
Thursday, July 29, 2010

[Article] Kim Hyun Joong will start official Japan activities

It's so quiet today. Thanks though to Ode for this post on her blog. I hope she wouldn't mind me shoving this again here.

I'm certain that there will be reactions again from some when they read this article. Just in case some don't know yet, Kim Hyun Joong has been tagged as 'Little Yonsama' even before he signed up with KeyEast. I remember reading an article before during 'Boys Over Flowers'. Also, he's not the only one being tagged as 'Little Yonsama', even Kim Bum was also tagged as 'Little Yonsama' by Korean and Japanese media when he went to Japan last year.


Kim Hyun Joong's Japan Activities

source :
Korean to English translation by Ode / ss501ode.blogspot

'Little Yonsama' Kim Hyun Joong will be starting his official Japan activities in Bae Yong Joon's footsteps.

He will be carrying out promotional events for drama 'Boys over Flowers' for the first time after his recruitment into new agency Keyeast. Promotional events will be on the 18 August at Osaka Grand Cube and 21 August at Tokyo International Forum, with 2 sessions held for each event, and so a total of 4 sessions will be held.

SS501 who has had visited Japan just 4 months ago for the Saitama Concert at Super Arena, and the 'Boys over Flowers' premium event that was held 9 months ago, Kim Hyun Joong will soon be visiting Japan again, but this time -- for his personal work schedule.

Kim Hyun Joong who newly moved into Bae Yong Joon's agency company Keyeast just last month had been receiving hot attention for his affirmed potential in rising to a Hanryu star. However analyses about Kim Hyun Joong's popularity already surpassing that of Song Seung Heon and So Ji Sub's surfaces itself as well.

Keyeast personnel expressed, "Though it's true that Bae Yong Joon's fanbase has had expanded to Kim Hyun Joong too, we don't know how wide the scale is. That's why this time's Japan journey will be an important gauge for us for his future promotion activities."

Keyeast's affiliated company, Japan cable channel DATV broadcasted Episode 1 of 'Kim Hyun Joong's Everything' special programme on 27 July, this programme will be scheduled for series broadcast, and this is targeted to boost Hyun Joong's hanryu popularity further.

In addition, Hyun Joong will be making a visit to 'Boys over Flowers' Shizuoka prefecture shooting site along with fans on August 19-20 during his journey in Japan next month. And of course not forgetting 2 sessions of his fanmeeting on October 11 at Tokyo's JCB Hall in commemoration of his 1st Japanese DVD and Photobook 'The 1st Love Story' release.

On the other hand, Kim Hyun Joong has begun his emittance behind Bae Yong Joon where he's been recently selected to be the new ambassador for cosmetic brand The Face Shop.


  1. Anonymous8:04 PM

    I really don't want to see that.... following behind BYJ footstep... being tagged as "Little Yonsama".... Really losing his real identity...

    I ever remember that he said he don't want to be Jihoo sunbae... but want to be SS501 Leader... but now.. being called as "Little Yonsama"

    Well well... I wish you all the best KHJ....

  2. Anonymous9:07 PM

    The word 'Little Yonsama' Kim Hyun Joong is somehow bittersweet to me.
    I don't know what exactly my feelings are. But I believe and want to believe that Leader's heart won't change. I know that Leader wants to live with his own identity so I just hope that he won't get hurt with those article comments said he follows others. Anyway, I believe that even though he goes the same path, he has his own way to take that path.
    I just want him and his members, whom I cherish to be happy and healthy.
    Stay strong Triple S. Just remember this:

  3. Hi Liezle,
    I read that there will be a fan meeting happened on October 11 in Tokyo, I happened to be in Japan at that time, would you mind sharing more information about this fan meeting? If possible, I would love to try squeeze in this fan meeting (I know this maybe hard), thanks in advance.

  4. Anonymous9:40 PM

    會不會是"小裴勇俊" 係視乎金賢重的表現, 不是記者傳媒話係就係,
    相信金賢重只係簽了一間肯為他成全夢想, 有發展的公司, 有工作就做, 他依然會是他呀!

  5. Anonymous9:53 PM

    i really don't have a problem with "Little Yonsama" .to me he has changed a lot.and not just it has nothing to do with keyeast and Mischievous Kiss.everything got started since hurt me to no end when i red the comments.triple s begging him to smile more be his old self.but that never happened so i won't be surprise if he become more serious and smile even less than before.or maybe even increase the number of his bodyguard.anyway wish him luck.

  6. aprilstar10:28 PM

    In response to Anony at 9:53 pm

    We really do not know what happened behind all the camera and the glitter of stardom and of course the responsibilities of growing up and being in charge of so many things. All of these matter and can surely affect a person .We loved him for what he was , we should also embrace the changes in his life . Hyun Joong has reached adulthood though he has matured early on beyond his years .People mature at different rates and perhaps he just was more under public scrutiny more than others .

    Being little Yonsama,I believe is a packaging concept or a public perception of some .I'm sure with KHJ personality he will strive to be on his own identity and stay unique. I know the best is yet to come to this strongly motivated young man

  7. Anonymous10:38 PM

    BYJ, KHJ. Why is there a need to always associate these 2 names together????

