
Friday, July 30, 2010

[Article] Possibility of 3-1-1

Saw this news on and saw also the translation of maestro-J on AllKPop which I'm shoving here.

I have heard of this news since June but I keep silent about this since there is still no confirmation. Even as of today, this news still remains to be a rumor until we hear something from DSP and/or the agency that will be managing the sub unit.

I'm as I would really like it to be 5 or even a 4-1 i would still go and support 3-1-1 because I still believe that in time they will again become 5. We just have to be patient.Just remember how it was in in 2008 until mid 2009.

August 1 event is something to really look forward to. I think there is really a big chance that Young Saeng and Kyu Jong will be around for Maknae's birthday celebration.


SS501 to turn into SS301?
Lifted from AllKPop

Following confirmation about Kim Hyun Joong leaving DSP Entertainment for Keyeast, more information regarding SS501’s future have been revealed today.

It’s been revealed that fellow SS501 member Park Jung Min will also leave DSP Entertainment, possibly SS501 as well, to pursue his acting career with another management agency.

It is now looking like SS501 will now turn into SS301, a group consisting of Kim Hyung Joon, Kim Kyu Jong and Heo Young Saeng that promoted during 2008 with U R Man.

It’s known that while Park Jung Min is showing interest in pursuing his acting career, the rest of the three members are preferring to stay as a group rather than having solo careers although they are also looking for a new agency.

This will mean that all of the members of SS501 are no longer with DSP Entertainment, an agency they debuted through.

SS301’s Kim Hyung Joon, Kim Kyu Joong and Heo Young Saeng are now being looked upon by many agencies in the FA (free agent) market as they have left DSPE. The three have already received offers from different agencies, but the members are looking for a trustworthy agency.

A representative stated, “The contract itself is important, but the members are looking for an agency they can trust, an agency that is attractive.”

If the SS501 members indeed all go to separate agencies, it’s looking like it’ll take a while until we see SS501 promote again.

Albeit all the reports, the members are reportedly are not in any arguments with each other, and they want to keep SS501 alive. Especially with the amount of success SS501 has in Korea as well as overseas, there’s a possiblity to see SS501 not disband at all.

Furthermore, the “1+1+3″ separation of SS501 have started to resemble legendary group H.O.T which disbanded in 2001 with members Moon Hee Joon and Kangta pursuing solo careers while Jang Woo Hyuk, Tony Ahn and Lee Jae Won formed a three-member group jtL.

Source: Donga Ilbo


And this is xiaochu's version of the article posted on Quainte501 Thanks!

07/30 [news] SS501, Solo yet Together!

Credits : + + (English Translation) xiaochu @


user posted image
Kim HyunJoong and Park JungMin solo activities
Heo YoungSaeng, Kim KyuJong, Kim HyungJun, groping 3-member group

With the expiration of contract with their previous company, there has been some curiosity on popular group SS501’s future direction when leader Kim HyunJoong signed to another contract by himself.

Firstly, in early June, Kim HyunJoong signed with Bae YongJoon’s management company Key East, and it was known that Park JungMin also signed with a new company on his own. There is a chance that Heo YoungSaeng, Kim KyuJong and Kim HyungJun wh0 had their activities as a unit nicknamed as ‘SS301’ in 2008, will group together to continue their activities as singers.

According to associates of SS501, Park JungMin who has been very interested in acting, is searching for a new entertainment management company who will manage over him. However, in order to have group activities instead of going solo, Heo YoungSaeng, Kim KyuJong and Kim HyungJun are looking for new management company.

Being called SS301, Heo YoungSaeng, Kim KyuJong and Kim HyungJun, is currently a target for top music management companies in the FA (Free Agent) industry to scout them in. Even though they have received proposals for contracts worth a large amount of money from some management companies, but instead they are looking for a reliable management company whom they can trust. One close friend of the member said “Even though money (for contract) is no doubt an important factor, the members are trying to select one with a high capacity and whom they are able to trust completely.”

If SS501’s members sign with different new management companies on their own, it would be difficult for them to have activities as SS501 for the time being. However, since there is no disharmony between the members and that all of them want SS501 to continue on, it would seem that the group will not be disband. Especially that SS501 is currently very popular in Taiwan, therefore there is possibility that they will come back together soon to do promotional activities in overseas.

