
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Amazing Love & Support for Kim Hyun Joong

Amazing! That's the only word that came out of my mind when I saw this video.

I see very familiar fanclubs who are great contributors to KHJ community. Keep up the good work guy!

Thanks Marvie for sharing this video here and to SShappyhyun for the upload in YT.

Credit : SSHappyhyun@youtube


  1. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Amazing indeed!..
    Leader has lots and lots of dedicated, and talented fans.

  2. OMG, I got goosebumps and why do I feel so very very proud of him? Well, I am and he is a very generous person so he deserve all those love from everyone.

  3. Anonymous11:15 AM

    can anyone explain abt the rice pack? if there is any significance?

  4. Anonymous11:48 AM

    those are rice given by Leader's fans from around the world for donations in the name of Kim Hyunjoong. That is the best gift the fans can give Leader. Act of charity. Leader must be so proud of his fans. That's the best act of love. The unselfish love.

  5. Anonymous12:04 PM

    KHJ will be blessed even more because he is showing the way for his fans and using his influence to help others, I'm a Filipino and up to now I still feel grateful every time I remember the help he's given our less fortunate countrymen. He's in perfect company with BYJ and I believe that as he becomes even more popular he will become even more influential in getting people to do acts of kindness. God bless you KHJ, may your tribe increase!

  6. janjan12:50 PM

    i wonder how the other cast members thought about the attention and the love that hyun joong is getting? it's so grand! it's so awesome!

    and this is just the presscon... i'm pretty sure that the fan clubs are thinking of other projects to show their support for the drama.

  7. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Do u know that there were 1.3 tonnes of rice donated by different fan clubs of wuri leader from all over the world? That's amazing. The rice will benefit the needy as it will be donated to many charitable organizations in the name of Hyun Joong. The suppliers of the rice flowers were saying that although rice flowers are a popular gift for idols, it has never been as large as this. Leader has amazing fans. Leader is amazing. I m happy to be one of his fans.

  8. Anonymous5:49 PM

    yes, im so proud to be his fans.
    did leader know about this gift? i bet he knew, rite? wow, he must be so proud of his fans .

  9. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Wonderful... Hyun Joong should be proud of his fans. Great work!!!

  10. Anonymous6:42 PM


    Hyun Joong knew about it.

    FROM:Group 8 Twitter

    贤重的全世界各个国家的粉丝邮寄过来的的国旗和米袋子。。果然是规模不小啊。(Group8)告诉贤重有超过100多带大米 让他都拿走吧,结果他说肚子不饿 没关系, 就这样机智的拒绝了。。

  11. Try to translate as below...

    Fans of HJ around the world sent the rice flower bouquet for him, it's really not a small qty. Group8 told HJ there's more than 100bags of rice, for him to bring back. But HJ smartly reject it by telling them he is not hungry, never mind....

    Leader's answer is always unexpected and 4D... ^___^

    HyunJoong hwaiting!!

  12. Anonymous10:48 PM

    wow i am proud to be one of his fans..i'm speechless and this is priceless^^

  13. Anonymous7:37 AM

    I'm just so so proud of being a fan of this amazing young man.
    He deserves all these love from fans as he's such a generous, warmhearted, fine person in reality. May God bless khj always!
