
Sunday, July 25, 2010

[Vids Daum & YT] Kim Hyun Joong 1st shooting day 07.24.10

I notified you earlier of photos posted on khj0606 of Hyun Joong sighting in school uniform that CANNOT be re-posted anywhere HERE, yah? Now here's a video that 's just posted on by SS501세상! Thanks to Sarah&Blue for the fancam uploaded on hj12260606/459.

The video is originally from daum so it takes time to upload but worth watching. I like his expressionless face when he looked at the camera. ^_^

Link to embed the video is disabled so just watch it HERE.

It must still be so hot in Seoul as Hyun Joong is holding a fan to fan himself. ^^

Here's YT uploaded by imMissChievous.Thanks candymint for the email. ^^


  1. Anonymous1:18 AM

    I miss him :)

    Thanks for the post.

  2. Anonymous1:23 AM

    I see no KHJ expressionless face. Why should we expect him to emote when he sees the camera right away ?

    I don't like it when people always say he has an expressionless face.KHJ is right why he said why should he smile when there is no reason to do so. At least he is being true to himself and not plastic like other people.

  3. Anonymous 1:18, you're welcome. I'm pretty sure you're not the only one missing him. ^_^

  4. Anonymous1:56 AM

    miss him! and the other members!!!! can't wait for the drama!!! why can't it be air tomorrow!lol!

  5. hi liezle, thanks for your sharing ^o^

  6. bellerina2:05 AM

    i swooned (literally) when i saw his face appear behind the car. Ok, i admit it, i'm weak that way ^_~
    i can't wait to see him in full sch uniform *no fetish, no, none..... haha*

    leader, take care and all the best, aja aja hwaiting~!!!!

    thanks so much liezle, immisschievous and candymint~!!!! you made my night!!!! ^^

  7. Anonymous2:23 AM

    @liezle, From anonymous 1.18am.

    Yeah i know that, not just him, I miss all of them. They are so lovely. Pray hard that his drama will be a great success!

    Just saw that you added the radio function on your sidebar. Thanks again! I love baby's dj voice :)

  8. Anonymous2:31 AM

    I love his expressionless-ness. More of, his smiling only when he feels like smiling. Its him being himself. Hope he's doing well. Other than news reports and stuffs, we haven't heard from him for so long. I cant wait to watch the interview that will be airing on th 27th.

  9. Since when wearing the school uniform is so sexy? :D He looks amazing... I think this time it's gonna be more believable that he's the high school student (unlike in BOF :D). Can't wait to see more photos and vids.

    Thank you for sharing!

  10. Anonymous2:57 AM

    I miss him so much and that uniform is sure drawing a lot attention. He still used the same team of stylist from DSP. Guess he requested from KeyEast which is good since SS501 is quiet these days and the stylist nunas do need something to do. It's good the new agency is treating him well and he still got familiar people around him.

  11. love the vid on KHJ in uniform but i am greedy, i want to see a closer view of him walking towards the camera, that would be an eye candy *sigh*

  12. Anonymous5:04 AM

    I wonder if their affectionate female singing teacher is still with them? She cares so much for them and saw them grow up, it'd be good if she's still SS501's singing teacher :)

  13. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Anonymous @ 2:57 AM

    I was also looking at his team walking behind him (he sure has a lot of people walking behind him ^_^). Are they mostly from when he was working with DSP? I only recognized one of them. It is nice that he has people he familiar with around him as we know how he is with strangers :D

  14. Anonymous11:19 AM

    wow,KHJ,cannot wait for his drama..oh my god, i miss him...i support leader whether as a singer or an actor..

  15. Jenna2:25 PM

    Leader might have requested Keyeast or the Drama production to hire his stylists noonas. He does have a phobia on strangers so he only likes familiar people to work with him. The other noona(the pretty one) went with him at BOF and both stylists went with him in Spain. Also during his CFs. They always go with him wherever he goes. They've been with him and the boys since 2005.

  16. hey liezle, i wanna ask if there's anyone who is subbing Kim Hee Chul's Youngstreet with SS501? Cause i really wanna hear the whole thing. I'm curious to know what made Leader laughed that badly. Please tell me asap! ^^

    Thanks and God bless.

  17. Anonymous5:22 PM

    So exciting! Heaps of luck to KHJ for this drama. Do well, leader! 40%+ rating! With all the competition, we really need to drum up interest and anticipation for this one. It's too bad International fans can't help with the rating. I will pay to watch it online, as I'm sure many of you will too. Whatcha think? Maybe someone should email KeyEast and the station to have it available online with fee? Would be the first and should be successful!Korean fans MUST support KHJ on this one. The outcome of this drama will foretell on whether or not he will do more. Im sure he will work harder on his acting! Cant wait!

  18. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Latest photos of khj in

  19. Thanks Anonymous 8:32! Someone also told me about that link earlier. Ahhh... i wish I could post here but the blog owner has locked again the url. i could have gotten but unless other post them somewhere i'll post too.^^

    Anyway, thank you also.


  20. Anonymous9:30 PM

    oh may god, KHJ is very handsome in uniform..i hope this drama will success like BOF..but i hope he is getting batter in acting..but even his act is worse im still love lovely Khj..

  21. Anonymous10:27 PM

    To liezle,this is the site for all the latest updated info on drama playful kiss but is in chinese,maybe you can ask someone for help to translate.

  22. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Here is an other site for the latest photo of khj

  23. Anonymous 10:27 and 10:45, thanks for the links. Will surely make a visit there for the latest updates.

    Btw, miane for the very few updates yesterday. Had a migraine attack.

