
Friday, July 09, 2010

[Amended] Hyun Joong for ISWAK (MBC Drama Schedule)

Thanks Marvie.

An Anonymous visitor shared the following info on the comment box. Thanks again Anonymous 8:23!

- Below image is the schedule list of the upcoming dramas from tv stations [MBC, KBS & SBS] on Wednesday and Thursday at 10PM.

- It basically illustrates the drama competition on the same time slot.

- From the list, Mischievous Kiss under MBC doesn't look good as it will be competing with Takku a drama [that will end soon] under KBS and after which Rain's drama will be replacing Takku. In another network which is SBS, they will be showing on the same time slot Seunggi's upcoming drama which will come ahead before the drama of Hyun Joong and Rain air.

- Currently, Takku is recording a viewing rate of over 30%. [No. 1 in TV rating lists]

- The writer and director of Rain's upcoming drama are very popular. Their previous works recorded the highest ratings as well.

- On the other hand, Lee Seunggi's drama is targeting the same audience as Mischievous Kiss.

(Kim Hyun Joong Already Added as a Main Cast in the Drama)

Credit :


  1. Anonymous4:48 PM

    I think the same time but different days???

  2. Anonymous5:15 PM

    I think it's same time slot but different first air date.
    Mischievious Kiss start airing at September while LSG's drama on SBS start at Aug 11. Rain's drama on KBS also start around Sep too.

  3. Anonymous8:23 PM

    This is the drama's schedule list of three television stations(MBC, KBS, SBS) on Wednesday and Thursday 10 p.m.
    Why this list was writed, is the competition drama have an effect on ratings.
    According to this schedule, Mischievious Kiss is not in a good situation.
    Mischievious Kiss broadcast time will overlap with Takku(KBS), Rain's drama(KBS), Lee Seunggi's drama(SBS)
    Takku is broadcast on the KBS records the highest ratings over 30% and the writer and director of Rain's drama is very popular. Their previous works recorded the highest ratings.
    Furthermore, LSG's drama has same target audience with Mischievious Kiss. So Hyun Joong will star with a very heavy burden.

  4. Anonymous8:30 PM

    The above is the drama's schedule list Monday and Tuesday 10 p.m.

  5. Hello Anonymous 8:23. Thank you for providing the info on the image posted my Marvie. I'll be sharing what you shared on the comment box on the main page.



  6. It's going to be a tough battle against Rain's drama...

  7. It's going to be a tough battle against Rain's drama...

  8. Anonymous10:41 PM

    This is bound to happen .This was the same with BOF when it had to compete with East of Eden. Sometimes ,no matter how well the drama was made /good actors if the time slot given is shared with other drama of calibre audience will either be divided or swing to either direction.

    Yes,it will be tough and we just pray at least Khj drama get a decent rating .

  9. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Gosh... not a good news. He's heading for a very tough competition! KeyEAst... please do something.

  10. Anonymous12:44 AM

    hihi.. it's lee seunggi, no seungri. =) and i hope both their dramas do well!! seunggi's drama is written by the hong sisters, who did the script of You're Beautiful... it's gonna be a tough fight. FIGHTING~~ ^__^

  11. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Second baptismal of fire for KHJ ? Not if we give him our positive energy .Let us just wish him well AND WATCH his drama -tell all your friends -do they count watchers in worldwide cable TV or only those based in Korea.How else can we raise viewerhip ?

  12. Anonymous9:04 AM

    KeyEast is hardselling HJL's charms and challenging against other Hallyu stars.... may the best man win!!!!

    this is showbusiness... tough world... you either gain more popularity or you'd go to what are we TripleS going to do for HJL?

  13. Anonymous9:14 AM

    just make the positive tought and always optimist, let trust to leader that he can do well and viewer like this drama so much and trust power of TS in around the world to support this drama and like this drama so much.
    I think takku will end in october because it has 36 episode, yes it will tough competition with this drama.

    i think you are beautiful doesn't have good rating check at wikipedia, but it was so popular because has different storyline than any drama nowdays.

