
Saturday, July 03, 2010

[Trans] Jung Min Message @ DSP Website [10.07.03]

Thanks Marvie for posting original version. I'm actually aware of Jung Min's message when it was posted on DSP but I was so busy and couldn't find time to post them.

Here's translation from xiaochu from Quainte501. Much much thanks!

I've re-read Jung Min's message several times. You would have a better understanding of JM's message when you read the article above this post. After reading both,I somehow get the feeling that the Seoul 'news' that I got when i was in Seoul is getting accurate.

Btw, the word 'sad news' in Jung Min's message before anyone of you becomes a worry wart again, I think that what he meant by that is that with the contract discussion going on, he feels sorry about the rumors that are coming out.

Also about his phone calls to the members that were unanswered, he was saying that, when he woke up he was surprised by the news [about the Sony Taiwan] that he called the members because he's worried they may be shocked too. And the line where he said let's continue discussing and let's meet. I think they're directed to the rest of SS501 member.


07/03 [diary] Jung Min, 'This is JungMin ..^^'

Credits : + (English Translation) xiaochu @


Hello? This is SS501’s JungMin.
Always wanted to say something, but I wrote the message and erased it, wrote and erased..
Finally dragged till today!!
With the situation now, I thought about..if my message were to hurt the other members, what should I do,
In any case, I thought that saying this would be good, so I wrote this message today.

First of all!!
The activities for this album of SS501 ended after Taiwan’s Golden Melody Awards.
Really a lot of people came.
In Taiwan, HongKong, Japan~, and even China too~~ Our Triple S!!
I thought.. it is really great if all 5 of us could perform together.
Thank you for coming and supporting us~!
(Firstly, I wanted to say a word of thanks.)

Let me start with the conclusion first,
As SS501, the contracts for all members
Even though it is true that there were offers made from our current company and from other large management companies in Korea,
All of them fell through.

And at the moment I have not signed contract with anyone yet,
Even though I received offers from various companies, I have not replied yet.
I said…I will reply after I discussed with our members. Currently, I have not given a reply yet.

If we were to sign a contract, we will let everyone know officially.
(DSP will be managing us until we sign a contract...!)

Hmm... We had discussion meetings before we ended our activities for this time,
Each and every member had a face to face talk with Madam [liezle : wife of Mr. Lee, CEO of DSP who is in hospital now]
Though we should share more conversations among 5 of us..!
Prepared sufficiently and going to do it.
The question on our future, even though I am certain that it has no doubt became a personal question,
Before that, in order for SS501 to continue its activities, SS501’s album and concert, etc...
I am saying about the activities.
Project-based singer is NO THANK YOU..!!

Even though I have a lot more to write... I will just write this much first.
Actually, I was sleeping late but woke up startled... TT TT
I called the members in case they were shocked too, but the phone didn’t get through~~!
Well in any case, let’s continue with the discussion meeting~~ Let’s meet~~ With this going,
Because there will be sad news.. in such an already bad time.. I am full of sorry.. TT TT

Ah! And also, I will continue to come over to the homepage in the future too,
Will be able to continue to see me here ^^
I will leave message often..!!

Original Hangul Message

정민입니다..^^ 2010-07-03 오후 1:51:49

안녕하세요? SS501 정민입니다.
자주 인사드리려고 했는데, 글을 쓰다 지우다 쓰다 지우다...
결국 오늘 까지 와버렸네요!!
지금 상황에 괜히 나의 글이 멤버들에게 해가 되면 어쩌나..하고 있었는데,
아무래도 이야기를 하는게 좋을 것 같아서 오늘은 글을 씁니다.

SS501의 이번 앨범 활동은 대만의 금곡상 이후로 마무리되었습니다.
정말 많은 분들이 와주셨어요.
대만에서도, 홍콩에서도, 일본에서도~,또 중국에서도~~우리 트리플에스!!
다섯명이 무대했으면 정말 좋았을텐데..라고 생각했습니다.
와주시고 응원해주셔서 감사했어요~!
(먼저, 감사하다는 말 하고 싶었어요.)

결론부터 말씀드리자면,
SS501로서 멤버 전원의 계약은

지금의 회사는 물론, 국내외의 대형기회사에서 제안이 있었던 것은 사실이지만,
모두 불발되었습니다.