Meanwhile, SS501’s future direction as ‘1+1+3’ is a similar model as idol group H.O.T’s path when they disbanded, has gathered attention. H.O.T disband in 2001, Moon HeeJun and Kangta became solo singers while Jang WooHyuk, Tony An and Lee JaeWon continued by forming a group called jtL.


  1. veith9:16 AM

    wishing its just like 2008/2009 all over again...hyun joong and jungmin doing acting activities...hyung joon, young saeng and kyu jong forming a sub unit doing singing activities...then later on reunite and give us one hell of a comeback

    i want that deja vu :)

    thanks for the update liezle

  2. i agree with veith.. i want a deja vu too.
    but i guess whats done cnnt be undone, and i hope they'll still come back as 5. :D

  3. Anonymous9:26 AM

    If this is true, 'U R Man' is BACK!!! REALLY really looking forward to these lovely 3 men performances.... They did prove that they can do it. I'm sure they can do it now! I will give them my FULL support!

    I believe they will retain the name 'SS501' if they're able to. Afterall, I believe somewhere in their hearts, there's a small space waiting for the 2 to return..

  4. whatever happens...
    i will support each and everyone of them. the things they are encountering now are difficult, what we can do now is to give them strength. whether its a 3-1-1, a 4-1, or 1-1-1-1-1; it doesn't matter.. as long, I will support the five of them - KIM HYUN JOONG, HEO YOUNG SAENG, KIM KYU JONG, PARK JUNG MIN, and KIM HYUNG JUN!

    Thanks liezle! and hope you'll still pamper us with news about them... the five of them...

    SS501 will be forever in our hearts... FIGHTING!

  5. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Clearly that DSP doesn't want them, or they don't want to be with DSP anymore. As long as they are happy, i'm happy. I will support them all. Good luck

  6. white9:48 AM

    "and they want to keep SS501 alive"

    will be waiting no matter what 501 <3 ^ ^

  7. Anonymous9:53 AM

    what's wrong with DSP ?Are they in such bad shape ? Maybe some rumors floating around are true -that they would like to promote all girls'band rather than the boy's band or promote a new boy band .

  8. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Its so assuring to know that they themselves want to stay together and 'keep SS501 alive'. I will trust in them regardless of all that happens.

    I'm happy for hjl for being in Keyeast, cuz now his career prospects look so much brighter than before, and I hope that the rest will soon find good management agencies that will bring them to greater heights, while allowing them to continue with SS501 activities, if that is what they wish for.

    Though resting is good, keeping a low profile for almost 2 months, minus those months before Love ya promotions, is really a wee bit too wasteful for a Hallyu group who's being well sought out in many countries.

    Hope to see them active again sometime soon! Its been tooo long!

    p.s: Can someone enlighten me-I thought it was said that hj's contract with keyeast is a longterm one? Why is it that in another blogpost, i heard that it was only exclusive for a year? =)

  9. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Finally, we get to hear something new about their expire contract with DSP. Now, people should view hyun joong lighter as he was only the first one to make the move when the rest will follow sought. I'm actually happy the five of them decided not to stay with DSP. It's about time they move to a new agency that can offer them what DSP can't for their career. The new agency of the four better treat them as they deserve because all TS will be on them if they mistreat our boys. I wish all five boys the best of luck and hopefully their new contract will allow them to still be together as 5 when the time permit to make an album. I do want to know if they can still use the group name SS501 cuz DSP own the right to the name. I wonder if it's possible for the members to negotiate with DSP to buy the group name.

  10. Anonymous10:22 AM

    So JungMin doesn't want to be with SS501 anymore?

    I understand that they all leave DSP and start with another one. At least, HJL's company reassures that they will support group activity, which means he's still want to be with SS501. However, if JM doesn't want to, then there's no more SS501.
    Anyway, it's their futures, i'll support them no matter what.

  11. Anonymous10:35 AM


    JungMin didn't say he doesn't want to be in SS501 anymore. If he really doesn't want to be in them, he wouldn't have bother to discuss his plans with the rest of the 3 members before signing anything. Till now, intl TS still doesn't know if JungMin has sign any contract with any agency.

