
Thursday, July 08, 2010

[Article] It's Kim Hyun Joong for Mischievious Kiss

So it's been decided. Thanks to Ode for sharing the translated news on her blog once again. I'm pretty sure once the shooting for this drama starts we will be getting tons of news. Can't wait to read who the Hyun Joong will be with in this drama.


HyunJoong decided for ISWAK

from: sports korea + newsen

Korean to English translation by Ode /

Group SS501's Kim Hyun Joong has been chosen as the final lead for 'It started with a kiss' / 'Mischievous kiss'.

Kim Hyun Joong's side Keyeast has revealed that they successfully finished discussions with the drama's production company Group Eight recently. However, although Kim Hyun Joong has not had signed the papers with Group Eight, they have finished and confirmed his partake in the drama. In awhile more, Group Eight will be releasing official notice of this.

To Kim Hyun Joong's participation in this drama, he has been on a fiery go with many other strong rivals right until the end, with considered nominees like CN Blue's Jung Yong Hwa and DBSG's ChangMin. Though ChangMin was the final consideration along side Kim Hyun Joong right until the final decision, and that his agency SM Entertainment did meet up with Group Eight with quite a keen stand, MBC's production company has finally taken a firm stand with Kim Hyun Joong as the choice for male protagonist.

Kim Hyun Joong's character name will be Baek Seung Jo in the drama, and he plays a genius who has never failed in getting a Number 1 across the entire school who particularly excels in physical education and cooking, not just that, he is also a perfect guy who knows almost every thing under the sky. He will be falling in love with a simple girl Moon Ha Ni (undecided for choice) who has never done anything right, on the contrary to him.

The drama's production company felt that Kim Hyun Joong's Yoon JiHoo in Boys over Flowers is somewhat similar to this Baek Seung Jo of 'It started with a kiss'. Though that being the case, Yoon Ji Hoo was a character very sweet and loving, whereas Baek Seung Jo is one who is cocky and proud, totally on the stark end.

As for the female lead Moon Ha Ni, it hasn't been decided as of yet. Considered nominee Park Bo Young is facing contract issues with agency company, so her participation will be considered with reservations. As to actress Park Shin Hye, KARA's Han Seung Yeon, f(x)'s Sulli have all been undergoing auditions for the role, which was gaining about a huge amount of attention after this was known.

As to the fact that Kim Hyun Joong has once again taken on the role of a popular manhwa lead, he will be receiving much attention on him as to whether or not he will be able to successfully pull it off again.

Korean version of 'It started with a kiss' has been receiving enthusiastic anticipation from netizens.

'It started with a kiss' will begin airing after 'Road Number One' drama on MBC in latter half of year.


  1. so happy to know KHJ accepted the drama ..miss him so much performing!!!

  2. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Yeah! HyunJoong Fighting!

  3. Anonymous8:58 PM

    HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!congratulations HJ!!!!fighting!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Yahoo... finally he accepted the role, happy for him. miss him seiing in a drama... If it's "It Started with a Kiss" then it will come "They Kiss Again"... waaahhh so cool.. Hyun Joong FIGHTING ! ! !

  5. Anonymous9:10 PM


    Congratulation Leader ♥ i'm so happy for him !

    I really wanna see SeungYeon act with him

  6. Anonymous9:19 PM

    FINALLY!!!!!! CONGRATS ♥♥♥♥♥

    There eventually something can be waited for...

    KHJ, fighting!!!

  7. Anonymous9:22 PM

    im happy to hear that hyun joong accept the offer for this drama...

    but i want him in dream high too..

    is it possible for him to act in both drama at the same time?

  8. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Yeah, get working and be productive after being idle wasting half a year with stoopid DSP (which is one sure way of killing his career), no time to look back.

  9. Anonymous10:02 PM

    YAYY!! Finally! Although at first i wasnt so sure if this project will be the right choice for him or not, but if he decided to do it im sure he knows what he's doing and i will support whatever his decision is!
    That means we can see him regularly on screen soon!! I miss him so much!

  10. Anonymous10:16 PM

    WOW!!! Now that its confirmed, i'm really excited for it! I really hope it becomes a big hit! and that this will bring his career to greater heights! Does anyone know when does the drama 'Road Number One' ends? At least we'll get to see him soon! he's been missing in action for quite some time i miss him so much!

    Its gonna be tiring...pray that he stays healthy always! :)

  11. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Cool! I think he's made for the character! Maybe i'm biased, but amongst the candidates, i really feel that he's one that can stand there, dressed in any type of clothes with any kind of hairstyles, messy or not, and still be the centre of attraction of many girls!

    And he can be quite cold at times too. From comments about and interviews with him, plus the way he acts in WGM, he seems to be just like the character, expressionless, likes the girl but can't express himself, hates doing mushy stuffs and expressing his love in his own affectionate manner, etc. I really think he'll be able to pull it off quite well, maybe even better than in BOF! :)

  12. Anonymous10:23 PM

    I hope the female lead is someone who has more acting experience.

