
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

[Article] TFS CF, no confirmation yet

Thanks again to xiaochu of Quainte501 for translating this news.

So KE is fast in denying the rumor about the CF deal. I guess this will give fans especially those who are against it some breathing space as there is still the possibility. For now, with this news, let's just wait and keep whatever thoughts we have about this. ^_^


07/27 [news] Kim HyunJoong, To Film CF with Same Company Bae YongJoon “There is no confirmation yet”

Credits : + (English Translation) xiaochu @


There has been news reporting that there is high possibility for singer cum actor SS501 Kim HyunJoong to film a cosmetic CF with Bae YongJoon under the same company, the management company explains “there is no confirmation yet.”

Management company Key East’s representative told Newsen through a telephone conversation on 27-Jul with regards to the news reports saying Kim HyunJoong recently signed an endorsement contract with cosmetic brand The Face Shop, they said “It is true that we have received proposal (for contract) but no decision was made.”

The representative added “Some said that Bae YongJoon will be appearing for the CF with him, but this is definitely not confirmed for now.”

The representative explains that since Kim HyunJoong moved to the same management company as Bae YongJoon, and that The Face Shop has used Hallyu Stars such as Kwon SangWoo, Jeon JiHyun, Bae YongJoon as their CF models, there is keen interest on the development.

Meanwhile, Kim HyunJoong has started filming for MBC new drama ‘Mischievous Kiss’ on 24-Jul with Jung SoMin in a residential area in Sungbok-dong, Seoul.


  1. Anonymous3:19 PM

    There is a face shop in a mall in Angeles City, Philippines. I was surprised when I travelled there early this month and saw a big poster of BYJ at the entrance of the shop. I asked for the BB cream but they were sold out. I was there only 2 weeks. I hope there would be one here in the US.
    I forgot the name of the mall but it is a big mall in that city.

  2. Anonymous3:37 PM

    I don't understand below some people comment. I don't know why the word 'betrayer' used. This is the only commercial advertising contract. Hyunjoong's previous contracts for TM expires, and he have the chance whether to renew or change brand(changing brand is common in Korea). The Contract-Payment of TM is not different from TFS. But in Korea, tv ad of TM almost can not see and also the level of advertising images or tv ad, the number of stores are lower than TFS. Furthermore there was some criticism about the progressing signing event.
    TPS is LG(big name company)-owned company. So Korean fans were glad because all is going well with his career and fan.

  3. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Maybe betrayer used by the fan is one of the agent of TM.

  4. Anonymous4:44 PM

    LOL x 501... Yes Yes!! She's probably the agent of TM..How do you know?? LOL x 501...

  5. Anonymous5:12 PM

    After reading the news of byj might co-cf with khj,my own cf imagination of TFS....after byj uses the product of TFS,he looks as young as khj.......................

  6. Anonymous5:27 PM


    That's really imaginative and funny. I like it!! hahahah..

  7. Anonymous5:48 PM

    It's not betrayal at all if the contract expires. It's common.
    Go go hyun joong! No matter what, we support you.

  8. Anonymous6:16 PM

    To liezle,
    here is the reward for your hardwork previously.................

  9. Anonymous6:26 PM

    oh well...i'm happy for his endorsements, but honestly, I don't think of TFS as a really good brand. their products aren't very good. I love khj, but still, i won't buy the product since it concerns my skin :((

    Sorry! But i'll continue to support him in everything else! All the best to him! I'm happy that he's being managed well :))

  10. I really hope Hyun Joong would be The Face Shop's model since Face Shop is located almost everywhere throughout Asia especially here in the Philippines. I love Leader on Tony Moly since he had the best photos with the brand too. My only problem with TM is that we have been waiting for so long for them to expand here at the Philippines. Oh well. Wherever Leader will go, I will be there!! Fighting Leader!

  11. Anonymous9:52 PM

    we are in indonesia also have faceshop. i never buy a product from FS, BUT if leader is really model for FS, i consider to buy BB cream if they do have BB cream..lolllll

  12. pandora50110:12 PM

    Gotta love KE's efficiency in dealing with media matters. ~sigh~ DSPE could really, really learn a lot from them.

  13. Anonymous10:59 PM

    I hope it's become a contract later on. TFS has brands worldwide. It would be great to see his ads all over the world. TFS is endorsed by top stars of Korean only. It's like a confirmation of Leader's reputation if he's able to seal this deal

  14. aprilstar11:45 PM

    Advertising as an industry go with the flow ,where the money is ,they will get people who can best represent and market their products best .And models who are chosen for their qualities know that this affinity with products are also fleeting -nonsense about this betrayal thing ,be realistic and put your feet on the ground !

    Even if this deal with FS does not materialize I am already happy for Hyun joong .The FS proposal is an affirmation and continuing recognition of his international stature .Congratulations Hyun Joong!

  15. Anonymous1:11 AM

    I'm from the States and they have the FaceShop in my area. I also know that there is a shop in LA area too. I love their bb cream and their hydrating well for my dry skin.

  16. Anonymous2:32 AM

    I am just nearly to the point I am going to have to quit reading the comments on updates about Hyunjoong. There are just too many negative comments and they are taking all news about him, even when it is good, and trying to turn it into something bad. It makes me really sad that SS501 fans are doing that to him.
