
Friday, June 11, 2010

[Trans] Kyu Jong Left a Message to DSP Website [10.06.11]

Kyu Jong : We got Number 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @ 2010-06-11, 9:24:51 PM

Credit : + (English Translation )Ode Blog
Please Repost with Full Credit

hh Pretties!! We got Number 1! Thank you ^^

Thanks to that.. I come to our homepage often~ Really thank you!!

baby let me love ya ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Heh.. eumm everyone has been fine right?!

There're also some who are facing the exam period now, right?! Study hard~~

Support hard for tomorrow's world cup too !! ^^ hehe

eumeum~ my condition wasn't in its best for today actually... T

hehe but it has disappeared already!! Thank you, really seriously..

Thank you ^^

The clock hanging in my room..

Until the day our Number 1 become the world's Number 1, we'll always be together side by side supporting...

There's such a vision from our pretties also,..^^

Always, before sleeping.. When awoken, I look at the clock and that reaffirms my heart!

We will definitely work hard and repay that!! Aja aja aja!!!

hehe.. Tomorrow is Music Core~~

Where Hyun Joong-hyung and Kara dongsaengs are the MC, please remember to tune in~~ Heh ^^

Then, we'll see you tomorrow~~ Annyong annyong~~~ Thank you♡

^^ Original Hangul Message ^^

우리 1 등 먹었어요 !!!!!!!!!! 2010-06-11 오후 9:24:51

ㅎㅎ 이쁜이들!! 우리 1등먹었어요! 고마워요 ^^

덕분에.. 공홈에 자주 오네요~ 정말 고마워요!!

baby let me love ya ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

헤.. 음 다들 잘 지내시죠?!

요즘 시험기간이신 분들도 계시죠?! 시험공부열심히하구~~

내일 있을 월드컵두 응원열심히하구 !! ^^ 히히

음음~ 희한하게 오늘따라 컨디션 안좋았는데...ㅜ

히히 지금은 싹 사라졌어요!! 고마워요 정말루..

고마워요 ^^

내방에 걸려있는 시계에..

우리들의 1등이 세상의 1등이 되는 그 날 까지 늘 곁에서 함께 하며 응원하겠습니다...

라고 이쁜이들이 보내주신 문구가있어요,..^^

늘 자기전에..일어날때 이 시계 보며 마음 다짐하는데!

꼭 열심히해서 보답할께요!! 아자아자아자!!!

히히.. 내일은 쇼 음악중심이네요~~

현중이형이랑 카라동생들이 mc 보니까 많은 시청부탁드립니다아~~ 헤 ^^

그럼 내일 또 봐요~~ 안뇽안뇽~~~고마워 ♡


  1. aprilstar10:39 PM

    Kyu is really nice and very supportive of his hyung all the time in sickness and in health even in mceing.Love this guy-can he be cloned so there's more of him on this earth?

  2. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Kyu is so sweet, nice, and trust worthy. He makes a great team member. Love him to bits.

  3. aww,he's so nice~love ya ;)


  5. Anonymous6:57 AM

    You can always count on Kyu to be (always) the first from amongst the members to thank personally the fans/supporters...he is very thoughtful, grateful and good-mannered....(A)