    "Though it's true that Bae Yong Joon's fanbase has had expanded to Kim Hyun Joong too, we don't know how wide the scale is." So... KHJ is tapping on BYJ fanbase to gain higher popularity in JP? Is this the direction that KE wanna take? Without associating KHJ with BYJ, KE is not confident of marketing KHJ successfully???

    sorry.. this article gave me a lot of ???????

    KHJ chose to join KE, I take it that he has given deep thoughts and understand KE's plan. If he choose to stay behind BYJ, then well... let it be.

  8. Anonymous10:42 PM

    I think i know well from where are some anonymous here come from. You know who you are ^^ just advice, no need to pretend to care about him.. Who you are is so obvious..

    How simple minded is that? Being tagged as 'little yonsama' BY MEDIA so means he lost his real identity? Oh, how easy?! Oh How easy you change your identity by just a label given by media? Isnt this new case?? Hem yeah he has many label, from leader, shillang, jihoo sunbae, and now little yon sama. So it means his real identity change then.. Wow Okay! Its annoying us he was being refers as shillang, as jihoo, as little yon sama.. Its same case, and then sum so called fans judge him losing his real identity. Ha funny..
    I think you dont know what is called 'identity'. Everyone has that special thing, no one can follow. Even Jung yong hwa, the one who is called the next KHJ in this entertainment world, bcause people said he has same face, same path of career like his career, but he never can be like an exactly KHJ replica.. Because he has his special thing, he couldnt have what just KHJ has. He is not have personality like KHJ has. Same goes to KHJ to BYJ.

    @anonymous 9.53
    waw are you hyunjoong best friend? Seems you know him sooo well so you can judge him. Even you know he didnt smile too behind the camera life?
    Oh maybe this cold side of hyunjoong is new to you? Hem since you can judge him so well, i think you should know well then this timid-cold-expresionless hyunjoong is part of his personality since he was born and not just was born in 2009.

  9. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Fans love him as KHJ, that's for sure. The media wants to bring even more attention by dragging BYJ name into the news; it's not a bid deal, it's just what the media usually does.
    Well... soon KHJ will surpass the older generation. He's already on his way. This is just the beginning. Let's not make a big deal out of this name tag thing, and continue to support him.

  10. Like Lieze said, this news will come up with different reaction, yeah, because...that’s life. But I hope everyone will have fair view and please not trying to hurt each other once again.
    Hyun Joong is Hyun Joong, no one can deny that. We cannot force someone stop changing because, life is changing day by day.

    It’s obviously for one person to change, but deep inside his heart, and his soul, there’s always thing that cannot be changed. Hyun Joong is changing or not, we don't and we cannot know. What we see is just from the outside and who can read his mind? (You might think that you understand him, but... you’re not.) However, there is one thing that will never change - he is the one (and will be forever), who always put his greatest efforts into his work, always care and love to his fans (even though he might not show it outside). That’s also the reason why we love him.
    Life is fighting and moving. I’m glad that Hyun Joong has made his own choice; even it might make some people dissatisfied.
    And whoever he will be, I will forever support him; because there is one thing I know for sure, he is our Kim Hyun Joong.

    Thank you, Lieze for sharing the news with us. Thanks to your blog, I can update HJ’s news everyday and love him more ^^.

    PS: About “Little YSM”, it’s not his false when people call him that... He never asks them to call him by that name, so please don’t blame him about that.
    Media is always... media.

  11. Why HJ always get all the blames? WHY???

    Anyway, I'll fully supports whatever he is doing now!


  12. Anonymous11:38 PM

    I don't think anyone here is blaming Leader. It's just they are getting worried and expressing it in a sensitive way. Sigh.
    I am extremely worried that he might get fatigue with this tight schedule. T.T
    Leader, please take care.

  13. LOL!!.. it's just one of the way for media to make headline. They try to involve as many big names as possible. No need to work up, ladies! KHJ is KHJ, and BYJ is BYJ; no one can replace them.

  14. Anonymous11:51 PM

    We don't have to worry about his being called 'Little Yonsama'. He's been called that way often since BOF and it means media or people consider him as the next big hallyu star like BYJ. As we know hyun joong, he's a very smart and unique person. Nobody can change his identity. What we should do is to support him whatever he does behind him as he grows into a real big star.

    Hyun joong, fighting!!!

  15. Anonymous4:55 AM

    hehehe, it's funny how a small thing can be such a big deal....anyway, just wanna say true tripleS stay strong and believe in our five oppa's!=D SS501+tripleS = hwaiting!!!

  16. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Ah..... MONEY and FAME. The overzealos pursue of these has lead many astray. Yes, everyone wants these and each has their own way of doing it.

    Many achieve them on their own merits and are respected for it. Some use others to do it,some climb over others to get it while some will DO ANYTHING to get it.

    Which category does KHJ falls into? It used to be hard work,talent and luck, but now I am not too sure. He seems to be using anything and everything to gain fame and money now. The news even said that a TV programme about 'himself' is to increase his hallyu popularity?!!

    Now he's like many others, peddling photobooks to make money. I wonder what else he will peddle next.Come on, I am sure he can do better than that!

