
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

[Photo] Kim Hyun Joong & Oguri Shun 07.20.10

Here's newest photo taken from the meeting of two pretty boys of Korea and Japan yesterday at Gorilla in the Kitchen in Gangnam . Kim Hyun Joong and Oguri Shun both played the role of Hanazawa Rui from the Japanese manga Hana Yori Dango.

Kim Hyun Joong & Oguri Shun at the VIP room of GIK

P.S. I just need to add this photo here because I failed to add this from my post last night.


  1. Anonymous10:08 AM

    wow rui and jihoo sunbae..

  2. Anonymous10:12 AM

    hyun joong look so young n fresh..
    hope to see more pic of him during the meeting ..

  3. aprilstar10:34 AM

    Yes ,agree with Anony at 10:12 .I think Hyun Joong will keep his boyish charm for a long time. love his new hairstyle (anything looks good on him anyway).

  4. chakachan11:16 AM

    awww...this is soo cool!!
    they are both part of my list
    of favorite boys..ha ha ha
    Shun and HyunJoong!! I'm really
    happy KHJ is with KeyEast..really happy..he will go places..thanks liezle!

  5. Anonymous11:59 AM

    after reading all the happy messages for KHJ. I have terrible mixed feelings. Yes.. he looks happy and relax. Yes.. is good that he joined KE. Yes.. is great that he has a new drama. Yes.. is superb that everything looks smooth sailing for him. I'm glad that he found his path.

    What about the rest of the SS501 members? Still pending contracts issue. Still not much news on them. Still lots of unknowns on them and the future of SS501.

    So, should we be so happy afterall? After all the emotional sayings in xconcert, news surfaced and no word from KHJ anymore. Should we be really that happy??

  6. Anonymous12:09 PM

    i agree with @Anonymous 11:59

  7. Anonymous12:41 PM

    anony 11:59, i don't agree with you at all. khj did 501% as a leader of the group. he deserves all support and love from ts. why not be happy?

    let's be honest. the big part of popularity of the group came from leader. nobody can deny this. the idol group can't stay together forever. it's time for them to find the way for the future. it's a different matter whether they keep the group or not.

    dsp never supported leader's talent. even the role of bof was given by leader's brillant appearance and character not by the effort of dsp at all. until when should khj keep burdened as a leader, sacrificing himself in the name of the group? if the rest members are so talented as people say they will find the right work too. why worry? all we should do is to be patient and keep supporting every member whatever they do.

  8. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I agree with Anony 11:59 too.
    Because we are SS501's fans, it's logical to be happy for each member, Hyun Joong in this case. But, the word "happy" and "relieved" seem so sensitive at this time.
    I'm really worried that our Leader is moving smoothly but others are standing still.
    I know this would be selfish but I personally feel happy just because I can see Hyun Joong gained weight and he is healthy.

  9. Anonymous12:54 PM

    i so so agree with anonymous 12.41pm

    hyun joong has been a good leader in promoting ss501 to the world...

    let just accept the fact that . he is now pursue his own dream ...with his talent n charm ..the sky is the limit for him..

    n as a fan .. we should be happy for him ....hyun joong fighting ..

  10. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Happy to see hyun joong look healthy. Go, go leader, fighting!
    Keep praying hard for the success of the drama. And looking forward to hearing the good news for the rest of the boys.

  11. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I agree that we should just support them in whatever they are doing. I love kyu jong most out of the group, but I too, believe that the rest can't depend on hjl and the name of SS501 forever, they can be SS501 forever, but they each need to establish their own individual identity in the entertainment industry. Besides, we should have confidence in them that they will be able to establish for themselves a unique identity. Afterall, we won't wish for SS501 to be known to some as 'kim hyunjoong and boys', 10 years from now right?

    There must have been reasons why hjl isn't saying anything. Maybe the company doesn't want him to? Or maybe because the rest are still in a midst of discussion, so it would be pointless to tell us anything when they themselves aren't clear of the conclusion? From all their messages, its clear that they know that there are thousands of fans out there waiting to hear from them.

