
Friday, July 16, 2010

Do you fit Jung Min and Hyun Joong's description of their deal type of girl?

An article on was posted to day describing the ideal type of girl of Kim Hyun Joong, Park Jung Min and others.

Let us see if fit the description. ^_^

ThanKYU to Shirley for translating this from Korean and Chinese to English.

Hyun Joong and Jung Min Ideal Type of Girl
Korean and Chinese translation by Shirley/shirbogurl

In Inkigayo 'Take 7' magazine, SS501 Kim Hyun Joong, Park Jung Min & other artists revealed their ideal type. Kim Hyun Joong mentioned he was a bit nervous since he have not drawn for a long time. He said the first thing he notices about his idea type is egg-shaped face and long hair. The appearnce have to be cute and naive but also possess sexiness. Kim Hyun Joong is attracted to this type of girl. He said "innocent and attractiveness is my ideal type." But after looking at his drawing of his ideal type, everyone burst out in laughters because the girl portrayed in the drawing does not look cute or attractive.

On the opposite, Park Jong Min gave a detailed description of his ideal type: posses "pretty collarbone, double eyelid, big eyes like deer, long brown straight hair. A girl that can converse with me and not fake so I can feel her natural beauty."


  1. suddenly thinking of Gyuri "Kara" .. :D

  2. Anonymous12:32 PM

    How recent is this?? heheh

  3. Anonymous1:54 PM

    @hani : yeah , I think of Kara Gyuri too ;) heheh

  4. @Anonymous 1:54PM : we think alike then .. his description was 2 detailed n tht only means he already has some1 inside his mind.. n if it's really Gyuri, i'm so happy 4 both of them.. their antics are so much alike.. they complement each other

  5. Anonymous3:19 PM

    base on hyun joong drawing .. he can easily find his type of girl .. he he

  6. Anonymous5:15 PM

    mama says,hyun joong ah!your ghost friend?

  7. lcmom6:27 PM

    ladies, who is Gyuri "kara"? any one... please?

  8. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Icmom : Gyuri is one of KARA member .
    KARA is girlgroup .
    KARA and SS501 were in the same company before .
    And they are really close ;)

  9. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Adding to Anonymous @ 6.27, she is the DJ of Shimshimtapa radio programme, remember JM staying till the end in the show? and also he went to her firt programme a DJ to show support? hehe

    JM and Gyuri have said that they are close friends, you can see it on Intimate Note...

    and hani, I also think Gyuri fits JM description...

    here is a pic:

  10. Anonymous8:41 PM

  11. lcmom8:12 PM

    thank you anonymous 8:12pm anonymous 8:26pm for the info!

  12. Anonymous3:29 AM

    heheh, leader's drawing is so funny, while jungmin's drawing is pretty!
