
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Leader's Undisclosed Pictures @ SS501 Destination Album

Much thanks for this set of undisclosed pix Marvie. Geez, can't really see the difference between the released pix and this one unless I open my the photobook of the special ed.

I really do like the one in simple white tee. With regard to the European style of clothing, I would have love it more if not for the hair. Really, I don't like any it whenever noona stylist gives their hair too much curls and spray net. ^^

Credit :


  1. aprilstar9:13 AM

    Wow attention grabbing poses and unusual facial expressions of very handsome man.

    Which planet are from Hyun Joong ?

  2. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Definitely worth looking at..the first pic is sooo cute and yet his sooo handsome..and the 2nd and 3rd woww..melted with those eyes and the pose so manly..yaahh Hyun Joong ah from which planet did you came from?...aiiisssshhh..

  3. Anonymous12:29 PM

    The first picture is cute. But the last two, the way he look into the camera is soooo sexy.

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  6. thanks for the updates.. please include me as one of your friends for kim hyun joong, and i would be glad to do so.. thank you! please update me always.. liezle is it true that SS501 will have a fan meet here in the philippines this july? please give an update about it and i'll share too if i have a chance.. thanks thanks thanks..=D

  7. hi liezle, i have been following your blog for almost a year now to keep myself updated on SS501. i do agree with loving the pix with the plain white shirt, you can just imagine them...having just opened their eyes in the morning and then turning to smile at you... ^_^

  8. Anonymous9:33 AM

    perfect GULJO