    So let's just be patient and trust them.

    hyunjoong really looks young and fresh here! cute too :)

  12. Anonymous12:56 PM

    @anonymous 12:41
    I'm not Anonymous 11:59 but I just want to say that I don't think we should say Leader sacrifices for the group anymore because that sentence hurts. It's unfair for other members. Each member sacrifices, not just our Leader. And Ji Hoo is the role that DSP accept for Leader even before him accepting it.
    About popularity, UR Man gained lots of awards and that song is really famous even when Leader was not there. They, each member, did try their best FOR THE GROUP.
    I'm sorry but I totally disagree with you saying that " until when should khj keep burdened as a leader". I don;t think any Triple S thinks that Hyun Joong being a leader is a burden. How can it be a burden? Please don't talk as if SS501 is a burden of Hyun Joong's popularity.
    I love SS501 for each member. I'm now blessful with Leader's smooth work. But just as Anonymous 11:59, I'm more worried about the other 4 coz they are not settled yet.

  13. Anonymous1:00 PM

    To 11:59am anonymous,
    the rest of the members have their own pride,it time for them to show their individual talent to proof themselve how they can go further.As time goes by,they will get old,future of ss501.........think of yourself!

  14. Anonymous1:00 PM

    i see that hyun joong looks much more radiant than before! Hope he stays healthy throughout!

    We should just support them and be happy! The members wouldn't want us being unhappy, nor will they want us not to support their hyung. Think about it, if hyun joong's new drama happens to be a hit, it'll probably mean an increase in SS501 fans worldwide too, as people watch videos of him, just like how it was for some, during BOF.

  15. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Wow, i want both of those Tshirts.
    Leader looks so young and gorgeous, Oguri ... oh so manly!!

    Agree with Anonymous @12:41 -
    I also worry for the other four, but i'm very happy for leader. DSP has never expressed its will to renew the contract for the group. Oportunity doesn't wait for anybody. Leader had his chance, and he took it. That's good for him. The other four members are talented and smart. I'm sure they already have offers (as Jungmin does). They just haven't make up their mind yet, or waiting for finalizing. They are 24-25 now. This is the best time for them to pursue their dreams. It's obvious that YS and Kyu weren't able to do what they want in the last couple years, as YS stated in this tok messages.
    They already said that they will be working on individual activity, and SS501 will be forever. Why don't we be patient and supportive, instead of agonizing over something that is not controlable by all parties

  16. Anonymous1:06 PM

    ur man is famous coz at that time leader was in bof n ss501 is doing the sound track ... automatically the group become famous n the cd sale increase..when bof become super hit ...

  17. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I completely agree with Anonymous 12:41. Is it a bad thing to feel happy when you see that leader looks healthy? It's still the same old song. It's ok to feel happy when we saw Kyu and Baby, but it's a bad bad thing to feel happy when leader's pics come out.What kind of fan are you, people? Maybe it's a good thing that you who have "we shouldn't feel happy seeing leader" attitude don't support leader, cause he deserves better fans than you. Oh and btw I think the rest of boys deserve better fans too because it's hurting me that you think they're not good enough to success without being in SS501.

  18. Anonymous1:35 PM

    calm down ladies! you can see them shine one at a time, just be patient, news abt them will surely hit the big screen its just khj hit it first, aren't we all fans of the grp? we support & love them any which way they go... so be at peace!

  19. T_T oh geez, here we go again. reading comments is hurting me more than waiting in vain for whatever announcement we will be hearing in the future. i wish that everyone will just stop putting meaning to every comments we read? can we be more sensitive?

  20. Leader has moved to KE, it’s a truth, can’t deny.
    And KE has represented him by statement saying that KE will fully support leader in group activities in future.
    The big stone stuck here is DSP and the others.
    Are they still dealing with DSP or other new agencies?
    This is a reality world.
    Leader has settled himself but other still not moving on…. that’s why leader get blaming at the end.

    What’s the result at the end, no one knows yet.
    Maybe members and DSP would know.
    One-sided decision is useless even KE willing to deal with …..
    When the rest of members have come to a decision, then everything will be clear….
    I strongly believe that leader will not abandon his brothers.

    Honestly, I get to know SS501 because of leader.
    Recently I got to watch many vids of SS501.
    I love to see them as a group!
    5 of them are absolutely undefeatable!
    Each of them has their own charisma!
    Really wish that the contract issues can be settle down soon and re-united 5 as 1!
    Leader! SS501! Fighting!

  21. Anonymous1:45 PM

    i totally agrees with anonymous 1:35pm. :)
    Yeah, let's support them whenever they comes out coz we love them equally. :)
    Is it just me or does Hyun Joong look younger when he is more chubby like this. I hope he will never lose weight again.