    Now I'm wondering who will play the second male lead and also who will play the parents.

  13. Anonymous10:28 PM

    I research about the 'Road Number One' drama, and it airs every Wed and Thurs, and its last episode will air on August 26.
    So 'Mischievous Kiss' will most probably air the next week on Wednesday which is September 1.
    So will it air twice every week too?? That would be nice ^^

  14. Anonymous10:40 PM

    In less than 2 months? I'm elated! I guess this marks the beginning of their solo activities until they decide on the time of comeback? I hope the rest gets to do more solo activities too!

    Hyun Joong hwaiting! SS501 hwaiting! <3

  15. beatrice10:40 PM

    Well, i want him in dream high. But if it's what he wants.. .then I'm more than happy to support him.

  16. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Hyun Joong FIGHTING !

  17. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Finally and congraturation KHJ.

    He's one who try his best in everything.I've no doubt, he definately can pull it off.

    This drama plans to air in Aug but Dream High's plan to air in the first half of next year (I think). May be he can participate in DH as well, cross my finger.

  18. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Kim Hyun Joong the actor. He's coming back! :D

    I've got a feeling we'll be seeing more of him on screen from now onwards. KeyEast's gonna groom him into a singer/actor proficient in both fields, i think! :)

  19. Anonymous11:51 PM

    So cool and happy for him and fans!

    Go, go, hyun joong!! As getting out of damn DSP, his road to universe star seems to be open widely. He's just made for the character of 'ISWAK.

    So much excited now....the second half of this year will be most anticipated and happy.

  20. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Heard that Yoo Chun's drama will be air on KBS around Aug or Sep too, hope it will not crash.


  21. Anonymous11:59 PM

    chukae leader...i give my full support to u...dont be too stress with ur new start..we support u.

    hope this open ur way to be the next big hallyu star.
    yes, im waiting for female lead, omg, she's must be lucky girl in the world, she would has many romantic scene and kiss with our leader...

    super anticipate..

  22. Anonymous12:02 AM

    I'm happy but worry at the same time. Since it's a remake, there will be lots of comparing and criticism no matter how well he does.
    Well, i guess, his fans are ready to stand by his side.

  23. I'm so freaking excited!! I can't wait to see "cocky and proud" Hyun Joong :DD hehe

  24. Anonymous12:48 AM

    we know how scary netizen will compare it with taiwan's versin of ISWAK, and they will bashing our beloved leader due his acting. why dont give him a chance before judging his acting capabilty..?

    so, that's why ,i hope leader doesnt be to stress, coz many people anticipate his new drama. i remembered in wgm, he shared his thought with hwang bo, and said he's stressed coz his bof drama.

    this is leader's second acting, i guess he has a better experience to handle this matter. just hope he takes care his health, dont think too much, just relax and do his best ( we know he always do his best).

    leader ah, sarange....i will on ur side , no matter what.

  25. Anonymous1:49 AM

    KeyEast, what was you thinking..! Not another remake for leader please. He'll be under lots of pressures. This is a big chance for antis to attack him. I rather he takes a role in an original Korean's drama.

  26. Anonymous2:32 AM

    True, but if hyun joong manages to do an even better job than the taiwanese actor, then netizens will soon begin to approve of him even more right? Since he's already going to do it, lets just support him, so that his hard work and sincerity will even touch the hearts of critical netizens.

    No offence to fans of joe cheng, when i watched ISWAK (taiwan), i also felt that joe cheng's done a good job in portraying the character. I loved the drama and the chemistry between the lead couple. However, in terms of physical appearance, i really think that hyun joong is at an advantage, given his more than pretty face. From ISWAK, i had gathered that the male lead's supposed to be a genius so handsome that girls will go crazy over him without even him doing anything. & that's exactly how hyun joong can be. He's looks are enough to make him the centre of attraction, in my opinion.

    Of course, acting skills are important too, looking forward to hyunjoong's drama 'comeback' and better acting. I hope the chosen female leas will be good! Chemistry between the couple is really important, the taiwanese version of ISWAK did really well for that.

  27. aprilstar2:41 AM

    ISWAK maybe is KHJ ice breaker (after the idle time )as he proceeds to heavy duty drama .But I hope the Korean version will be given the appropriate twists here and there so that the characters will all have their chance to shine and not just focused on the main female lead .I don't want KHJ to just become an eye candy .Also for him to finish this drama fast so he can be in Dream High .

  28. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Seriously, KeyEast needs to reconsider and pull HyunJoong out of this. The war between fans and antis has already started. Have him starts in another remake is not a very good idea, not at all. The poor boy will be attacked non stop, no matter how well he did in the drama. The role is not that special in the begin with.

  29. Anonymous7:59 AM

    I agree with you Anony at 6:59 .THey have started aiming their canons at KHJ.

