
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

[Article] About Kim Hyun Joong and Park Jae Bum acting

I have been reading about Park Jae Bum acting career in some blogs and fora and this is also a much anticipated news. Let's see how he will fair in the big and small screen.

As for Hyun Joong, he became a household name in Korea because of 'Boys Over Flowers'. There were bad criticism about his acting but all this were taken positively by Hyun Joong because he said he'll learn from them. I remember even reading an article wherein Hyun Joong thanking those who criticized his acting.

Today, Jae Bum and Hyun Joong both Leader of their group, 2PM and SS501, respectively, are on the news. I saw this news earlier on and now with English translation on Quainte501 courtesy of xiaochu. Heaps of thanks again.


07/14 [news] Going into Acting.. Kim HyunJoong Bright, Park JaeBum Cloudy

Credits : edaily SPN + + (English Translation) xiaochu @


Among many actors arising from idol groups, ‘similar star’ Kim HyunJoong & Park JaeBum’s moves are drawing a lot of attention.

Kim HyunJoong has been chosen as the male lead for MBC new drama ‘Mischievous Kiss’ while Park JaeBum is in the midst of filming for movie ‘Hype Nation’ and also in discussion to act for SBS new drama ‘Secret Garden’.

Kim HyunJoong and Park JaeBum have much in common such as they are both from popular group SS501 and 2PM respectively, they have good star qualities, and have signed with management companies who specializes in actors such as Key East and Sidus HQ. Much interests are on them setting foot into acting actively.

However, both of them have received mixed critics on their acting activities. Kim HyunJoong and Park JaeBum, there is no doubt that both of them have good star qualities, and even the works that they are discussing to appear in will become a hot discussion topic. However, compared to Kim HyunJoong who has a promising future, Park JaeBum could not be like him in reality.


Kim HyunJoong proved to have star qualities and possibility to nurture as an actor through drama ‘Boys Over Flowers’ last year. In the early parts of the drama, his acting skills were caught in a controversy, but with each episode, he got more natural with the character and gained most attention together with Lee MinHo. Furthermore, ‘Mischievous Kiss’ which he has been confirmed in, is originally from a Japanese comic where there are already many fans locally just like ‘Boys Over Flowers’, and has already gained much attention. After the news of production for this drama was announces, Kim HyunJoong was said to be the most appropriate so it seems like it was not difficult to gain popularity and attention.



  1. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Oh...for sure! Leader fighting!
    Best of lucks!

  2. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Leizle, do you know if foreigners can watch the drama with it's airing? Will that count for the rating?

  3. Hi Anonymous 12:34. Definitely streaming won't count. You can watch this on delayed telecast on KBS. Though i'm pretty sure links to d/l will be up few minutes after it's shown in Kr.


  4. Anonymous12:44 AM

    yeah, wuri hyun joong's made for the hero of 'mischievous kiss'. he's perfect for the role. now it's important who'll be the heroin.....praying hard for him to get the best partner. wish him best luck and good health!!!

  5. Anonymous1:05 AM

    Hi Liezle, thanks for the info.
    but isn't this drama will be airing in MBC? Not KBS?

  6. Anonymous above, thanks for the correction. It's MBC.


  7. Anonymous7:50 AM

    When will leader's drama be aired in the US? and because im addicted to SS501 i've added Korean channels to my cable subscription (kekekekeke just so i could see them on tv even if i could see SS501 from uploads from the internet^O^)

  8. Anonymous7:53 AM

    OFF TOPIC: Do any of you remember that Magnae and Kyu were both filming different dramas before and said it was going to be aired? when? what happened to it? any clues or answers to my queries?

  9. Hi Anonymous 7:53, It's Superstar a Japan-Korea collaboration mini dramas. I'm actually looking for info about it but couldn't.

    Actually Maknae's drama started filming late 2008. While Kyu Jong only this year.

    Wish we could here info about it soon.


  10. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I do not like this comparison between stars they also do. It puts pressure on the stars and many times the fans start quarreling who is best.Then animosities of fans towards the other star begin.

    I'd like to think that individual stars have their time to shine and aided by many factors to their advantage. At the same time they also fall or their popularity on the wane due to many reasons. Let us just co-exist peacefully .
