
Friday, July 02, 2010

[pix] new photos of kim hyun joong

Just found this set of photos of Kim Hyun Joong on posted by 우린너 무잘하니깐. It looks like Hyun Joong is showing off sponsored jewelry he's wearing.

Btw, remember the first set of photos that KeyEast released when they announced that KHJ is their newest member? Check his attire, it's the same as this one.^^


  1. Anonymous5:56 AM

    I wonder if these pics were taken before or after the Manila Concert. He did not look this slim when he went to Manila . I hope he gets more sleep now (most of these stars are insomniacs because of their tight schedules and stress )and please to eat more! These young people are pushing and punishing their bodies .

  2. Anonymous6:50 AM

    i ditto that anonymous 5:56... Leader does not look slim but SKINNY.... aigooo, he MUST take care of himself...

    i still believe in SS501 and in Leader's words...SS501 fighting!!!

  3. Anonymous7:15 AM

    yup... i prefer his body in WGM ... macho .. haha

    but he still look handsome as usual..

  4. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Anony at 6:50

    I used slim to sound nice -but really he is skinny -your terminology is right. Too much dancing ,fast metabolism(give that to me !), too little sleep, food -what does he do with all that money from overworking? He better get himself some big,juicy steak, smoking and drinking (OMG ,cut down or omit altogether -if he has not yet done it ).All these contribute to that skinny frame .How about all the stress lately ? He should stop going to the net reading harsh criticism .And most of all he should stop worrying for the rest of the SS501,they will be all right. Aigoo, he should let them learn how to take care of themselves -that is the way to grow up and be strong .Stop being your brothers' keeper !

  5. Anonymous12:41 PM

    i so so agree with anonymous 11.16 am...

    stop stressing n worring about your responsibility as a leader .. you have done enough ... just take a good care of yourself first .. dont think too much about harsh critism ... eventually it will "die".

  6. Anonymous2:18 PM

    i agree with you two 6:50 and 11:16am

    think of yourself for once...
    don't be bothered with the people who easily judge you,who say harsh, nasty things to you. you don't need them. just remember we are so many who loves you unconditionally...
    focus on your future, and stay healthy...