    The female role is the more important one unlike in the BOF where they were all given the chance to be important. What is KHJ going to do there just stand , be handsome and do the the Korean smirk ?Unless,they put in in interesting details and new scenes like they did in BOF .Otherwise I'm afraid KHJ comebacking efforts will be wasted .

  30. Anonymous8:43 AM

    ha ha dont worry so much ... we are talking about kim hyun joong here .. he never fail to amaze us with his outstanding performance ... he will shine no matter how important the female role is the way .. i dont think the producer pay him just to be an eye candy for the drama ... :)

  31. Anonymous8:52 AM

    I agree with @7.59. I just hope the script is good, such that it doesn't all just focus on the girl! I don't want to see people calling hjl a 'himbo' or whatever at the end of the day. BOF had a good script. But since it has been decided on, and if hjl goes ahead to sign the contract, i think we should stop worrying about all this and support him? There's no need for a war between fans, both actors are just doing their best to portray the characters and to provide us with nice, entertaining dramas. Its true the the 'war' between some fans may have started, but as mature fans, i think that we should be more laid back, and render our full support to khj if he goes on with the contract.

    Remakes can be good, just like BOF was. Let's not doubt his decision at such an early stage, I believe hjl cares more for his fans' response than to antis. He wouldn't want us engaging in a war with other fans, nor will he like to see his fans doubting him. If the decision has been finalised, then lets just give him support =)

  32. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Dont think too much and too complicated, as fan, just simply give our full support

  33. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Finally, i've been waiting for the confirmation for ages now. So happy he accepted the drama. I will totally support him in this and i think leader will really work hard to deliver a good performance.

    100% for leader

  34. Anonymous12:10 PM

    I am so excited to hear this news! I've been waiting for his drama. just pray that the drama gets good feed backs and a high viewership.

    It is true that there are some concerns about this drama and antifans who is trying to criticise HJ. But, because of those factors, he will need our support even more. Those of us who are not in Korea can support him on-line. Break leg, Leader!!

  35. Anonymous4:43 PM

    So happy to see him again.

    It's not the first time antis bash him, remember when he just got the role in BOF, it is the same, but in the end he won over so many hearts. I believe it can't only be because of only the pretty face.

    For those who don't want him in some youth drama again, I'm understand your reasons but I want him to get more confident in changing his path in life and this drama is promising and aims for overseas market. Some drama might do well in Korea but not overseas like Iris, heard it is a big flop in Japan.

    I have no doubt in his acting after saw him in gummy MV, he improves very fast. I already watched the TW version and it's not that challenging for KHJ to surpass the lead (sorry for his fans) unlike Oguri Shun.

    So don't worry he will definitely success and claims the title Hallyu King once again.

  36. Anonymous7:03 PM

    i am definetly anticipating this..i can drool over hyun joong after a boring day at school in september..hyun joong fighting!!

  37. support! support! support!!
    Like some one (Anymous 10:23 pm) said, this role is made for him. More over, he's way more physical appealing than the Taiwanese actor (I dont mean to be rude and offensive but sometimes his super duper big head looks weird and scary, that's just a feeling). Back to the old times, I was soo scared when they annouced Yoon Ji Hoo role for Joong, I couldnt even watched his scenes because he was so damn bad in them. But look how much popular he got after the drama. I was soo amazed at the overwhelming love from fans of BOF (as myself a SS501 fan since 2006). So, f*** off the antis. The more antis he gets the stronger he becomes, that's KHJ I know..

  38. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I really agree that from the hj we all know, it wouldn't be difficult for him to surpass the taiwanese lead. i don't mean to offend joe cheng's fans or whatever, just that i really think that hyunjoong's much more physical appealing. And like some other anonymous said, hj's acting was good in the latest mv he filmed for Gummy.

    let's not worry too much! we shouldn't keep thinking that he cant do it. we should believe in him and support him, so that with his hardwork and ours, he will recieve recognition of people worldwide!

  39. Anonymous10:27 PM

    I am not worried he cannot do it.I am worried because the role is not that special if they will be faithful to the original manga .It is the female lead who will be the scene stealer .I don't want any of them to steal the show from KHJ.This is his comeback drama and he is got to make a big splash out of it -a really big splash.

  40. goodolme10:28 PM

    This is a random thought:
    It would be nice if the quirky guy [the one who likes the female lead and keeps on insisting himself to her, then on ISWAK 2 falls for a foreigner] in ISWAK Korean version would be Kim Hyung Jun... I wanna see him act, and his drama black city isn't even out yet... I wanna see maknae be along side Leader in acting and i'm really dreaming for that to happen in ISWAK.. it would be nice.. the characters would fit their role... Leader for the Main Guy the genius one with an IQ of 200.. and Maknae for the hopeless romantic one, who's really funny, and cute...


    just the thought of it [impossible thought of having maknae in the ISWAK drama maybe] makes me want to watch the drama even more... =)

  41. Anonymous8:56 PM

    this kiss drama is a remake of taiwan kiss drama?
    whoaaaa im so excited to see that drama......

  42. totally agree with @goodolme..
