
Friday, July 23, 2010

[Trans & Photo] Cute li'l twitch & a letter from Kyu Jong ^_,^

I am moving this up as xiaochu of Quainte501 just provided the translation [see below]. Really really thank you xiaochu, i'm pretty sure your hangul was challenge by Kyu Jong's handwriting. ^^


Remember I posted HERE a photo of Kyu Jong when he went to his ophthalmologist to have a lasik surgery last Friday? Tonight another photo of Kyu Jong surfaced taken on the same day at the same clinic. There's also a handwritten note on the said post which is from Kyu Jong. Hmm, could there be a translation of that note? Hee, our translators could be tested by Kyu Jong's handwriting. ^^

Anyway, thanks to 중심규 보이 for posting this on which came from this blog.

Kyu Jong look so handsome here. Love how his lip twitched a bit on the left. So cute!

07/21 [trans] Kim KyuJong’s letter after his Lasik Surgery

Credits : + + (English Translation) xiaochu @


Eyes. I think everyone knows that it is really important. Fyah~~~
My eyesight has not been good since young, so I had to wear glasses.
Then when I started my occupation as a celebrity, I started using contact lenses.

During my course of work, with the powerful lighting and overnight schedules, my eyes were tired and the lens strained my eyes. Therefore, I was recommended to go for lasik surgery. And I went to visit the hospital (ophthalmology). I listened to nurse noona explain about the surgery and through consultation with the Head Doctor (Head of hospital/clinic), I made up my mind to undergo the surgery. The surgery takes a short time of 20 minutes. But with that short time, now it has given me a bright life. Initially, I was half worried and half scared! It was really an easy surgery than I thought. There is absolutely no pain and I am able to get on with my daily life the day after the surgery. Because it is so good, I recommended to my mother who has been wearing glasses for over 20 years. I hope mother will also get really good results from it. Each and every day is great~~ Thank you~ Fyah


  1. Anonymous3:25 AM

    I want to know the msg of kyu writing and hope has someone to translate the text kekeke

    thanKYU in advance :)

  2. Anonymous6:58 AM

    same sentiment here anony 3:25, but i am pretty sure a lot of translators working on it right now, we just have to be patient....Kyu looks handsome with his usual fashion hat concept ^^

    aigoo, i wanna see all of them together again and perform...i miss them ssooo much...i think its time for me to see a shrink^^, how can a regular person be sooo attached to them and be missing them like crazy, huh?!

  3. Anonymous2:21 AM

    wow, its sad that we all shared the same feeling as much as we like all of the members, its hard to see them doing individual things holding up our breath for a sad or good news. I stop reading anything about them afraid to read something bad. Lets hope for the best,, and YES i also need to see a shrink.

  4. Anonymous4:49 PM

    finally the translation came out ThanKYU for sharing :)

    it seem the surgery so good for him and he is good son who always take care his mom. miss KYU <3

  5. Anonymous4:56 PM

  6. pandora50110:20 PM

    Kyu Jong is always sweet to leave messages! Thanks to xiaochu for translating and to liezle for sharing!!!

  7. Anonymous10:34 PM

    I really miss kyu jongie oppa! Hope that he will be invited to star in WGM soon. He's sweetness and sincerity will really melt all female and male viewers alike. I don't understand why they haven't gotten any of teh other members to join the series, especially when so many other idol group members have joined already...
