
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Maknae's Ohgeulsong (Infinite) Comeback Again @ Music High [10.07.31]

Another one of those cute songs of Hyung Joon to keep listeners awake. Really cute and 'love it whenever he does this on Music High.

Thanks Marvie for sharing!

P.S. Can anyone help me on this. I don't have volume listening to SBS Radio for the past 2 days now whenever I click start on SBS Radio on the sidebar. It used to have a volume. I tried listening to other source like Lois' blog and to the website of SBS but still i don't get a sound. Can anyone please help. Thanks!


  1. Anonymous8:12 AM

    I've been having trouble with listening to Music High too. It didn't work at all last night for me ><"
    Hopefully it'll work for both of us tonight!

  2. Anonymous9:16 AM

    uh-uh....nada..sound of silence...did the same thing like what you posted liezle and same prob...

  3. same problem.. can't listen to MuHigh in the past 2 days..

  4. I think SBS widget Radio had a problem regarding sound for the past a few days. But it works now.

