
Sunday, July 11, 2010

[photo] is it tears on jung min's cheek?

I've seen photos and vids of SS501 winning in Music Bank for 'Love Ya'. But this is the first time i've seen this photo. Is that tears that trickled down Jung Min's cheek?

Photos lifted from the post of kindS and came from the shutterbug of Mabel.

You may enlarge the photo by clicking on it.

Here's the video again of their winning. It doesn't have a close though of Jung Min.

thanks to hjayustory for the video on YT

And we never know about him crying when they won until this photo, yah? The member who we think is the least to cry...cried. T T


  1. I dont think so? Mayb it's just sweat?
    If it is...then, it's HAPPY TEAR~ =P's O.K~ hehe ^-^

  2. Anonymous10:18 PM

    definitely not a tear!

  3. Anonymous10:34 PM

    miss mal so much miss all of them terribly

  4. I don't know if in this case it's tears or sweat, but i know Jung Min is a guy who is entirely feeling, although he often doesn't let himself to show it! But lately, with all that has happened makes the strong Jung Min become exhausted, now we can see another side of our mal, a amotional and sensitive mal who can't contain your emotions.

  5. Anonymous6:03 AM

    yes, underneath that strong loud mischievious playful cheerful front is also a very very sweet deligent sensitive caring boy
