
Monday, July 26, 2010

Mischievous Kiss Press Release Photos

There are quite a number of news that came out today and we'll certainly be reading some once they've been translated. It looks like yesterday or the other day was open filming. Here are photos that can be found in several news portals today of Kim Hyun Joong and Jung So Min who play Baek Seung Jo and Hani in the Korean version of 'Mischievous Kiss'.

And click HERE for the article.

Here are some quotes from the news on AllKPop that i lifted. Thanks to SAYYKIMCHI for the translation.

Group Eight also revealed:

“When it came time for these two to commence filming, the staff erupted into applause and congratulated them on their first official filming”

“Kim Hyun Joong and Jung So Min responded with warm and bright smiles”

Group Eight continued:

“Shortly after Seung Jo and Hani started living together, we captured scenes of them two bickering at each other while on their way to school”

“Seung Jo holds a cold appearance and reminds Hani to pretend as if she doesn’t know him while at school. On the other hand, Hani is grumbling and complaining towards Seung Jo. This is just the start of their upcoming sweet romance”

Upon starting filming activities, Kim Hyun Joong shared his determination:

“The first filming started today, and upon hearing the cue sign from the director, I then realized that the filming has officially started”

“Aside from Boy’s Over Flower’s Yoon Ji Hoo, I have been reborn as Playful Kiss’ Baek Seung Jo. I will try my best to make this the best drama”

Jung So Min also shared:

“The director always watches over and leads me well, and I’ve begun to realize that he concentrates a lot on the actors and actresses”

“Instead of showcasing perfect acting since I’m only a rookie, I will try to display my natural and pure sides”


  1. He's too cute..kkk

  2. wow! They match pretty we... cute!

    HJ is so cool.....Love ya!
    arghh.... i can't take it and breath either!

    No press conference for the drama yet. So when are they going to do it?

  3. oppsie!!
    should be "they match pretty well...."

  4. Anonymous12:22 PM

    OMO! Press release photos now really keeps me excited! this will be the first time that a month of waiting seems like a year.

    Being an ISWAK fan, there's no doubt these two suits the role well.

  5. Anonymous1:02 PM


  6. Anonymous2:40 PM

    hyun joong look younger here compare in bof...n im loving it..

  7. Anonymous4:56 PM

    I am watching the taiwan version of ISWAK and I must say it got me hooked! Joe Cheng is yummy! But, I cant wait to see KHJ do this role! I hope I can watch it online.

  8. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Thier images match the characters very well. Love it!
    CAn't wait

  9. Anonymous3:58 AM

    Such beautiful countenance! Can't wait to watch the drama...and for press conference too! It's been so long since we've seen an updated interview of him. Miss his hjl-styled answers... =)