그리고 저는 아직까지 아무 곳과 계약을 맺지 않고 있는 상태이며,
여러 곳에서 제안이있었지만 아직 대답하지 않았습니다.
멤버들과 상의후 대답하겠다...라고 까지 대답해 놓은 상태입니다.

계약을 맺는다면 여러분들께 정식으로 알려드리겠습니다.
(계약을 맺기전까지는 DSP에서 모든 관리를 해주고 있습니다..!)

음...이번 활동을 마무리하기전 회의들도 있었고,
각 멤버별, 사모님과의 면담 역시 있었습니다.
5명이 좀 더 많은 이야기를 나누어야겠지만..!
충분히 가능하며 해야하게하는 것.
거취문제는 물론 이제는 개인적인 문제임이 되어버린 것이 틀림없지만,
그에 앞서 SS501의 지속적인 활동을 위해서 SS501로서의 앨범과 콘서트등...의

활동에 대한 이야기.
이벤트성 가수는 노땡큐니까..!!

더 쓸 글들이 많지만...일단 접어두겠습니다.

실은 늦잠자다가 깜짝놀라 깬거라...ㅠㅠ
멤버들 놀랬을까 전화해봤더니 전화가 안되네요~~!
안그래도 계속 회의하자~~만나자~~이랬는데,
슬픈소식들도있고해서..가뜩이나 이럴 때에..미안한 마음 가득입니다..ㅠㅠ

아! 그리고 앞으로도 홈페이지는 계속 열려있는다고 하니,
여기서 계속 볼 수 있을꺼예요^^
글 자주 올리고 하겠습니다..!!


  1. Anonymous2:19 PM

    The fact that he can still leave messages in the DSP website, does this mean that he really signed with DSP aldy as previously stated in the news???

  2. Anonymous2:27 PM

    i don't think so.
    DSP site is currently e only place where e boys can reach out to e fans isnt it??
    there's no other way for them to leave msges for us fans...
    and i don't think he'll wan to leave a msg thru his online shop, as tis contract issue has nothing to do wif his online business...

    wadever it is, think we'll juz hav to wait for them to announce instead of relying on other news...

  3. Anonymous2:38 PM

    is there any english translation?
    i dont understand at all..

  4. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Here's the translatiob i found on soompi...not sure how accurate, but i hope it helps :)

    Translation of Jeongmin's message on DSP

    Credits: DSP homepage + (Chinese translation) LOVE小马马@NO.43Park + (English translation) SS5014ever @ Superstar Subbing

    I'm Jeongmin.. ^^ 2010-07-03 1:51:49 PM

    Hi? I'm SS501's Jeongmin.
    I've always wanted to greet everyone, I wrote the message and erased it, wrote it and erased it...
    in the end, it dragged on till today!!
    I thought, with the situation now, what if my message hurt the members...
    but no matter what, this is something good so I wrote the message today.

    SS501's activities for this album has ended after Taiwan's Golden Melody Awards.
    A lot of people came.
    From Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan~ and China~~ our TripleS!!
    I thought...It'll be really good if all 5 of us could be on stage together.
    Thank you for coming and showing support~!
    (First I would like to say thanks)

    Starting from the conclusion,
    As SS501, all the members' contracts,

    even though it's true that there have been discussions with big companies within and outside of Korea,
    it all ended with no conclusion.

    Also, up till now, I've not signed a contract anywhere,
    many companies have made me an offer but I've not replied them.
    I'll answer after discussions with the now the situation is a situation with no decision.

    When our contract is confirmed we'll officially let everyone know.
    (Before that, DSP will be in charge of all our matters..!)

    Erm...there's been a few meetings before our activities this time ended,
    All the members have met and discussed with our mentor.
    Sufficient preparation has been made.
    Although it's true that the question of staying or leaving has now become a personal one,
    but before this, talks about continuing SS501 activities, SS501's album and concerts...

    Singers for events, no thank you..!!

    Even now
    Even though there's many more that I would like to write..I'll write this much for now.

    Actually, I was shocked just as I was napping... TT TT
    I called the members because I was afraid they'd be shocked too, but they didn't pick up~~!
    If so, continue meeting~~ during meetings~~this will do,
    Such saddening news...during such tiring times...I feel so sorry.. TT TT

    Ah! And, in future, the home page will continue to be open,
    will be able to see (messages) here ^^
    I'll come to leave messages often..!!