  14. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Wow.. the competition is very tough.. Too bad i cant help to increase the viewership rating coz i can only watch online.. =(
    But i agree that rating doesnt really show the popularity of the drama. Yeah, just like You're Beautiful, the rating is not that good but it's very popular.
    So as long as this drama get a decent rating, especially in the middle of this rough competition, I'm already happy ^^

  15. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I don't think KHJ should worry. He has the Midas touch. The one that should be more worried are Lee Seunggi and Rain because they're supposed to perform and carry the shows. We should just show our support for the leader.

  16. Thank you for your info. Yes, "You are beautiful" didnt have high ratings in Korea yet its so popular overseas. I think Joong's drama has more potential than Lee Seung Gi's one. Shin Min Ah is a little bit too old for its target audience, and LSG is kind of a guy next door who goes for a family drama type better. I'm waiting for the female lead in ISWAK, it'd better be a new face rather than the old ones. Seung Yeon is the best choice, her image fits the role so well. Other than that, Joong and Seung Yeon know each other well, they would have a good chemistry onset and obmit all the awkwardness from the beginning. Actually Joong's acting was suck in BOF but he was like a bomb after the drama, so it proved that he has an irresistable attraction. Key East and the production team of the drama are like the experts in marketing. BOF is a "not so good" drama but it was promoted so well that all the casts were shoot into stars.
    Takku is a really good drama with a traditional story line where a poor kid, who actually has a rich dad, struggles with all the evil powers always trying to harm him, prevent him from being a decent, successful guy. That's always works, always. But with the old motif and wont have a twist at the end of the show (I hope so), ppl will tune into another channel to see how a super handsome and talented person dealing with a super rustic and clumsy girl
    Now, we have Rain's drama remaining and it's still a mystery. His last drama, a boxing-dying one, was a failure so he'd better avoid tragic dramas.
    This comment is getting too long, sorry. So, please support him no matter how it turns out and.. peace! love ya!

  17. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Everyone's supporting khj for a success of iswak. let's pray for him together! though the competition is tough, khj's charms will attract people. be positive and support all the way. fighting, hyun joong!

  18. Anonymous12:45 AM

    hahaha yaya.. will be praying for him!! i watched You're Beautiful and the script was really innovative and well-written. why did the ratings tell otherwise?? =( hahahaa not to be a party pooper or anything, but i think it's still too early to tell who'll be the ultimate winner. as we all know, all 3 male leads have different variety of fans supporting them and i know i'll be getting lots of antis by saying this, but i'll be supporting leeseunggi and kimhyunjoong's shows!! hahaha yesyes... the taiwan version of mischievous was DAEBAK, but somehow the plot was rather weak, and like what you guys have said, i hope the scriptwriter will strengthen the plot somehow to enhance hyunjoong's character so he will not be overshadowed by the 2nd male lead of mischievous kiss. the 2nd male lead in the show is somehow like jihoo too, the good and sometimes noisy guy always loving and guarding the girl. antis, please don't hate me, but i'd like to promote 'My girlfriend is a Gumiho' too. as the title says.... the male lead has a girlfriend who is 500years old, and he's constantly afraid of his liver being eaten by the 9tailed-fox. hahaha sounds lame, but it's good to watch it for leisure... fiction. hahahahaha alright... i hope the best man wins!!! ^____^

  19. Anonymous5:08 AM

    There are 1,910,619 netizen fans who voted for him as their ideal star to play the leading role for Playful Kiss and 883,622 netizen fans voted for Yoon Eun Hye to play the female counterpart. What do you think ? If these 2 join together in this project. It will definitely be a powerhouse.

  20. Anonymous2:04 PM

    i think kbs & sbs network will be pressured for MBC drama because as we all know khj & ss501 has a huge fans in korea and other countries..people prefer to watch the new faces in acting world rather than the old ones esp khj & jsm are the hottest talk of the town now a days..i believe khj's charisma to the viewers..leader fighting! wish u luck and the best of your upcoming drama
