
Thursday, June 24, 2010

[Vid] Kim Hyun Joong Arrival in Seoul from Cebu

Leader arrived early this morning at Incheon from his short an event in Manila and a short vacation in Cebu, Philippines. He left Cebu at 1AM today at arrived Incheon at 6AM.

Thanks to 하 루 for sharing this video on and to YES -

To play again, just right click and tick play.

Leader looks cool getting out of the arrival gate and looking kinda relax, yah? Hmm, looking for someone in the crowd, Leader?

Notice from YES : do not download, edit and re-upload in any streaming sites. [liezle : please let us respect their simple request]

YES deleted its post on probably due to too many views. They're surely going to upload the vid using daum just wait for it.


  1. Anonymous10:22 AM

    he's out of the philippines! hoo-hoo, jihoo! hope to see you again.


  2. Anonymous10:44 AM

    unable to view since video was SS501 still going to Taiwan? YS can't,what about the others? it wont be SS501 if there is one missing...come on Mr. President or CEO of DSP, pali,pali...have the contract signed by SS501.

  3. Anonymous12:26 PM

    how to watch the video?...