  5. thanx guys.. for the translation
    i was waiting for the trans so muchy...

  6. what was he shocked about?? SOMEONE TELL ME!!!

    then does that means that uptil now,all the things said was not true?? or was he referring to the rumour that he signed with Sony Music?

    when i saw this, my hand was trembling! i wish the others could write something too.
    ahh!! why didnt jung min write anything about hyun joong!

    i dunt understand why its taking them so long to come to a decision. i mean i'm sure they have been thinking about this way before their contract ended!

  7. Anonymous5:56 PM

    i think madam is mean their CEO i predict na

  8. Anonymous6:25 PM

    I think madam is the wife of the CEO and I believe that he was shocked (and was wondering if the members were shocked too) about the news of him signing with Sony TW, I guess he was shocked because some news even reported the rumour as "PJM set for a solo carrer"

  9. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Poor them...let's just wait for the official news about's tiring enough to read some unofficial and misunderstanding news....

    whatever it is... i still believe in what Leader said..just believe in SS501....

  10. Anonymous6:47 PM

    All i can say is let's believe in SS501! dont mind the rumours, or should i say articles that aren't from SS501 themselve! SS501 oppa's are thinking of tripleS while they're signing contract. The first thing want to know is if the company support their SS501 activities! The SS501 oppa's are doing all they can to keep their promise, that we will always be together! TripleS, what we can do to support them, is to have trust in them! And please understand their decisssions in the future. I'm sure they know what they're doing and thinking of TripleS when taking important decissions!

  11. Beatrice10:06 PM

    "...Because there will be sad news.. in such an already bad time.. I am full of sorry.. TT TT"

    OMO, what does he mean?...
    We'll be there to support them all no matter what. Don't be sorry, JM ahh..

  12. Anonymous10:29 PM

    very thoughtful of mal to speak up personally to clear the rumours and give a better picture of the situation as it sure means a lot to all the concerned fans to hear from the horse's mouth

  13. Anonymous1:09 AM

    To 10:29PM anonymous,
    don't you think the thoughtful of mal is too late to speak up personally when leader is being hurt so hard.If the news not break out regarding of him,I think he still keep himself silently.Now,the fire comes to his backside,he knows how to put the fire off.Why don't all of you clarify earlier no matter what when hjl was been arrowed by all the anti fans? I feel so frustration.

  14. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Anony 1:09PM
    I am not 10:29 pm anony, but I don't think so. Leader is the only one who can talk about his issue, Mal cannot do that. Because this is a big thing. everyone has to talk about their issue themselves. Leader chooses to keep silence,a nd I think that's thoughtful too coz that's not rumor. But Mal wants to confirm us that he hasn't signed yet, he's worried that we'll be hurt so he's doing this. Leader, as always, chooses to keep silence. He has his reasons for sure. But I hope we can hear from him soon to make him feel better.

  15. Anonymous1:33 AM

    I'm not 10.29@anonumous too.

    I feel that the members must have their reasons for keeping silent. Judging by their closeness, I believe that none of them wants to see each other being hurt too. They would have done something if they could. :)

  16. Anonymous2:28 AM

    Hyun Joongs new company has been speaking for him but some just seem to choose to ignore it. His company has stated that they want SS501 to continue and will work to do so. While it would be nice for the other members to "defend" Hyun Joong, really what are they going to say? His company has basically said it already. Besides SS501 already told us not to believe the rumors and to trust them. That is what we should do but sadly some have chosen not to do so. I am going to keep believing and trusting that even though things may not work out exactly has we all hope that hopefully we will still have SS501 around in some way.

  17. Anonymous2:39 AM

    To 1:26AM anonymous,
    I remember kj ever told hjl don't need to carry all the burden anymore,& yet mal explanation is very acceptable.But look at the latest photos in keyeast of hjl,don't you all think he almost become a skeleton;since all the concept are the same,he must be wonder why no one stand out to say something because he don't have the rights to represent them.If I'm a passerby I also got no eye to see this circumstance.

  18. Anonymous3:00 AM

    con't 2:39AM
    And I want to remind those anti fans,those attacked hjl received can kill him anytime if he is not strong enough because I myself read through all the comments is very torturous.