  22. Anonymous1:54 PM

    To anonymous 12:56, what other members sacrifice themselves for the group?? People in the circle know for sure that most of popularity ss501 have now in asia as well as other continents resulted from hjl's popularity from bof. Let's look at reality.

    Without hjl, there couldn't have been the persona tour around asia.

    Re bof casting, group eight begged mr lee for hjl to be in bof even not meeting hjl. all dsp did was to say 'ok' after a few beggings. this is really an exceptional case becz of hjl's perfect image for the role. Their hit songs like 'U R Man' or 'Because I'm stupid' also came from bof as anony 1:06 said.

    I wonder why people want to close their eyes for the obvious facts. I really hope all 5 members success in the future and remain ss501 forever wherever they are but fact is still fact.

  23. Beatrice1:55 PM

    Woahh... they even exchanged national football uniforms? How cool is that!!.. But how come HJ's signature is on Oguri's tshirt, and Oguri's sig is on HJ's one? Should it be the other way around? lol
    Yeah.. let's put away all the negative vibes. We don't know the details. Don't run into conclusion too soon. Let's support them no matter what.

  24. DalJoong2:18 PM

    yeah ... I am super duper happy for Leader. He simply looks
    fantastic as usual and I wish him all the success in his new found career path.

    and while at it, i am again saddened by so called fans(TS), who with every given opportunity will try to "put blame" on HyunJoong and discredit all the sacrifices he did for SS! and its because of all these negative vibes from these peeps that I am so happy that Hyun Joong left incompetent DSP and is in KeyEast! This to me, is the best and most wise decision he had made!

    I am sure the other 4 are just as outstanding individuals. They did well without Leader as claimed, so why are you peeps worried?
    Do yourself a favour, let them live their life and make their own decision. Stopped putting uneccessary burden on them and HyunJoong! thank you.

  25. Anonymous2:26 PM

    hyun joong ah... im so "happy" ..
    u such a big hit with or without your group ..

    i really hope to hear more n more "happy" news from u n keyeast..

    im glad that u look healthy
    n "happy" ...

    luv u always one n only idol

  26. Anonymous2:39 PM

    stop saying the other 4are talent and can continue as usual. in this entertainment, u still need luck and timing,not only talent can make u famous.
    stop mentioning because of KHJ in BOF which lead to this fame.the 5 comes together and climb together to reach this height.
    If not for KHJ act in BOF, they will have 2nd ablum. YS,KYU,JM,BABY will not hiberate for so long because of KHJ busy secedule.
    i sld say is the 4 sacrifice for KHJ fame now.

  27. Anonymous2:58 PM

    without BOF, I even duno what is SS501. they may have 2nd album but I definitely will not know about it.
    But I have purchase any of their album since I fell for HJL or SS501 after knowing them from BOF.

    There are tons of album out in Korean music industry from time to time ; )

    I believe HJ's BOF did put the group under spotlight with more attention and awareness but this is the characters and charisma of each and every members that draw die-hard fans loving them.

    Saying that way... is it better?

  28. Anonymous3:00 PM

    "sorry I mean all of their alarms after knowing them."
    I am the anonymous above

  29. Anonymous3:03 PM

    to 2.39pm

    so are you saying that now its all HJL's fault that they did not have the 2nd album? Its DSP's fault my dear, least you forget that HJL WAS managed by them.
    And even after BOF with so much time wasted, they were not able to come up with the 2nd Album.

    Be thankful for BOF, that helps HJL and the group reach the status that they were!
    And I respectfully disagree with you that the 4 sacrifice for HJL,
    DSP sacrificed HJL for SS!!!!
    how can you forget what HJL had went thru for SS ??

    the only thing i can agree with you is: yay too bad, luck not with the 4, though they are talented in their own way, but hey, is not HJL's fault. Its just plain rude and considerate of you to even suggest that!!

  30. Anonymous3:03 PM

    to 2.39pm

    so are you saying that now its all HJL's fault that they did not have the 2nd album? Its DSP's fault my dear, least you forget that HJL WAS managed by them.
    And even after BOF with so much time wasted, they were not able to come up with the 2nd Album.

    Be thankful for BOF, that helps HJL and the group reach the status that they were!
    And I respectfully disagree with you that the 4 sacrifice for HJL,
    DSP sacrificed HJL for SS!!!!
    how can you forget what HJL had went thru for SS ??

    the only thing i can agree with you is: yay too bad, luck not with the 4, though they are talented in their own way, but hey, is not HJL's fault. Its just plain rude and considerate of you to even suggest that!!

