
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Royal Avenue has expansion plan...

It still very quiet in SS501 front. I'm sure many are wondering already what have all the members been doing. We know what Maknae, Hyun Joong and Jung Min are busy with. What about Kyu Jong and Young Saeng? Ahh, I wish I known. ^^ Anyway, I'm pretty sure sooner we'll get to hear something about them. Just have more patience, keep in believing and continue to trust only them.

Anyway, found this piece of news on Ode's blog. Heaps of thanks! Hee, this blog was able to move tonight. Also thank to sohu yule china for sharing this.

Alright, Singapore, China and Taiwan... get ready for Royal Avenue!

Royal Avenue has expansion plan...
from: sohu yule china+
lifted from Ode's blog

SS501's Park JungMin who has been developing his ladies' apparel business industry "Royal Ave" since beginning of 2010 has recently revealed to open chain outlets in Singapore, as well as Mainland areas, which showed his desire in wanting to conquer the global sphere.

According to Kim Gamsa from "Royal Ave", procedures for opening of chain outlets in Singapore, China, Taiwan etc is already in its final stage of preparations, amidst which, Singapore will be meeting everyone in the offline manner (shop itself), whilst China and Taiwan will begin its online operating beginning July onwards. Park JungMin divulged that he's been memorizing about 10 vocabularies daily so as to practise Mandarin, and even motivated his surrounding friends to join in the line, to which he jokingly felt only so would there be improvement. His recently opened mandarin-operated Weibo (, showed his massive concern over his career as well as towards fans.


  1. Anonymous11:14 PM

    wowwwww wish Jung Min has many many shop in many many country^^

    yes, really quiet too

    yes, i wish to knew about prince Young Saeng [now i know notihng about him T^T] and KYU too

    liezle thanks for news^^

    miss them so much

    always trust & believe them^^
    yesterday today tomorrow and everyday...^^

    and waiting for them only^^

  2. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Most welcome to Singapore, Jungmin!

  3. Anonymous11:56 PM

    wonder whether he will personally come for the opening of his singapore shop. would definitely try to be there if he comes. Really miss him and his sunshine smile!

  4. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Im so happy he deciding to open his shop in Singapore!I would difinitely try to visit his shop if it is open here! I really want to know what is gg on wif the others and will trust in them^^

  5. it's sure quiet around..
    Really wondering what KyuSaeng are doing..

    I hope Jungmin do come over Singapore for the opening of his shop! ^^ I'd support him!! ^^

  6. Anonymous7:23 PM

    I hope to hear something about Kyu , and YS .
    I hope they open it in Malaysia too :)
    hwaiting !