  12. Anonymous10:55 AM

    AS Triple S we should not blame anyone now right? First when leader's news of signing to KE.. a lot of people have said hurtful things.. and now to JungMin again... this is sad TS! what happened?

    Some news are too exaggerated... :(

    Let us all wait.. and have faith in them..

    " I just want to say again to all our fans that we all shed our tears today not because it’s a sad day but because it’s a day for a new take off. Therefore I want everyone to be happy and smiling. It’s a new beginning for us and I know that all of you will be concern and worry about any false rumors or abusive comments that we might get in the future. But don’t worry and just trust us, because we are SS501." - Leader Kim Hyun Joong

  13. Anonymous10:58 AM


    i knew about ss501 through u r man,that song is really addicting me!!!! waiting~~~~hehehehe

  14. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Anonymous at 10:55. You really bring back the hurt I felt when KHJ joined KE news surfaced on 29 Jun 2010. Because I believed in what he said on 13 Jun 2010, the hurt doubled. Saying that.. I still hasn't give up .. :)

    'U R Man' trio, hwaiting!! U R really TS men... Keep the name SS501 going! Hwaiting! Hwaiting! Hwaiting!!

  15. Beatrice11:19 AM

    I'll wait until the official statement is out. I don't trust these news anymore.
    No matter what, it's their lives, their futures. Best of lucks.

  16. Anonymous11:24 AM

    No matter how many articles I read, no matter what they are about, I still firmly believe that they don't ever want to leave SS501. That's so obvious to me.
    Let's just wait again gals.
    "Jung Min wants to leave SS501"? Haha, it's so ridiculous in my ear.

  17. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Eh. No surprise. Now I am interested about what agency Jung Min plans to sign on to.

    I also hope the other 3 members sign on to a really good label. I don't want another DSP type of agency again.

    I cannot say anything else besides I hope they make the right decisions since it is their future we are talking about.

    I hope to see the boys faces again...more like soon.

  18. Anonymous11:58 AM

    11:44 am anonymous, the news already hints out last month.

  19. Anonymous12:43 PM

    With Young Saeng still in the group, the same quality of songs will still emerge because there is something so distinct about his voice that makes you recognize it's SS501. Though I will miss Kim Hyun Joong, I know I will get to see him on his own in other big projects, too.

  20. Anonymous12:45 PM

    i hope the 3 of ss501 member get a good agency, i really happy that 5 of them left dsp! Sucks dsp!! I know they aren't going to disband! They will keep ss501 alive! I think this time is same with the ur man days!

  21. Anonymous12:52 PM

    HOpe 3 of them can join a really good label. Then sing the OST for HJL's "Kiss"

  22. Well it is indicated as 3+1+1 which equals tO 5. It's still SS501. I hope the sub unit (UR Man group) will sign with a new management agency as soon as possible so that there would be a possibility that they could sing in Leader's drama's OST again and promote with him once again. I also hope that as soon as their agency is settled that they could do a cameo role in Leader's drama like ISWAK where 2 of Jiro's Fahrenheit members made a cameo appearance. I want Kim Kyujong to be in Mischievous Kiss for a cameo role.

  23. Anonymous1:04 PM

    be it a 5-member group or 4-member or 3-member or solo activities for them.... i will still support them...

    why? -i believe in these 5 indivduals and that is all that matters

  24. no matter in what situation will be, i still choose to support and trust on them!

    SS501 fighting!

  25. Anonymous1:45 PM

    At least the news is not bad. although final result maybe this decision I prefer because the sub unit (U R Man) is amazing and have power enough to gain huge popularity. Pray all of them find the best company it to push them to higher. No matter what I support the five boys forever!!

  26. i agreed with anoy12:43 PM

    we knew that YS is the main vocal
    HJB has great voice too among them
    and KJ is gentle voice^^

    they sure hv enough power to shock the audience and hope the can gain huge popularity^^
    p.s: lets pray for them^^

    trio gambateh!!!!!