  19. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Forgive me my TripleS/Green Pea sisters, but i cannot help but be amused at the comments/bashing/blaming and also appreciate the concern each guests have shared here in Liezle/s blog....i think we all are guilty. I am guilty too. We just don't believe in SS501. We don't believe in their promises to us... because if we did, we wouldn't be bashing anyone in here.. or in other portals...SS501 MEMBERS LOVE EACH OTHER AND THINKS WHAT IS BEST FOR THE let's sit back and wait and pray that all will be best for each of the members, okei? i think they are just waiting for the right timing to come up with the best decision and inform us....

  20. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Jungmin had not said anything about the attacks on leader, and even he had not said anything about that anti spoke openly about disband
    But when an article for Jungmin had come out he immediately wrote this.
    So I can’t help thinking he don't care about the disband but he afraid people hold him accountable for disband as with the case of leader.

  21. Anonymous11:02 AM

    To anonymous 8:12am - mal speaks for himself and not for leader... leader opted to keep quiet about his plans but made sure he still wants to continue with the activities of SS501 as per KE statement; i believe mal clarified the issue about him and Sony Taiwan since he does not want the fans to be alarmed again about the group disbanding and also he is still awaiting on the other members decision, if you understood the article, it is plain and simple... the group of SS501 does not want to disband even if they go to different companies or go solo....

    also, if the article concerns about a member, then the member speaks (OR NOT SPEAK, AS THE CASE MAYBE) for himself and not for you follow? because once you start making negative remarks about each member, then you don not understand and believe in SS501, you copy?

  22. Anonymous11:15 AM



  23. wow guys, stop blaming them! any of them! we're suppossed to be concerned about ALL of them and not be biased or anything.
    this whole situation is already sad to begin with and it'll be sadder to see triple s not united in such a time D:

  24. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I agree with anonymous at 7.40am. The members trust and care for each other. We're just so impatient to hear from them again, but i guess some things can't be rushed?

    We said to trust and love, but as days past by, there's an increasing number of fans who are beginning to doubt them.

    Its sad to see so many people comment on facebook and twitter that they are disppointed and sad that SS501's gonna disband. Some said that hjl was leaving ss501, when he and KeyEast didn't even say so. In fact, they said otherwise.

    Well, probably those who made those comments were not SS501 fans in particular. So we as loyal SS501 fans should stay united and support them always. If even we're going to doubt them, then who's going to believe in them? We need to show the rest that SS501's not going anywhere as of now. Until the members themselves say otherwise :)

  25. Anonymous12:36 PM

    To anonymous 8:12am. Although we would like Jung Min to clarify more and to defend Hyun Joong,it is not possible for him to do so because he has never been appointed the spokesman for ss501 or Hyun Joong.

    Therefore,he can only speak for himself. Hyun Joong too can always speak up and defend himself too,just like Jung Min did.

    Only Hyun Joong himself knows the details of his contract with keyeast and the future of ss501 and he is the best person to explain and defend himself if he wants to. Nobody else can do it better than him.

    To a certain extent keyeast had managed to calm the fans fears with their statement. As a fan, I'll be happy if he himself come forward with a statement regarding this issue to stop further rumours.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Anonymous2:26 PM

    to all those who are blaming jungmin, not talking about leader, are u carzy?? how can he talk about him, don't u think leader is best one to do so...he doesn't know the details, how can say something..

    BTW he clarify the rumour that he has not signed yet, but leader has moved to other agency is a fact...

    so it's better not to blame the members, they are already having hard time, everything is not in their hands...

    can't we guys wait a little instead of analyzing too much...

  28. Anonymous3:45 AM

    If you think hard about it KHJ has no problem at all.Even if he does not explain everything or anything, IT IS CLEAR :He signed for KEYEAST and still wants to go on with SS501 and its activities which KE said it is supporting .Clear ,yah.

    Most people are worried about the remaining 4 .JM said not to worry< he has many offers . DSP also said they have drafts of the contracts just waiting for them to sign .

    What is the problem now ? NOTHING .

    If you want to wait for them ,FINE. If not , you are not being forced to wait. In the meantime let them think hard for their future which not yours.

    Just relax, you can view many dramas ,there are other boy bands out there.That will relieve everybody's pressure .One of these days you are going to wake up and everything will be ok .

  29. Anonymous2:32 PM

    im so happy for hyun joong to sign with key east.. hope he do more solo actitivies ...much better if he perform alone on stage so easier to spot him & he has more air time in solo MV ...