  31. Anonymous3:10 PM

    True Triple S, let's be united. It's not time to fight.
    They sacrifice for each others, for fans.... That's perfect to think about.
    Please don't makke non-fans think that Triple S has two sides. It hurts especially to SS501.

  32. Nikki3:15 PM

    I think we should stop here. It's good to have debating because, yeah, that's life. But please do not use your words to hurt each other. We have our own love and also common love. No one wants our loves being hurt right? So please stop blaming each other and continue support for your love. The truth will be revealed some day, whatever it is. And please, don’t hurt the owner of this site. What she wants for that blog is not those kinds of comments.

    PS: Thank you Liezle for all of the updates. Love ya!

  33. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Is Oguri Shun a football fan also? If so, they were probably talking about World Cup. ^_^

  34. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Totally agree to anonymous above 3:03 - now 4 sacrifice for KHJ??? DSP SACRIFICED HYUN JOONG FOR SS501for nothing!! Can anyone deny it?

    It passed one and a half years since bof but no 2nd album. is it hyun joong's falut?? DSP only wasted KHJ's time for 1.6 years in his prime age and only seeked to fork 'money' whenever /wherever they could. DSP is not the company who want to develop their idols' talent as we know.

    Though he became a big star after bof, DSP didn't treat him accordingly but just as a money earner ...sigh....

    Now can't you see how KeyEast treat him properly as a superstar?

    We should know that it's DSP who don't want to renew the contract.
    Why do people blame KHJ on that?

    As people say the 4 are all talented, they can brave their own way. KHJ did it first. Just wait patiently and support them when each decided what they wanted to do. Each has to live his life and succeed as an individual on his own.

  35. Anonymous4:14 PM

    yes..dont blame leader..i also upset when ss501 cannot continue activities together ,but KHJ already done enough for ss..besides,we dont know what exactly happened..whether KHJ decision to leave ss or may be DSP themselves want them to disband or maybe JM or magnae or YS or KJ did it..who knows..guys, we cannot blame him only because he is the first to sign with another fact, we already know that KHJ is the most popular member in SS, so he got the offer from not saying that the other 4 is not popular, of course i admit that YS and magnae have very nice voice...and i love 5 of them, but to blame the leader, it's not fair for anony 2:39, dont be too emotional..dont blame leader..i also love YS besides KHJ, but im not blaming KHJ..u must remember this.. is it true that ss501 cannot continue because of the leader?we all dont know what exactly happen and what exactly will happen to them..and also, u said that the 4 sacrifice for KHJ,but if u watch STRONG HEART, magnae himself said he was jealous to KHJ..u can see that LEADER build his popularity by himself and at the same time ss501...not because BOF, but his personality..what can i say here is i love leader and happy to see KHJ and also happy to see JM, KJ,YS, and magnae...y?because im triple S not only kim hyun joong if u guys are TRIPLE S, dont say anything to hurt any member..i mean all of them..if u keep blaming leader, u are not TRIPLE S but u only love one of their ss501 fighting!!!

  36. Anonymous4:45 PM

    dang stop arguing already.
    I totally agree with one of the comments above, fame needs time too. And luck.
    Let's just say leader's time has come. We should wait patiently for others.
    I'm worried too about their news. I wonder what they will be in the future. I love all 5 of them equally.
    But yes they need to stand out too.
    The other 4 should be more ambitious!!
    They have talent, looks, charisma... Come on what else do they need!?
    They should take this chance, improve and do solo activities that can make them stand out too!!
    I hate seeing ss501 sooo underrated all this time!!
    After that, I'll hang on to what leader said, they would release album together next year!!

  37. Anonymous4:56 PM

    i totally agree w/ nikki! lets just be hapyy to hear & see news abt our idols!

    To Liezle, our(im speaking for all your subscribers/followers) endless thanks & gratitude for your tireless effort in bringing & sharing w/ us news & updates! speaking for myself, i have no other way of following khj's updates except your site, so please, cheer up! i also wish to meet you sometime and you might be surprised when that time comes!haha! ' luv yah!

  38. Anonymous5:26 PM

    "After that, I'll hang on to what leader said, they would release album together next year!!

    4:45 PM"

    If I'm not wrong,it is fm makae not leader.

  39. It really saddens me to read all the negative things written here. I've no choice but to close the comment option on this thread.