  27. Anonymous2:38 PM

    i love what you said veith, "give us all one hell of a comeback". and i'm really relieved that the UR Man sub-unit will be together. hope that their new management company will, like Keyeast, support future SS501 activities.

    Love Ya SS501!!!

  28. Anonymous2:40 PM

    i love what you said veith, "give us all one hell of a comeback". and i'm really relieved that the UR Man sub-unit will be together. hope that their new management company will, like Keyeast, support future SS501 activities.

    Love Ya SS501!!!

  29. Anonymous2:54 PM

    These are just rumours anyway, aren't they? Besides, even if its true, i believe that it will only be temporary. Too many times have they reiterated that they will stay together forever, that means that even if it were to take one, three, or even ten years, they will be back as five eventually :)

    Also, with hjl busy with filming, and jm, who may also be busy with acting, we don't want them to be overworked, do we?

    Being in different companies does not matter, what's most important is that the five of them stays close at heart, with all the TSes out there supporting them.

    Love SS501!

  30. Anonymous3:19 PM

    storm passed

    HJL received criticism all

    HJL fighting!!!

  31. Anonymous3:36 PM

    i wish YS, Kyu and Baby go to a company who has better management & promoional skills than DSP..
    and as for Mal wouldnt it be nice for him to be in KeyEast, that way he and leader would still be in the same company..?
    easier collaboration for the ss501 2nd albuum...

  32. Anonymous3:47 PM

    TRIO fighting!!!!
    they didnt accept other company...
    coz they want to stay as SS501~~~

  33. are so injustice...when HJL left DSP to signed new contract with KE,you bash him....and now,when the other members solo,you support them....why you didn't say like that when your leader solo?
    i am so disappointed abt you..who be called fanbase of them,who always said believe and support ALL of them.......
    i don't want you bash other members..but i want you believe in your leader like you believe in 4 other members...
    do you feel sorry because of your negative comments abt leader in the past?i think you don't,right?

  34. Anonymous5:36 PM

    They'll still be SS501 right? All 5 of them, promoting their music as five right?

  35. Anonymous6:39 PM

    i believe this is just romours, the article says that Jungmin has already signed with another agency, but we all know that's not true, 'cuase jung min said that he has not signed any contract yet, and if he will, he will personally tell TripleS which agency he choosed. Since i haven't heard anything about that from Jung min, yet. I believe this is just rumours! SS501 hwaiting!
    TripleS don't lose ur hope! believe in SS501!!! in each member, and let's suport them in every decission they choose!!! I really hate media, but that's part of this celebrity life...

  36. glacieranddolphin7:48 PM

    i always believe SS501 will be SS501 forever if my heart believe that,
    although they will change their agency or chage their band's name, right,TS ???

    i just ready to support them
    and i think SS501 know that and they believe in TS too!
    we will go on together
    just our heart believe^^

    thanks Liezle^^
    [i think about YS's cyworld updating recently again, that YS like to said something]

  37. sometime, we don't need to a triple S, of coz i'll support them no matter what...I always keep faith in my heart that they will stay time passed by, I realized we should accept what should it be... we can't pretend to believe something else bcoz we don't want to accept the truth...
    I pushed myself to move on from all of this and if what i'm believe can't be like the way i like...i will let it go...i don't know if i can support them anymore if that thing happen but i know, i will love them forever as five and nothing can replace them...

  38. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Best of wishes for finding a good company which can support their dreams, futures, and SS501 group activities.

    It's all clear now, that none of them want to stay with DSP. Or DSP does not want to renew the contract.
    Poor leader, has been shouldering all the blames.

  39. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Yes, like above anonymous 11:03said, poor leader has been shouldering all the blames. Let's now support and love him more!!

    I heard from the reliable source that leader tried hard to go with all the members together to some agencies even lowering his contract money but the agencies rejected it and only wanted leader. So he couldn't help it and chose KeyEast. The truth will be revealed someday....

  40. Dreamysunshine6:20 PM

    Oh my!=(I get a shock when i heard this news! I really love all five members and will continue to support them irregardless of what the final decision is. I'm hoping that JM and the 3 other members can find agencies that will also support grp activities and treat them well like HJL. Then all 5 can be together again. Whatever happens, in my heart they r still SS501^^