    BYJ's name is attached to his name so often now(in the past it was mentioned but not so frequently) It's not surprising that people thinks he needs BYJ to achieve more fame and money.

    I hope he will read all critisms against him and improve for the better.

  17. wow, aigoo to anonymous 5:38am, that comment is way below the belt. i think it is very much uncold for. honestly we would not exactly know what would be his true intentions. i can't comment anymore, it's very tiring reading all this comments, all i can say is i feel very bad and sad for hyun joong. he's been getting all the criticisms since he's the one who first took the courage to move out of dsp and move to a new agency. i would just believe kyu's message to leader. i just hope in time leader will speak for himself as well. i just can't take anymore the accusations against him

  18. Anonymous10:10 AM

    please, is his choice.

    no matter what in the name "litle Yonsama"

    why thousands of people, only one person called it.

    He is not BYJ, their different characteristics.

    BJY are only communicated experience, serving for a talented wing.

  19. Agree to anniekate18

    It’s really heartache and sad to read such critics against him.

    “BYJ fanbase has expanded to KHJ, but they don’t know how wide the scale is….”
    They are emphasized on the “scale” of BYJ’s fanbase go for KHJ.
    This statement doesn’t mean that KE has NO confidence on KHJ’s popularity because KHJ is already has it own popularity and fanbase for sure.

    Media is always like to crown “nickname” for celebrities and exaggerate purposely on it too. So what’s problem with the nick of “Little Yonsama”?
    Just like Lt (11:46pm) said it’s just a way for media to make a headline!
    KHJ is KHJ and BYJ is BYJ.
    No one will be replaced.

    Leader’s pure “identity” will not be polluted and vanished.
    Please trust and love him!

  20. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Now,we can see the truth face of some SSS,when things was not up to their wish,they will become a devil,monster. Used whatever weapon they can to
    destroy the image of the person.I think they are more worst then devil,monster too!!!

  21. Anonymous10:59 AM

    As expected come from an antis mouth :)

  22. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Ah..... MONEY and FAME anonymous @5.38.........Pls refer to the [News Trans]The reason for the BYJ’s management company’s relocation from Cheongdam-dong to Samseong-dong

    In the last first quarter, their sales amount was 8,161,000,000 won and their operating income was 586,000,000 won, but their net profit was deficit 900,000,000 won.

  23. Anonymous11:53 AM


    real anti
    No TS/SSS will say these things

    The 5 of them did not hv any problems with each other - we shld just wait as they hv asked us

    Jung Min leave SS501 _NEVER He is one of those strong character where loyalty n friendship is important.

    Calling HJL little Yonsama cud come from his likeness sometimes look like BYJ just as Jung Yong Hwa show some likeness to leader.
    It is perception of people - we hv to accept other's opinions n not get upset. As for leader riding on BYJ popularity I think it is the reverse. BYJ to get him in his company is a very shrewd n biz decision

  24. Anonymous12:10 PM

    For your information, KHJ was and still is very popular before signing with KeyEast. Prior to his expired contract with DSP, news report stated that a lot of different agencies were lining up and willing to offer him a lot of money for him to join their agencies. So you see... he doesn't need to bank on anyone (BYJ) to be successful. He's already successful by his own merits.

  25. Anonymous2:41 PM

    How ignorant some of you are!

    You call yourselves fans of KHJ but what little faith you have for him. A little change here and a little news there---then you start judging him of changing identities!

    Not one of us have a clue of the plans of KE are but you start accusing them a lot of things anyway!

    For 11:53am, correction for this: "As for leader riding on BYJ popularity I think it is the reverse. BYJ to get him in his company is a very shrewd n biz decision"---better be careful in your conclusions. You don't even know half of how BYJ does things. You are NOT even aware of the scope of BYJ's popularity and how that popularity pave the way for the hallyu boom.

  26. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I'm 501% sure that you are an ANTI. If you're not a fan or you don't like the person & obviously you hate him why waste your time coming here & read all the blogs about him? and why waste your energy making rude comments?
    "Who's using who?" Come on you just cant admit it that OUR KHJ is too famous now not only in Korea, not only in ASIA but the whole world.

  27. Anonymous12:36 AM

    hello everyone, can someone tell me the meaning of "yonsama"? please, i got curious reading ur comments as i was new in this site and was'nt able to read yet all the articles posted here .thank you liezle for sharing and thank you very much in advance to whoever would have time to answer me.

  28. Anonymous1:42 AM

    yon=byj sama=god (大人,神)

  29. Hi Anonymous 12:36.

    BYJ has been given the title Yonsama [Lord Yon] because of the level of populariy he gained in Japan when 'Winter Sonata' was shown there. He started Hallyu and he's the most recognized Korean celebrity in Japan.

    Hope this helps.


  30. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Anony. 5:38, it's clearly obvious that you are the anti KHJ. Everyone here can tell it right away. Why do you come and bother yourself here? Wuri KHJ was/is already very popular around Asia and the other continents before he joined KeyEast. KHJ is already a celebrity who doesn't need to ride byj's fame. If you don't know the current situation, hope you be quiet and just support him if you're a true TS.
