
Saturday, June 26, 2010

[VId] Adorable Jung Min and Hyung Joon at Taiwan airport

The appearance of SS501 in Taiwan I'm pretty is one of the much awaited happenings in Taiwan yesterday. Though there is only Jung Min and Maknae who are able to make it for the 21st Golden Melody Award, they were warmly greeted by fans and media at the airport.

I was told that Jung Min and Maknae were surprised to see many fans greeted them at the airport. Jung Min even gave a loud 'Wow!' when he saw many fans waited for them.

From the videos that have been posted in my blog you could clearly see how the boys greeted their Taiwanese fans. But between Jung Min and Maknae, it's Jung Min who really made fans so happy and giddy. Hee, Jung Min won't have the 'charisma' attached to his name for nothing, right?

As Jung Min and Maknae were walking to get out of the airport, both are walking slowly and i believe that at times from what I've seen in some videos, Jung Min will intentionally slow down his pace so that he could greet fans and see them very well. Media on the othe hand keep on taking their videos as fans keep shouting their name and even chanting '501... 501' and showing their banners, light boards, photos and whatever paraphernalia they have for them. Jung Min and Maknae in turn keep on smiling, laughing, nodding, waving and reaching for the gifts that their fans are shoving to them.

Here check out how Jung Min and Maknae are both so nice to fans. Here's a video that I lifted from from the post of 우린너 무잘하니깐 . Thanks to ying5387isme6 for uploading this news capture on her YT channel.


  1. Anonymous6:44 PM

    wow..they are both really friendly to their me hyung jun looks a bit dazed as to handle such a surprise of fans..i mean i would be too if i saw so many fans once i stepped off the plane..whilst jungmin with his natural charisma has no problem in adjusting easily to the situation..

  2. doris7:53 PM

    OMO! JUNGMIN REALLY MAKES MY DAY!!! I LOVE HIM SOOOO MUCH. love how he always treated his fans just like friends. esp when the fan hand him the gift and in response he thanked her "komawoyeo xie xie". HE'S SOOOO CHARMING!!

  3. Anonymous9:48 PM

    yeah mal is very warm always treat the fans like friends - a very sweet sweet boy
