
Monday, June 28, 2010

[Pix & Gif] Missing Young Saeng?

I'm sure most of you are. ^_^

Found this set of photos and gif on posted by a-yo. Not sure when this were taken but I'm certain that it's from one of the Destination gigs. Thanks to HSScandal for capturing and sharing.


  1. Anonymous10:00 PM

    based on what he's wearing..the first should be from the fanmeeting and the last one is when they perform in inkigayo(before/after) or x-concert and the one where he is inside the van is taken after they won on music bank..i saw a vid of ys and kyu that
    young saeng really looks happy in there..see the smile? cute! love it!! and its so nice of him to wave at the fans.. :)

  2. Anonymous10:02 PM

    opps..i didn't know my first comment was posted too..coz there's an error after i post it..mianhe.. :)

  3. yooboo71010:04 PM

    Random thoughts... wondering if Saengie is near-sighted... ^ ^

  4. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Aww... Saengie! How adorable.
    Gosh... finally, a break from all the TW posts!
    Thanks so much

  5. Chara4:47 AM

    ah, nomu nomu kiyowo.^^ SO CUTE! The way he is standing at the car looking at his cellphone.^^ CUTE!!

    @ yooboo710: I think yes. More or less all Koreans seem to have this "illness". ^^ Bad eyes is something like a widespread disease over there.^^ So, yes probably. And if they have it's often not little.^^ But I wonder... he is wearing contact lenses, right? So he should be able to see...

    And I love that "Lest we regret" Shirt.... ^_^

  6. Anonymous6:24 AM

    @yooboo710 You are right. He used to say in an interview that one of the things he must carry in his handbag is contact-lenses.
