
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Leader's Cut Interview @ Myx Live [10.06.19]

Alright hold you horses. There's nothing to panic about.

The translation is wrong. What Leader actually said is that the members will be be concentrating on each solo activities. Then asked us to look forward to this.

This is not new to us. They've done this in 2008, right?

Remember how I once mentioned that in 2010 I think that SS501 activities will be like this? 1st quarter wrap up of 1st Asia Tour, 2nd quarter preparation and promotion of the new album 3rd quarter individual activities, 4th quarter probably 2nd Asia Tour or what Maknae said their full Korean album. I still think that this is what will be for SS501 in 2010 because I truly believe that SS501 meant everything they said during the special fan meet.

Whoever is responsible in the subtitle/translation of this should correct this ASAP.

And to give some of the worry warts some peace of mind. ^_^ I have asked a few Korean fans about this disbanding issue and they said that they're not disbanding.


  1. Anonymous10:28 PM

    I sure hope he meant 5th FULL album...

  2. Anonymous10:30 PM

    5th album...what did he mean? 5 albums mean:
    "Warning" "Dajau" "solo collections" "love like this" "Destination"? Did he want to say that during the negotiation with DSP, they are doing their own career? After that, they will join again and lunge their singing content again?

  3. Anonymous11:18 PM

    anonymous 10:30: there are also Find and U R man. So that's quite confusing. Let's just have faith.

  4. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Hyun Joong just said, each member will start solo careers now. After that SS501's album will come out.
    He didn't say about 5th album.
    Just wait and see~
    I want to see all of members's solo activity.

  5. Anonymous11:44 PM

    I dont think Leader mean that SS501 will be disbanding, but they will be doing some individuals activities for some months...Just like last year...'Cause when leader gets back to Korea he will be starting in a new drama....I don't think they will be going solo forever!!! Trust in SS501.

  6. aprilstar11:51 PM

    Actually come to think of it they have been having solo careers in between music production since they debuted -MV's , full dramas, short drams ,being DJ , modelling and CF's particularly KHJ ,personal business, performance in concert (Manila), MC-ing ,individual song production ,etc.

    Solo careers are the more expected -specially now -for them to pursue. They have proven themselves in their field and have other talents to show as well .

    I say let us wish them good luck and support them whether they perform as SS501 or individually .

  7. jungminism12:07 AM

    There are so many mistakes in the subs...he doesn't mean solo carrer ,but solo activities..

    Solo career ≠ Solo Activities!
    It's different

    He said that after they release their 5th album, all members will be concentrated on
    each's solo career -- dramas / movies (example)
    Not that they will be going each's own way alr.
    He ask that all of you look forward to it.
    So don't worry. If it was, it would have caused a huge hooha by now!!!
    ^ ^ ;;

  8. Anonymous2:34 AM

    Geez people. Hyun Joong said not to believe any of the disbanding rumors and the first thing you do is jump to conclusions and panic because of inaccurate translations. How about believing in SS501? People on other sites are criticizing Hyun Joong and saying he is to blame for the contract issues because of his solo activities. They all do solo activities. It's not right to put the blame on just one member and besides who says it's SS501 that's the problem, if there even is a problem. Come on, have a little faith.

  9. Anonymous3:42 AM

    were the translations done by the tv station?? if it is i think triple s needs to all feedback to the station.. i know we all still believe in SS501.. but i do understand why some ppl are having negative thoughts after seeing this interview.. sometimes mistranslations can cause problems.. and this time the translator did make a huge mistake there.. ppl who didnt know of the mistranslation might misinterpret it.. after seeing all the interviews.. im actually a bit disappointed in the translators they hired.. not saying they are bad but they could be more profesional and accurate

  10. Tawashe3:57 AM

    Yah, seems like the translation and the subtitles were done by the tv station. They should have known better and done it more professionally.

  11. i hate the translator... even in the airport the first i hear her translation about what leader's says is not accurate on what she translate...
    Solo Carrers = Solo Activities
    it's different....
    how i wish i didn't post that vid, in the blog, makes a big worries with some Triple S International fans..
