real reason.

    The new company,keyeast, seems great and knowing that Kim hyun joong is in good hands makes the situation a lot better and easier to handle. I get this feeling that in the future i'll get to see kim hyun joong oppa more on tv =D. On the other hand thinking i get to see him alone, and not with the other members makes my heart ache!!! But all i can think about is what the members said on the latest fanmeeting, and that is to Trust them. Baby saying they will be forever in 10,20,33....yrs! Leader-sshii keeped saying trust in us, and on what we decide. I'm guessing they all knew what will going to happen while they were saying all these words! and we all know that everything SS501 promises are just not words, but they really mean it and proves it!

    I feel like this is not the end of SS501, even though Leader-sshi changed company! I think they will managed to overcome this problem! Maybe for now they will work on their individiuals activities first, but later on they will have a comeback!

    SS501 i believe in you! TripleS, lets be strong for them! and believe in our leader decision!

  20. Anonymous10:17 AM

    i hope leader the best for next project with keyeast.
    to be honest, im not in to dsp, coz so many times dsp is really dissapointed us.
    dsp raised them , yes it's true, but for artist who already debut for 5 years, it's really a pity that they even dont have 2nd official album.

    now, leader is in keyeast, all i can do is support him.
    i just want hear soon what happen to the other 4..? did they renew the contract, coz some news i read said the other member renewed the contract with dsp, and some said only baby and jm signed back with dsp, not sure about ys and kyu.

    no matter what happen, i support leader. i support the other members also.

    SS501, I love u.

  21. Anonymous10:23 AM

    it's very nice of them to do that.
    I don't know anything about Keyeast, but it impress me already.
    I have to admite that DSP is really, really bad in management, public relation, promotion... omo almost everything. Hopefully, all other four members can get a better company.
    It would be so perfect if Leader can obtain the right to SS501 name.

  22. Anonymous10:32 AM

    here's a scoop..... i believe in SS501... i believe in each member when they say they want to be together......Leader signed to another company because DSP does not want all 5 of them together.... DSP did not renew contract of Kyu Jong, so Leader said he will renew contract if DSP will renew contract of Kyu but DSP refused hence HJL true to his words signed to another company followed by YS to another (to protect the group as a whole) while Kyu is still negotiating with another agency... while Mal and Baby renewed their contract on the 5th anniversary thinking that their hyungs already did ....but they all promise to make a 2nd full album next leader is still protecting his dongsaengs by standing firm, the CEO being sick was just an excuse to cause delay.... aigoo DSP very scheming

  23. Anonymous10:47 AM

    wow .. as a fan, i am impressed!
    a professional agency definitely make a difference!
    so happy and glad for HyunJoong!
    wishing him all the best and i know he will soar in his career!
    I will be here supporting you all the way .. HyunJoong Fighting!
