
Thursday, July 15, 2010

[pix] look who were out today

Just got home. Hee, need to arrange few stuff at work because i might just be traveling again anytime this weekend or next week. Nah it's not a pleasure trip but work related. But still getting excited because I might just go to one of my favorite places. ^_^

Anyway, like I said I just got home and was surprised to see Kyu Jong's photo on the news today with Kim Hyung Joon. I'm pretty sure those who have been missing Kyu Jong are so happy to see him today, yah? Alright, let's see how happy you are seeing him today. ^_^

According to the news, both members of SS501 were seen attending the launching party of professional premium makeup brand VIVITO held at Seoul Banpo-dong's Central City Millenium Hall at 6pm.

Here are some photos of I lifted from So far there's only one photo of Kyu Jong that I've seen, but I'm certain more will be posted later. Majority of the photos is Maknae from the very hardworking shutterbugs of Prettyboy.


  1. haha...Baby didnt style his hair...xD
    Kyu's face is a bit white...The lighting and effect caused tat?
    hmm...Well, still very happy to see KYU~ =P
    Kyu sii, take care~~ =)

  2. withss11:09 PM

    I miss kyu so muchhhhh

  3. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Very happy to see both of them together. hope to see some videos soon. Baby was caught napping....probably lack of sleep because of music high.Despite that he still look good.

    Awaiting more KYU photos.

  4. Anonymous11:30 PM

    wonder what they've been busy with these days...its great to see them, especially kyu! At least baby has musichigh...its been a long time since we've heard from kyu~~

    love them all :)

  5. Anonymous11:36 PM

    i really missing kyu badly... *sad*
    he didn't write his diary these days, nothing new about him on u tube & his news seems disappear lately.... ahh... i miss him so much without i realize it.. T__T now i'm very sad... kyu tq care, sleep well & eat well.. miss ya :(

  6. Anonymous11:38 PM

    kyujong!! Whre heve you been? I miss you so much!!! Urgh

  7. Anonymous11:44 PM

    I love maknae, but kyu's really been missing for a LONG time! I miss him and young saeng dearly! They are always they most low-profiled in the group...i guess that's what makes them so lovable too!

  8. Anonymous12:03 AM

    nice to see these pics

    but maknae look is very tried.

    but i miss Angel prince so much...
    miss miss

    thx. na liezle^^

  9. Anonymous1:04 AM

    what happened to the supposed talks of Kyu and YS (?) with YG and DSP? What's taking them so long to decide,that's livelihood kids !

  10. Anonymous3:39 AM

    Kyu!! Why do you look so tired? Ahh, I missed both of them so much! Hopefully more news and Kyu photos will be coming soon. Thanks for the updates!

  11. Anonymous9:46 AM

    KYUUUUUU JOOOONNNNGGG!!!!! I MISS YOU!!!!! Liezle, thank you for sharing this single picture of him with Baby, you have no idea how happy you made me (and others^^) with this tiny piece of news...just wondering why Baby's eyebags are getting biger...tsktsktsk too many late nights will catch on you, Babe^^ now let's wait for Prince YS who still remains mysterious^^..

    i've heard about Leader who is in Europe with his filming, Mal expanding, Baby DJing, Kyu partying while YS? hmmm? eating or composing? ^^

  12. tanks for posting them liz
    oh but kyu looks pale in that pict.. pale or too much makeup??? *worries*
    agree that baby's eye bags getting bigger...

  13. Anonymous7:12 PM

    hello girl! seems ur busy nowadays and still finds time to update ur blogspot, i thank u dear for your tireless effort to share w/us articles of our fave stars!.. im happy that your work brings you to ur favorite places. have a goodtime after work.., Bless u dear!

  14. lcmom7:15 PM

    oh sorry, that's me on 7:12pm..

  15. his face look so baby here!
    he's adorable! =OO
